ACM Booklet A5 Size


Methodist International Church Hong Kong
Principles that guide us:
Radical Hospitality – a Christian community welcoming all people
Passionate Worship – seeking the heart of God; offering our lives to God
Intentional Faith Development – a learning community deepening in faith
Risk taking Mission and Service – our God-given mission to make more disciples
Extravagant Generosity – sharing and giving that exceeds expectations
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, Robert Schnase
Patterns of church life:
Worship and Praise – with inspiring God centred worship, relevant and deep
preaching, urgent in prayer and constant in commitment.
Caring Community – welcoming and people centred, nurturing children, young
people and adults in faith, compassionate to those who are in need spiritually,
emotionally or physically, honest in transactions and fair in decision making.
Serving others – looking beyond our boundaries to support those engaged in
community development and action for justice in Wan Chai, Hong Kong and
the wider world.
Making Disciples – intentionally evangelistic, proclaiming good news by giving
voice to the gospel of Jesus in the public space and encouraging members to
share their faith with others and working ecumenically to speak prophetically
to the community.
Learning Community – deepening our faith and bible knowledge, bringing
additional skills and graces to all, being a mission training centre equipping
people for ministry when they return to their country of origin.
Practices we undertake:
We are generous in our giving and take seriously the call to tithe our income.
We welcome all people to our church.
We volunteer as part of our responsibility as members of the church.
We read the Bible to know God more.
We spend time in prayer for the church and things God places on our hearts.
We share faith as a natural part of what we seek to do.
We seek to live for Christ and show his grace by our lives.
We seek to be responsive to the Holy Spirit, who guides us.
Revd Dr Howard Mellor
Move to TSK
The most significant event in the MIC
calendar last year was leaving the MIC
building on the 29 June. The theme of the
final services was one of thanksgiving for
all that we had experienced of God in
that time. Members of the congregation
were encouraged to stand by the part of
the structure which had meant most to
them. People crowded round the
communion table, font, pulpit,
communion rail and very walls of the
building to pray and give thanks.
From 6 July we began to use the SKH
Tang Shiu Kin School in Oi Kwan Road,
and we are grateful to the Principal
Thomas Tai and the Board of Governors
for their welcome. Initially not all the
congregations could join, but from
September the Tagalog congregation
who had used the Duke of Windsor
Auditorium and the Ilocano Fellowship
from Fortress Hill School also joined us at
TSK. It has been an important learning
curve and joy to have all our Hong Kong
Island congregations together on a
We must express our thanks to the
Chinese Methodist Church in Wan Chai for
their kindness in allowing aspects of our
work to meet there regularly: the
Saturday Tagalog Koinonia Fellowship;
Sunday Filipino Christian Community
evening fellowship and sharing; the
Wednesday ‘Playdays'- parent and
toddlers group; and our Christmas Eve
services. In addition we are able to use
the CMC on some public holidays and
when needed for funerals or weddings.
For all these events we are grateful to the
Revd Tin Yau Yuen, to Mr Choi and the
staff of CMC for their welcome and help.
Since July 2014 the site of the old MIC has
been boarded up, the building
demolished completely and excavation
begun for the basement. The committees
related to the development of the new
building’s design and use have worked
very hard. Particular mention should be
made of the Construction Committee –
Stuart Chan, Terry Mountain, Warren
Wong and Johnny Lee – who have shown
such commitment to working with the
Architect, Rocco Yin and Associates. The
MIC User Group and others helping out
with the redevelopment project have
been very busy for the past two months
finalizing the layout of our floors in the
new building.
Building professionals from different
Methodist churches also meet at least
biweekly with Rocco Design Architects,
the firm handling the project, to decide
on all the technical specifications of the
new building. The User Group began
collecting inputs from different sectors
of the congregation in 2013. Based on
this information, it has been determined
that MIC will have the building’s
Basement floor, and floors 1–3, 5–9, and
22 (i.e. the top floor).
Worship is at the top of the priority list
for any church. It’s what we exist to do:
we bear witness, as Christ’s body, to the
greatness of His works, the wonders of
His love, and the need to tell the world
about Him.
So when a church’s worship is disrupted,
it’s no small matter. People feel
uncomfortable at best, and some may
become discouraged as the familiarity
and comfort of weekly worship seem
under threat. Our move to TSK meant
new venue and new sound and lights
needed – and the set up every week!
However we have been blessed by the
many people who have – and continue –
to help in the many logistics tasks.
One highlight of our year in worship
included a response to the absence from
the hall: our Nativity was on the covered
playground and basketball courts, to
great acclaim and with Christmas joy.
To project how each square meter of
God’s place should be used in three, ten
or 30 years is almost beyond
comprehension; but our faithful God has
provided us with a group of dedicated
members on the User Group Committee,
as well as Prayer Warriors who
relentlessly devote their time and effort
to prayer and spiritual support.
At present, the basic building design and
floor layout task is close to completion.
The next giant stage is to define the
building’s interior details. This is where
we need much wider consultation, so we
hope you can get involved. Stay tuned
as to how!
Ross Vermeer & Theresa Lui
Co-chair, User Group Committee
After considerable prayer and discussion
the Worship Committee decided that the
9.30 International Service should retain
its contemporary flavor, but would be
adjusted to a more contemplative
approach. During Lent we celebrated
the Lord’s Supper weekly.
At this point we are grateful to worship
where we do: we have ‘settled in’ to our
new spaces, we are learning how to
prepare for worship in these new
settings both logistically and spiritually,
and we have more space and flexibility
than we’ve ever known at MIC. We look
forward to the remainder of the time we
will worship at TSK – and of course to the
new possibilities in the future.
Ross Vermeer
Building Community
Since the last ACM, the Building
Community group has been involved in
a number of activities and events. These
include several welcome lunches for
newcomers. Our key and exceptionally
talented caterers have been Jane Wong
and Penny Mountain. We are grateful for
the generosity of their time and talent.
The wedding blessing of Sharon Julian
and Mark Stringer took place on 1st
March and was a hugely successful and
well-attended event with over 400
people present. Thanks to all those who
gave generously of their time, talent
and treasure. Jane Wong’s cake tower
was a labor of love and work of art!
On 5th October we held our first ‘event’
since moving to TSK, so there was a little
bit of apprehension about how we
would handle a combined service with
all the MIC congregations followed by a
BBQ lunch celebrating World
Communion Sunday. TSK’s hall and
playground area accommodated
everyone easily, praise God. A big thank
you goes to the team of BBQers, who got
hot while on duty. Thanks also to the
many hands that assisted with setting
up, preparing coleslaw, chopping fruit,
serving and clearing up afterwards.
The Lord blessed us with a loaves and
fishes experience to the point where we
even had quite a few ‘baskets’ of
leftovers. There were many guests who
we hope and pray felt the love and
warmth of the MIC family.
From October till February, our focus
was on supporting the many events and
activities that were planned:
-19th October Walkathon redevelopment fundraiser
-30th November Christmas Concert and fundraising bazaar
-Wanchai Christmas outreach at the Hopewell Centre
-Christmas carolling and party at the
Lockhart Rd Ministry Centre
Looking ahead, we hope to try to
communicate upcoming external events
through our Connect Groups. We also
plan to create ‘Welcome Packs’ to give
out to newcomers. Our next big event
will be the 24th May Pentecost combined
service and fellowship lunch.
A huge thank you to the wonderful
people in our small but committed team
as well as those who have contributed
food and service. These events and
activities couldn’t happen without your
Cheryl Osborne
Sunday School
What a joy the MIC children are! Lively,
curious, full of fun – to spend time with
them is such a pleasure!
The children's ministry continues to
develop with wonderful children and
enthusiastic teachers and assistants. Moving to TSK has presented challenges
but also great opportunities for us.
However the increased space at the
school, both inside and out, has been
fantastic! We can now run about and be
more adventurous in our activities...a
nativity on a basketball court wasn't
possible before! A huge thank you must
go to our volunteers who each week set
up the rooms so that the children have a
good learning environment.
Our curriculum continues to be
appreciated by the children, parents and
teachers. With lots of ideas and great
resources, it is an adaptable and good
quality scheme. April 19th was our Open
Sunday School Festival where parents
joined their children to take part in a
wide variety of crafts, games and songs.
The cupcake decorating was especially
Looking forward, we hope to extend our
singing/ music opportunities for the
children and also create times for
parents to meet.
Children, at MIC, are valued and
nurtured towards a lively faith in Jesus.
The children's ministry team feel hugely
privileged to be part of that journey.
Rosie Mellor
The CIA youth group is having a great
time. When we first moved into TSK we
met in classroom 101 (with not much
space) but now we are meeting in the
3/F Student Activity Centre. There are
usually between 20 and 30 young
people, and over the past year we've
been putting a strong emphasis on
inviting friends to church activities. We
also followed the same scripture as the
adult sermon series, in the hope that
parents and young people could talk
together about what they've learned.
We have also started running a monthly
youth Alpha Course, using a new series
of videos that has been released by
Alpha Canada. These are very high
quality and free! Many thanks go to the
parents who are volunteering as small
group leaders. Thanks for your support!
Young Adults
Before we left the old church building,
this was a difficult ministry to start.
Moving out of the church gave us new
energy to gather together in creative
ways. Accordingly, the young adults in
MIC hosted Thanksgiving and Christmas
parties and brought friends along to
meet new people. In January we began
the Alpha Course to introduce young
adults to the Christian faith. We
continue to meet on a regular basis.
The young adults group is also involved
in street evangelism. In January young
adults from MIC partnered with young
adults from the Vine and took to the
streets of Central performing music and
inviting people to attend the Alpha
course. The team is doing another music
outreach in April at TST harbour front.
Hopefully the young adults group will
continue its activities and over time will
grow both in number and in depth of
Jacob Wain, Youth Worker
Adult Discipleship
Since the Connect Groups were
established in June 2014, five new
groups have been formed and together
with the on-going three small groups,
there are now eight groups altogether,
consisting of 50+ members in total and
representing 25% of the international
congregation. There is obviously a
potential for further growth and we are
very pleased to see the birth of a new
(Monday) group last month. Genuine
interest has been maintained by the
CGs. The initial focus for the majority of
the CG groups during the initial stage
has largely been on friendship building.
We look forward to the members
growing closer to God and to one
another. CG is a great way to get to
know one another better, to share,
support, and grow together. All are
welcomed to join.
Prayer Ministry
Praise God! Prayer Ministry at MIC is
currently going from strength to
strength. When Church Council recently
envisioned a need for prayer to be
placed central to the church activities,
some new initiatives came about. One
new initiative is the development of a
prayer space at TSK- called the Prayer
Garden. Using our team of rostered
Prayer Intercessors we are able to pray
in a quieter space with people who
request it after both the 9.30 and 11.00
services. We hope in the future opening
hours could be extended to cover
further periods on each Sunday.
The on-going small groups have
continued their study and fellowship,
each according to its own needs. For
one season in particular, the Tuesday
small group has chosen to reinforce the
messages preached on Sunday. Also, on
the 24th March 2014, Rev. Howard joined
the group and gave a presentation on
Another opportunity for intercession is
that people at the services are invited
to submit written prayer requests.
These are prayed over on the same
morning by the team and can be
followed up through the week with
further prayer via email to our
intercessors prayer chain. The excellent
work of the Prayer Warriors continues.
The Lay Preacher Course, now in its
second year, started in October 2014
with an average of 17 students
attending. Subject to future
development, it is conceivable that the
cohorts could be developed to become
a resource for the sustainable
development of discipleship learning,
leadership, and worship.
With the move to TSK and the new CG
structure now in place, it is considered
possible to organize discipleship and
learning in a different way. This might
include closer collaboration with the
other ministry areas such as prayer.
Cecilia Wong
Through regular email updates they
pray for the MIC redevelopment and
also for MIC's current needs.
Josephine's prayer points on the weekly
service sheets provide another way for
every church member to be involved in
praying for topical needs.
On each second Sunday of the month we
aim to meet together with all the Prayer
Ministry members- this is the Prayer
warriors, the Intercessors, the FCC PUSH
team and the Putonghua prayer team.
If you would like to drop in to the mass
prayer on second Sundays at 10.30
please do come along as it's not
exclusive- we can all play our part in
praying for our church. We pray through issues such as the
redevelopment; support for the staff and
ministry team and we pray for each
different ministry and service of the
church. What a privilege it is to come
together and hold these things before
our Heavenly Father! The first of these
was held in April and we plan for them
to continue monthly. In the future we hope to run some
training workshops which are open to
all who are interested to find out more
about praying. One of the most exciting
things about being involved in the
prayer ministry is realising how God
equips us to support each other.
Members of our Intercessors team say
that they feel it is a humble privilege
and personally fulfilling to be asked to
pray with someone. Therefore finally
the most important way you can be
involved is by making sure you use this
God given resource! Keep asking for
prayer – it's really helpful! And keep
submitting your written requests too.
Finally we have a number of our Prayer
Intercessors linked in a whatsapp chat
group. This has allowed for midweek
inspirations or encouragements to be
shared. We can also target specific
issues with more regular prayer. We
welcome any church members who are
interested in becoming involved in
Prayer Ministry to speak to Cassy,
Josephine or Leona. If you would like to
receive regular general church prayer
points why not sign up for the Prayer
Warriors emails?
Cassy Henderson
Reaching out to
share and care
This has been another busy and fruitful
year for our outreach ministries, with a
number of our congregation members
getting involved in the following areas.
Inner City Ministries Kids’ Club
MIC is now responsible for leading the
Inner City Ministries Kids Club once
every two months on a Saturday
afternoon. This is a club for ethnic
minority children mainly from Nepal,
aged 3–10, to learn about Jesus. Many
of them face challenges growing up in
Hong Kong and do not have other
opportunities to attend church or
Christian gatherings. At Kids Club they
sing Christian songs, listen to Bible
stories and do activities which help
them to understand and respond to
God’s love for them. The club is growing
rapidly and now has around 45 children
attending every week. They are loud
and enthusiastic and it is a joy to teach
them (though also exhausting!). Due to
the expanding numbers of kids, we are
also seeking expanding numbers of
volunteers so that we can engage with
the children on a more individual basis.
See Caroline Leung if you can help.
Bethune House
This year we have been supporting
Bethune House, a shelter for displaced
foreign domestic workers. We have
organized a coin collection and a
collection of toiletries, and provided
help with translation. We hope to
expand our involvement in this ministry
as we move forward.
Home of Loving Faithfulness
Thank you to all members of the
congregation who shared their time in
volunteering to cook at the Home Of
Loving Faithfulness (HOLF) on Sunday
when the normal kitchen staff are on
their day off. The carers at HOLF are
always very happy to see us and are
most welcoming each time we prepare
an evening meal for them.
We are thankful to God for his provision
to this home in a myriad of ways.
Valerie decided that it was time to
retire as a Trustee at the end of 2014,
and we give thanks to God for her
humble, wise, faithful and selfless
dedicated service.
Ms Tracy Patrick is now the new senior
manager and two new nurses have
joined to look after the residents. MIC,
along with other churches continues to
take turns to each do five trips to HOLF a
year. We are always looking for
volunteers and this is a wonderful
opportunity to reach out and help
people who have dedicated their lives
to taking care of those in need. We pray
that God will continue to touch our
hearts and encourage all to share our
time with these most deserving people.
Prison Ministry
A small team from MIC goes regularly to
visit English-speaking inmates at Shek
Pik Prison, Castlepeak Immigration
Centre and Tong Fuk Correctional
Institution. We lead Bible studies,
preach the gospel and talk with the
inmates. Some are from Muslim
backgrounds, but they are still willing
to discuss the Bible. Others are already
Christians, and we encourage them to
live out their faith in prison and on
release. The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few, so please contact Hong
Sim Lim if God is calling you to serve.
Methodist Study Trust
This year MIC members in conjunction
with the MST began the YES (Youth
Empowerment Service) which provides
training for young adults with special
educational needs. MIC supported the
annual MST Sponsored Walk, raising
money towards scholarships for
disabled/low-income students to
continue their studies in Hong Kong.
Some have even become mentors to
individual students.
Financial giving
As part of our church budget, we set
aside around 10% of our offerings in
2014 for outreach and mission.
Recipients included Christian Action,
Bethune House, Inner City Ministries,
the Home of Loving Faithfulness,
Crossroads International, and
International Care Ministries.
Sharing the Christmas joy
A few days before Christmas, an
enthusiastic group of carollers set off
from the MIC Ministry Centre one
evening and walked down Lockhart
Road and around Wanchai MTR station,
singing carols and giving out
evangelistic leaflets to those listening in
the bars and along the streets. On a
separate occasion, the MIC choirs
performed outside the Hopewell Centre,
singing with joyful voices while the
outreach team gave out leaflets to
passers-by inviting them to join our
Christmas services.
Caroline Leung & Virgie Lewis
Mission Trip to
"Dumaguete Philippines
Ten, nine, eight… God is great!
10 – strong & courageous MIC servants
9 – Fruits of the Spirit motions to do quickly without tying oneself in a knot
8 – Energetic family group chants
including cartwheels & breakdancing
Four, three, two, one,
He’s the king of everyone.
God’s the mighty, mighty Lord of all!
4 – MIC song & action leaders to teach
the scripture through music/moves
3 – gallons of water consumed per
person per day
2 – story-tellers in funny hats
Seven, six, five… God’s alive!
1 – Amazing God!
7 – ‘I AM’ sayings of Jesus, with
corresponding interactive Bible stories
6 – Family Group leaders to love, guide,
and care for the children
5 – Colorful, creative crafts for each child
to take home to share good news
It was a Spirit-filled, memorable week
for all of us, and the children of
Dumaguete will be singing for years to
come about Jesus, who said, ‘I AM’…
Many thanks to all those who supported
this year’s Mission Trip in prayer and
Revd Marybeth Asher-Lawson
Filipino Christian
It was at the ACM in 2013 that the
Filipino Christian Community (FCC) was
formed, bringing together the Former
Filipino Fellowship and the Filipino
Ministry. Last year, after the
recommendation of the first FCC General
Assembly the ACM confirmed the
thirteen focus group leaders to lead the
Community under the pastoral care of
Revd Ray Sison.
The appointment of these focus group
leaders into office in July 2014 effected
the transition of leadership from holdover positions from the Filipino Ministry
and Filipino Fellowship to the new FCC
leadership. The focus groups are
designed to follow the pattern used by
the International congregation. During
the first General Assembly, we adopted
the Guidelines for Holy Conferencing set
forth by the UMC as our standard for
conferencing, and this has also been
adopted by the MIC Church Council.
The move to TSK, has served to develop
cooperation and community among the
Filipino members to a certain extent,
due to the demands of the logistics of
worshiping at TSK. The ground floor
tables as a common dining and
community area has also contributed to
this community building. Cooperation, if
not community, between the
International and Filipino
congregations, has been enhanced as
well, due to the logistical demands of
our TSK sojourn. Sharon and Mark’s
wedding stands as witness to this fact.
Discipleship & Nurture
There are 11 Bible study and discipleship
classes every Sunday. The new
Discipleship courses will use the Disciple
material produced by the UMC Board Of
Disicpleship. A Teacher’s Clinic has been
instituted every 4th and 5th Sunday at
11:30 – 12:30 under the supervision of
Revd Ray. Bible studies & discipleship
classes are shortened on these Sundays.
October 2014 was designated D&N
month and Bible Study leaders, teachers
and students were assigned to serve
during the worship services. Bible Study
offerings are submitted to the FCC
Treasurer and from January 2015 these
have been attributed to the MIC
Redevelopment Fund.
Loida Lacsina
Freedom, Fire and Focus
Freedom, Fire, and Focus (‘3F’) is a
spiritual formation program which takes
its inspiration from John Wesley’s small
groups and a 21st century reincarnation
of this being reworked in the Manila
Episcopal Area called UMC DOCS
(Disciples of Christ). It borrows heavily
from Ignatian prayer and spirituality. Its
purpose is to develop a growth-geared
network of small groups accountable to
God, MIC, and each other. In the move to
TSK, the table groupings became an
opportunity to bring the 3F experience
to the community.
During this first quarter of 2015, the 3F
leadership has undergone re-tooling to
strengthen their leadership. Starting in
April, attendance in 3F groups will be
required of the guitar and piano classes.
10:00 pm every Wednesday, and gather
every Sunday from 1:30 to 4:00 pm in
prayer. They ask that each ministry
designate a prayer coordinator for each
A Wanchai Adventure, Year 2, was held
on New Year’s Day. It continued to serve
as a fun-filled introduction to 3F
strategies. A spiritual retreat based on
Jesus’ ‘I AM’ sayings held on February 20
at a park along Quarry Bay Tree Walk
was well attended.
We continue to raise funds for the Good
Samaritan Fund, the scholarship fund,
and Bethune House support. Recipients
to date number 35 since July 2013. We
continue to participate in UNIFIL and
other ecumenical activities. We collected
coins for Bethune, danced at One Billion
Rising (including Revd. Howard),
supported signature campaigns.
Ruth Espiritu & Sonia Mendita
Outreach & Evangelism
The Lydia Livelihood program is now in
its second batch, which started in
September. Offered are bead crafting,
Ribbon folding, Computer, Sewing, and
Macrame. The registration of $100 goes
to the redevelopment fund.
Leadership Development
There are 18 Theological Education by
Extension students studying a course
which leads to a BA In Ministry at UTS in
Manilla. We expect about 12 to graduate
next May 2016. There are also 35
members of the TEM. A fellowship lunch
is held every 3rd Sunday. Lay Preacher
Organization hold clinics on 2nd & 3rd
Sundays of the month. 3 have gone
home to the Philippines and to Canada.
Millany Andres
Building Community
The PUSH (Pray Until Something
Happens) Team carries out a vital
healing, deliverance and discernment
ministry. It intercedes for all worship
services and church activities. Aside from
leading in the FCC-wide prayer meeting
every first Sunday of the month, its
members join each other in prayer at
Due to the logistical needs of worshiping
at TSK, the Building Community focus
group is the most busy, particularly in
setting up and packing up. They have
also been busy raising funds for
redevelopment through their Sacrificial
Bun & Coffee campaign every third
Sunday. The Care Group Ministry is
active, holding Bible studies or 3F
activities for newcomers after the 9:00
service and praying for those who are in
a hurry to go. They also offer breakfast
and a token bookmark to visitors. A trial
‘everybody’s birthday’ event was held
last September. BC also hosted a
welcome event for the Ilocano
Despite the situation at TSK, BC has been
able to provide food during the FCC
Thanksgiving in November and the
abovementioned events. It feted a sendoff for Dali Cadiente and hosted a
Christmas party for FCC.
A Help Desk has been formally approved
be the Church Council and we are tying
up with Global Filipino Movement Inc.
for training and linkages.
Jonavel Aliliah
Ilocano Ministry
The Ilocano Service joined us at Tang
Shiu Kin in September 2014, after 10
years of worshiping at Fortress Hill
Methodist School. They have doubled
their attendance, with as many as 80
worshipers on a given Sunday, since the
move. They recently celebrated their
11th year as a congregation. Their move
in at TSK has provided additional
leadership for the FCC as well as MIC as a
whole, particularly in the areas of
logistics and guitar training. The Ilocano
congregation maintains a fund from
which it helps churches in the
Philippines in their building projects.
Worship and Music
Our choirs, Liturgical Dance and
Angklung Ensemble have been in
demand, both in regular and special MIC
events as well as beyond the walls of
MIC. The Worship Ministry Team is
recruiting members. Some technical
glitches have not dampened the
enthusiasm of our Praise & Worship
team, which continues to serve every
Sunday, except on Communion & 5th
Sundays. We also have guitar and piano
Aurie Palecpec
General Assembly
The General Assembly agreed the
following recommendations
1. That we again affirm our support of
Freedom, Fire and Focus as a basic
spiritual formation process and 3F
groups as the basic connect groups
for FCC membership, and encourage
all members to participate.
2. That we request a voluntary
collection of $20/month from each
member to augment our funds.
3. That we designate a prayer
coordinator in each ministry.
4. That we designate 2 representatives
from each ministry to attend the
Worship and Music Focus Group on
rotational basis.
Shatin Fellowship
‘SPIRIT OF LOVE and UNITY’ – These are
the words that we can best describe THE
SHATIN FELLOWSHIP. Over the years, the
fellowship still remained intact and
strongly built in oneness. Trials come
and go, but these served as challenges
to the fellowship to stand firmly in faith
as a family and as one body in Christ.
Shatin Fellowship's membership has
grown numerically and spiritually. On
January 11, 2015 during the Covenant
Sunday Service preached by Rev Ray
Sison, three of our sisters in Christ
reaffirmed their baptismal vows.
Two more of our members are to be
baptized soon. This shows that we are
experiencing God's leading in our lives
and transforming us to become what He
wants for us to be. We continue to study
God's word through our Bible study and
Last November we were invited to sing
‘Unwavering Faith’ at the Shatin
Chinese Methodist Church Thanksgiving
anniversary worship service. On 22
March we again celebrated Shatin
Fellowship's 17th anniversary. Revd Ray
was our preacher and shared with us
very inspiring message of God from our
theme SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Hearts,
Prayer and Experiences). It was a very
successful event attended by the
different ministries of MIC-HK. The
Mission Offering went to the
redevelopment fund.
The Shatin Fellowship is blessed to be a
family moulded and shaped by God and
to be a congregation of LOVE, FAITH,
and UNITY that is ALIVE! To God be the
Irene Amigable
Fellowship Report
Our weekly worship moved to 4pm
when we relocated to TSK. Holy
Communion is held monthly. In the
past 12 months around 100 newcomers
have visited. Most of them are tourists.
The average attendance is around 40
people, and is slowly increasing and
becoming more stable and committed.
Four people transferred their
memberships to the Methodist Church,
Hong Kong, and one person was
baptized on Christmas Day.
Kid's Sunday School provides a perfect
environment for children to sing, play
and learn God's word in their mother
tongue. We have to thank Annie Wong,
Sunday School teacher, for her tireless
efforts in preparing the Sunday School
materials. Pray that God will provide
more teachers to share her burden.
Cantonese class has served more than
200 young professionals from Mainland
The Choir group has nearly 20
members and sings regularly. The
Praise Dance group continues to be a
good platform to share the gospel.
Some of the group members are keen
to get certified as praise dance coaches
in order to facilitate the development
of the Praise Dance Platform. Both
groups shared at the Christmas Concert
and Hopewell evangelistic event.
Weekday Bible study group was led
first by Rebekah to study the Gospel of
Mark and Philippians, then by Zhou
Hong to study Acts. Bible lectures on
special topics were held in August,
September and October. Dr. Nathanael
Wang Xuesheng was the guest speaker.
EBS (Evangelistic Bible Study) course
started in November 2014. It is led by
Mr. Wong, a skilled lay preacher.
China in the past year. More than 20
local teachers from more than 5 local
Methodist Churches have shared God's
love with them. Some showed interest
in the Christian faith and attended
special evangelistic gatherings during
Christmas and Easter.
English Club started in November 2014.
Led by Rosie Mellor, there are around
10 young people in the group. They
share their life, joy and food together.
A Love Feast was held after special
evangelistic services during Christmas
and our 2nd Anniversary celebration.
The launch of the Family Letter as a
monthly news-sheet has been a success
keeping everyone in PTH Fellowship in
touch with prayer requests. It is also an
ideal platform for sharing testimonies
and recounting God's grace. An
Anniversary booklet was published as a
record of our 2nd year ministry.
Rebekah Chen, Pastoral Worker
Keeping Good Account
As MIC prepares for the future and assesses the present situation of our finances, we
praise God for the congregation’s thoughtful and generous offerings over the last
three years. In that time we have appointed new members of staff: Administrative
Assistant Leona Lo; Youth Worker Jacob Wain; Pastoral Worker Rebekah Chen, who
leads our Putonghua Fellowship and welcomed Revd Dr Antonio Chan and Josephine
In addition to staff appointments, your gifts have enabled us to resource the Sunday
School; provide for community building; purchase equipment to enhance our
worship; establish outreach giving and support of Ministries in HK and abroad and of
course embark on the Redevelopment.
What happened to our finances in 2014?
We had a deficit. Leaving 271 QRE and moving office and worship location were
always going to be financially challenging. We have ‘lost’ income from weddings and
have costs associated with rental for Sundays and our mid-week Ministry Centre.
However on the plus side MIC raised nearly $2.9 million for the Redevelopment Fund
which meant that our total income was a staggering $7,808,320. We decided a year
ago to capitalise the relocation costs but on our current account for 2014 we had a
deficit of $138,809.
FCC Scholarship Fund"
FCC Good Samaritan "
Other Income inc Wedding"
MIC Hall Rental"
Bank Interest"
Putonghua Fellowship"
Stewardship & Pledges "
Loose Offerings
Worship, Choir & Music"
The ministry members have new uniforms since October 2014.
Christian Education"
Fortress Hill"
Outreach "
A trial ‘everybody’s birthday’ event was heldPastoral
last September.
care "
Administration "
was collected per member for food. The focus group would like to
continue, although on a quarterly basis due to
busy schedules.
Ministry "
also hosted a welcome event for the Ilocano Congregation.
Filipino Ministry "
Human Resources
Duke of Windsor "
Shatin "
What is the picture for 2015?
So what does the ‘faith budget’ for 2015 look like? If the present level of giving
continues then we are expecting a deficit of $131,257 unless Sunday offerings
increase. Alan Norman (Treasurer) and the Keeping Good Account Focus Group
have prepared a detailed, prudent and robust budget (Contact Sandy at the Office
for a copy). It is faithful to the work to which we believe God is calling us and a
challenge for us to consider prayerfully. Now it is time for us to respond again to
God’s call to move forward. The Church Council has agreed a ‘faith budget’ for
2015. We firmly believe God is calling us to continue our work and prepare for the
return to the new building in late autumn of 2017.
What can you do?
Please pray about the needs of the church and its ministry.
Consider your own contribution to the funds of the church.
The Methodist Church Hong Kong challenges members to tithe (10% of
income) to their local church.
Use the envelope system to donate monthly or weekly.
If needed, ask for details about giving by Auto-Pay to our funds.
Use your MIC number for donations to ensure tax receipt. We provide an
annual summary of identified giving in May each year for tax purposes.
US Taxpayers may give through ‘Friends of HK Charities’ to receive US tax
Ask Alan, Leona or our Church Stewards if you need more information.
With your help we can be and become a Beacon Church shining the light of Christ
in Wan Chai and Hong Kong, preaching grace and caring for people.
Contact us on T:2575 7817 E: W:
Despite the situation at TSK, BC has been able to provide food during
the FCC Thanksgiving in November and the abovementioned events.
It feted a send-off for Dali Cadiente and hosted a Christmas party for
A Help Desk has been formally approved be the Church Council and
we are tying up with Global Filipino Movement Inc. for training and
CIA Sunday May 17th
Pentecost May 24th