Jekyll and Hyde final project guidelines

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Final Project English 12 Each project will include some sort of written component and some sort of creative component. You may complete this project with a group (no more than four people to a group), a partner, or individually. You need to put lots of effort into your projects, so choose something you’ll enjoy doing! These project suggestions can be altered or replaced with approval. Projects are due: Friday March 6th Choose ONE of the following options: 1. Research Victorian London (the late 1800s). What was it like to be an average citizen in London, England during this time? What major events during this time would’ve affected the characters in the story? How does a thorough understanding of this setting affect how we view the characters and plot? Present your findings to the class (use, Power Point, or another format pre-­‐approved by Ms. Rowen). You could also get creative and include a diorama or other form of visual representation in place of a PowerPoint if you prefer! You must also write a 200-­‐word summary of your findings that answers the previous questions. 2. On fabric or large paper (or poster), create a mural of the most significant events in the story (4 scene minimum). You will need to present your mural to the class and describe each scene. You must also provide a written description of your mural (in 200 words), which discusses why you portrayed the story the way you did. 3. Script a eulogy after Dr. Lanyon’s (OR Dr. Jekyll’s) death given by Mr. Utterson or another major character in the story (200 words). Then, create a pamphlet or program that could’ve been handed out at Dr. Lanyon’s funeral. This program should describe the event (show the time for the ceremony, location, etc.) and say something to memorialize Dr. Lanyon. a. As an alternative to creating a program, you could create a video memorial dedicated to Dr. Lanyon in which the Eulogy is performed. b. You may also choose to perform a “scene” of Dr. Lanyon’s funeral live in class where the eulogy is performed. 4. Create a board game based on the characters and plot of the story. The board game should have pictures and/or words that represent places or happenings in the story. Your game needs to be played by the entire class – either as one group, or played in small groups (talk to me about your plan). Be sure to include detailed directions that explain how to play the game (200 words)! These directions should include some rationale, which explains how the game works and how it represents the story as a whole. 5. Present a news broadcast of a “special report” on the discovery of Dr. Jekyll’s secret. Interview family members and others involved in the event. The video must be 3-­‐5 minutes long. You must also compose a script with everyone’s lines in the video and turn it in separately (200 words). 6. Create a movie trailer for an accurate film adaptation of the story. Your video must be 3-­‐5 minutes long, and include the most important plot points and characters from the story. Write a 200-­‐word script with everyone’s lines OR a 200-­‐word description of the creative choices you made (what parts of the story did you show in the trailer? What differences occur between reading the book and creating a visual representation?) 7. Film a game show revolved around The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (3-­‐5 minutes long) and include a written 200-­‐word script that includes everyone’s lines (and scene description): a. Film a modern day game show based off of the story that asks questions about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to contestants. b. Family Feud from the Victorian ages: Use historical information to create the “survey” answers and have the 19th century contestants fight for first place! 8. If you have any other ideas, please talk to me and get it approved first! 