Enrolling In SmartWork

How to Register in SmartWork
To register into SmartWork you will need an Enrollment Key (provided by your
instructor), a valid email address, and a Registration Code from W. W. Norton.
My Enrollment Key is: _____________________________________
My Registration Code is:
1. Go to smartwork.wwnorton.com
2. Select “Get Started”
3. Fill out all fields and click “Create my new Account.”
4. You will receive a confirmation email from no-reply@wwnorton.com to confirm your
account….Please confirm your account to proceed with the registration process.
5. Login to SmartWork and then choose your discipline and your Instructor’s course.
6. Enter the Enrollment Key provided by your instructor, and your Registration Code.
Click “Join this course.”
Don’t forget to record your username and password for future reference.
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ■ Independent and Employee-owned ■ wwnorton.com/college ■ For
technical support, go to wwnorton.com/smartwork”