The Cellist of Sarajevo - Mrs. Lotoski's English Classes' Blog

The Cellist of Sarajevo
by Steven Galloway
The Cellist of Sarajevo
Steven Galloway
1. Vocabulary ….not for marks, but it will make you stronger. (Unit
exam will include a random sampling of these!)
2. Socratic Seminar Questions – Don’t leave these to the last minute!
Typed or handwritten – whatever you prefer!
Leave space to add
ideas from you peers – Tuesday, Dec. 16th, and Wednesday, Dec.
17th – TWO DAYS!!
3. Class Lit Circle Prep (during the discussion, I expect you to use a
different pen colour to include new thoughts/ideas…etc )
a. Part I (1-44) – Wed., Dec 3rd.
b. Part II (47-171) – Wed., Dec 10th.
c. Part III & IV (175-258) – Mon., Dec. 15th
FINAL LOTOSKI UNIT TEST – Thursday, Dec. 18th!!
Overall Notes: [make sure to FLAG these in your reading!]
 TRUTH (sometimes subjective!) vs. Idealism
 DEFINING MOMENTS for the characters (“point of no return”!)
For discussion purposes
 Switches to 2nd PERSON (“YOU!”) – purpose?
 Function of the CELLIST in the narrative and his MOTIVATION
 PROFOUND/MEANINGFUL passages that strike you as significant
 SYMBOLS (ex. the National Library, water…)
Socratic Seminar Discussion Questions: [Dec. 15th and 16th)
*On a separate piece of paper, record your answers. The MAIN questions are the ones
that are bolded; the other questions are guiding questions to help you and to focus you.
1. What effect does the constant confrontation of war and occupation have
on each narrator? Does suffering, violence and loss ever become normalized
for them? What is it like to live in this kind of anarchy—especially when
symbols of peace and power have been extinguished (the eternal flame from
WWII, the Kosovo Olympic Stadium now used for a burial ground, the
National Library)? And what does it mean to have the color, beauty, and
vibrancy of music and flowers (left behind for the cellist) introduced?
2. How has life changed in the city since the arrival of the men on the hills?
What resources, both physical and mental, are the four characters in the
book using to help them survive? What is involved in day-to-day living? How
would you fare under these same conditions—and what would be your
greatest challenge?
3. Each chapter in the novel is told through the lens of one of the four main
characters (including the cellist) in the story. How does this strategy colour
our reading? How might our experience be different if told in first person? If
it were told in a more journalistic way?
4. How do each of the characters (Arrow, Dragan, Kenan) view their fellow
citizens? How do they each look upon their struggles, choices, and their
attitudes? What makes them not give up on each other? Does Kenan’s
classification of the “three types of people” (144) ring true to you?
5. Do you think the author intends for the reader to be sympathetic to
Arrow’s life and career trajectory? What prevents (or encourages) us from
fully engaging, trusting, relating to her? Do you think war forces everyone to
compromise something in themselves—their attitude, their moral compass?
6. What are the goals of “the men on the hills”? What exactly is it they are
trying to destroy? What do they come to represent for the main characters—
and what separates them from Arrow?
7. In the beginning of the novel, Dragan avoids his friends and coworkers
because “the destruction of the living is too much for him”. Arrow assumes a
new name to distance herself from her role as a sniper, and Kenan takes
refuge in his new ritual of obtaining water for his family. How have the
three used rituals as ways to cope with their fear of what is happening
in the city? At the end of the book, do you feel that their experiences of the
cellist’s performances have changed how they deal with the danger around
them? In what way?
8. What force does music have upon the war-torn state – and what power
does it have over the lives of the characters? (For Kenan, Arrow, Dragan
and the Cellist?) Do you feel yourself relating to the power of the cellist’s
performances? Are there parallel moments in your life where you also
experienced such sudden awakening, or realization?
9. In one of his early chapters, Kenan is particularly disturbed by the
interruption and shelled state of the tram’s service (“The war will not be over
until the trams run again”) and the destruction of the National Library (“the
most visible manifestation of a society he was proud of”)-representing for
him basic civilization. What signs, services, and signals do you consider
pillars of civilization? Why?
10. Why do you think the sniper avoids taking his shot at the cellist—
especially when he has such ample opportunity?
11. Why does Dragan take such drastic measures to prevent the dead man’s
body from being filmed by the journalist? What does the author suggest
through this as a lesson for the living? What are we to do to prevent the
horror of war from becoming commonplace, something to tune our
televisions out from?
12. Were you surprised by Arrow’s final act of protest? Do you think she was
ultimately able to reclaim herself, her identity? Do you think she succeeded?
Lit Circle – Part I: Wednesday, December 3rd
1. Define JUXTAPOSITION. Flag moments of it the novel.
2. Define REALISM. Flag moments of it in the novel.
Other Notes (based upon “flags”) – think about first impressions
Lit Circle – Part II: Wed., December 10th
In Part II (& I as well), how do the three protagonists reveal moments that define
their humanity? I expect to see some SPECIFIC passages NOTED & INTERPRETED.
“It’s just something you do because life is a series of tiny, unavoidable decisions…
there are no grand moments where a person does or does not perform the act that
defines their humanity.” (95 & 96)
“For days afterwards, the ash of a million books floated down onto the city like
snow.” (112)
“The Cellist…why do you suppose he’s there? Is he playing for the people who died?
Or is he playing for the people who haven’t? What does he hope to accomplish?”
Arrow’s epiphany! (151)
What shift in attitude does Kenan reveal at the end of Part II? Why?
Other Notes (based upon “flags”) – think about character development/motivation
Lit Circle Part III: Monday, December 15th
Each character has moments of reflection upon the past AND/OR what they hope for
the future. Compare/contrast.
Discuss Kenan’s comment that “city heals itself” (209)
Discuss Arrow’s epiphany (226)
Discuss Dragan’s response to the dead body (consider his response to Emina)
Discuss: “If this city is to die, it won’t be because of the men on the hills, it will
be because of the people in the valley” (238)
Other Notes (based upon “flags”) – think about character development/motivation
Lit Circle Part IV: Also, Monday, December 15th
Think about the ending – are you happy with the ending for each? And…
Kenan’s rebuilding epiphany (244)
Dragan’s struggle with lies and truth
Arrow’s choices