AP Statistics Information

AP Statistics Information
2” 3-Ring binder with dividers (there will be 12 units)
Loose leaf paper
Pencils with erasers
Index cards
Calculator: TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver or TI-84 Plus C Silver graphing calculator
(see picture at right)
(TI-83 series calculators will not have all of the statistical features that we
will be using in class. You can get by with a TI-83. Just know that at times
you will be doing a more complicated process than those with a TI-84.)
Highly recommended:
Barron’s AP Statistics Flashcards box ISBN-10: 0-7641-9410-0 ($18.99)
“AP Statistics” 4th edition by REA ISBN-10: 0-7386-0790-8 ($24.95)
TI-84 Plus
Price & where to find the TI-84 calculator:
Can be found at Staples, Office Dept, Walmart, Target, Amazon.com
TI-84 Plus price: $109–$120
TI-84 Plus Silver price: $130
TI-84 Plus C Silver price: $130-$150
While we realize that the cost of the graphing
calculator is an expensive item on the supply list,
know that this calculator will serve the student’s
needs through both high school AND college. If
this purchase would cause an undo financial
burden, please contact your child’s teacher at the
beginning of the school year.
What You Can Expect:
Direct teaching (teacher-led notes) with 1-2 examples for each type of problem.
Student learning tasks (group & individual tasks that will reveal statistical relationships).
Daily homework.
Quizzes that will provide feedback on what you need to work on before the test.
Tests that cover all of the material in the unit.
To learn how to study. You will not receive a review sheet for assessments.
Reading, both in the textbook and in problem situations.
Showing your work, no matter how small the calculation.
Explaining, in words, how the numbers relate to the problem situation.
Learning will start on the first day of school.
Ways to Succeed in this Class:
Take notes everyday and keep them organized by date in your binder.
Fully complete homework every day, putting forth your best effort. Check your solutions on Angel. Ask
questions regarding your homework during class and/or extra help.
Read all of your notes and/or homework from the current unit every day. In other words, study every day
and not just the night before the assessment. Ask for clarification, as needed, well in advance of the test.
Get help when you are confused by asking questions during class and/or attending help sessions.
Read your REA review book and quiz yourself using the Barron’s flashcards to study for all assessments.
Read your textbook.
Topics You Can Study Over the Summer:
These topics/problems are optional. However, completing them the week before the start of school will result
in a smoother transition into this course. Show all of your work.
1. Use the following internet resource to define the terms below. Make an index card for each term.
Observational study
Simple random sampling
Stratified sampling
Cluster sampling
Systematic sampling
Voluntary sample
Convenience sample
Nonresponse bias
Response bias
Factor (explanatory variable)
Confounding (variable)
Categorical variable
Quantitative variable
Discrete variable
Continuous variable
For #2-4, use the following formulas and information. You may use a scientific or graphing calculator to
calculate your values.
s a m p le m e a n
s a m p le s ta n d a rd d e v ia tio n
Five-number summary consists of minimum, quartile 1(Q1), median, quartile 3(Q3), and maximum
IQR = Q3 – Q1
2. Draw a dot plot of the data. Then calculate the sample mean, median, and standard deviation.
3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 1, 5, 9, 8, 7, 9, 4, 1, 2, 6, 1, 9, 6, 6, 4
3. The data below are the amount of time spent on the internet (in minutes) on a particular day for 30
students. Draw a histogram of the data. Use 7 groups. Then calculate the sample mean, median, and
standard deviation.
7, 42, 72, 20, 43, 75, 24, 44, 77, 25, 45, 78, 25, 46, 79, 28,
47, 83, 28, 48, 87, 30, 48, 88, 32, 50, 135, 35, 51, 151
4. Calculate the sample mean, standard deviation, the five-number summary, and IQR. Then draw a box plot
of the data.
19, 22, 23, 23, 23, 26, 26, 27, 28, 29, 29, 31, 32