Volkswagen car dealerships

Volkswagen car dealerships | ArchiNETWORK
Project report
Volkswagen car dealerships
Europe, Russia & South America
Customer network Alcoa Architectural Products, Merxheim
Reynobond® Corporate pre-painted aluminium composite panels
in XXL format (width: 2,000 mm)
Colour: Volkswagen white satin; coating: DURAGLOSS® 3000
Cassettes KU 50 VA for entrance portals of car dealerships
Self- and air-cleaning coating EcoClean™
Volkswagen car dealerships
VW entrusts corporate identity
to Alcoa Architectural Products
Since more than 10 years Alcoa Architectural Products delivers
Reynobond® pre-painted aluminium composite panels as cladding material for the three entrance portals of most of the Volkswagen car dealerships in Europe, Russia and South America.
In case of new constructed buildings 500 m2 of these panels
have been used in average, about 200 m2 for refurbishments.
To strengthen the unique branding of the car dealerships
the panels have been lacquered in a special white colour,
called Volkswagen white satin, in XXL format (2 m in width).
Furthermore they have been provided with the technical
coating EcoClean™, that helps the cladding both cleaning itself
and keep the environment clean by dispersing smog. Thus the
facade retains its completely clean appearance over a long
period of time, especially in polluted or industrial areas.
The EcoClean™ coating was chosen for the facade of the biggest car dealership, the MAHAG Volkswagen Centre in Munich.
The sustainably built building with open parking deck covers an
area of four football fields and sets new architectural standards
with bright optics and a large glass facade providing open and
friendly space conditions. After one year, EcoClean™ has proven its ability to keep the portals clean and to still look like new.
As solution for customised corporate identity, that is longterm, affordable and ecological, Reynobond® underlines the
company’s quality through its durability, weather resistance
and various processing options without requiring special
treatments. Being always delivered in high quality our product
guarantees a perpetually uniform rendering of the projects
around the globe. In addition, Reynobond® is characterised by
a long service life that requires little maintenance. The flexibility
in transformation allows freedom in design for unusual shapes.