AP Physics 2
This institute is designed for teachers of the AP Physics 2 course. Participants at this
summer institute will focus their efforts on understanding the forms of response
students are expected to provide on both Free Response questions and Multiple
Choice questions. They will investigate a question from the 2016 AP 2 test in detail
by developing a comprehensive answer to all parts, designing a scoring rubric,
comparing that rubric to the officially released version, and using the official rubric to
score students samples from the 2016 Reading. Additional work will allow
participants to develop a sense of the scope of the Physics 2 course and develop and
use the Curriculum Framework to identify appropriate lab exercises both in the
classroom and using simulation websites. A comprehensive set of ancillary resources
will be shared with all participants that will include editable versions of the P1 & P2
Practice Exams from 2014 and all released free response questions from Physics B
and C from 1976 through 2014 as well as the complete multiple choice tests from
1984, 88, 93, 98, 2004, and 2009 for both Physics B and C.
Jeff Funkhouser has been teaching physics at the academic, Pre-AP and AP levels for
more than a quarter century in the North Texas area. He currently serves as the science
department chair at Greenhill School in Addison, TX. He has worked as Exam Leader,
Question Leader, Table Leader and Reader at the annual AP Physics Reading and served
on the AP Physics B test development committee from 2009–2013. While performing
consulting duties in the areas of Pre-AP Physics, AP Physics B and AP Physics C since
1999, Jeff has delivered workshop sessions, full-day trainings and week long summer
institutes throughout the Southwest Region of the USA as well as in Seattle, Louisville,
Tuscaloosa, at the AP Annual Conference, and in Dubai, UAE.