English 9 Final Exam Study Guide - Reeths

English 9 Final Exam Study Guide
Part 1: Shakespeare
What elements create a drama?
How can you find out who certain characters are in a play?
Where do we look to understand action and feelings?
Can you understand the Shakespearean dialogue?
Part 2: Literature
Know all literary terminology words studied this year.
Elements of the Plot, POV, irony, foreshadowing, symbolism, theme,
characterization, allusion, etc…
Context clues and how they work.
Analysis of a story.
Part 3: Research
Parenthetical Documentation, what is it, how do you do it and when do you use it?
Paraphrase, Direct Quotes and Borrowing of Ideas.
What is a bibliography?
What is a works cited page?
Boolean Search
How do you correctly create a Works Cited page?
Examples: alphabetically, periods to end, indent second and successive lines,
order of information, how to correctly write dates, etc…
Part 4: Essay
The writing process…