Chapters 23-28 - Tri-Valley Local School District

Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Vocabulary Chapters 27­28
pages 116­123
sparingly­­page 116 second paragraph
obviously­­page 116 last paragraph
vile­­page 118 last paragraph
rummaging­­page 121 sixth paragraph
desperate­­page 121 next to last paragraph
patience=ability to wait; endurance, tolerance, persistence, staying power
horizon=place where earth meets the sky; line in the farthest distance where land or sea seems to meet the sky
unconscious=experiencing loss of senses; unaware; out cold
He had to drink sparingly,because he didn't know who would be driving the water truck the next time it came.
Mr. Pendanski was obviously aware of what Mr. Sir was doing, because he always gave Stanley a little extra.
He hated to think what kind of vile substance Mr. Sir might have put in it.
Kate could see her rummaging through the cabin, dumping drawers and knocking things from the shelves of cabinets.
"You better tell him," said Linda. "We're desperate."
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapter 27
Chapter 27
What does Stanley infer about his canteen when Mr. Sir disappears with it? Why doesn't he drink from it? What is Zero's real last name? Who else had that last name in Latvia? (see chapter 7)
What is a possible inference you could make from those facts? AutoSave
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Before Reading
Chapter 25
Discuss the term prejudice. Give examples of victims of prejudice. Why do you think some people are prejudiced?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Vocabulary Chapters 25­26
pages 107­115
concoctions­­page 108 last paragraph
They would get regular medicine from Doc Hawthorn and onion concoctions from Sam.
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Extension Activities
Chapters 25­26
pages 107­115
Pretend that you are a newspaper editor for the Green Lake Daily News back in the 1800’s and you are writing an editorial describing the events surrounding the death of Sam, the onion man. Write the editorial, not only describing the events that happened, but also stating your opinion about what transpired and the way you feel about it.
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapters 25­26
Discussion Questions
pages 107­115
1. What two people would the sick people of Green Lake go to see?
2. What did Sam suggest someone do if he or she wished to live to be 200 years old?
3. What were four different things that Sam made from his onions?
4. Why would it be good for Sam to tell people that onions keep people healthy and alive?
5. Why does Miss Barlow keep asking Sam to fix things?
6. Why wasn’t Sam allowed to attend Katherine’s classes?
7. Describe where Sam’s onion field was located.
8. Why was Katherine disappointed when Sam finished fixing up the schoolhouse?
9. Why do you think Hattie Parker was so upset seeing Sam and Katherine kissing?
10. Why does Mrs. Parker say that God will punish them?
11. After all the things that happen in Green Lake, who do you think God was trying to punish? Why?
12. Why are the townspeople so mad at Miss Barlow? Do you agree with them?
13. What deal did the sheriff offer Miss Katherine? What was her response? What does this tell you about her character?
Describe the outcome/fate for the following characters.
Miss Katherine
Green Lake
15. How did Miss Katherine get her revenge? Who did she become?
16. Why do you think Kate killed the sheriff?
17. Why do you think Kate becomes one of the most feared outlaws?
18. What else could Kate have done? 19. What happened to all of Kate’s goodness?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapter 26
Kate Barlow has a conflict of the fourth kind ­­ "Conflict with society or a social group ­ struggling with written or unwritten rules, laws or customs."
Who broke the law? What social custom did Kate break? Draw or describe one example of each kind of conflict.
Stanley has a close brush with a conflict with a "Lump" in this chapter. Which of the four kinds of conflict would it be? How do you know? AutoSave
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Vocabulary Chapters 23­24
pages 101­106
fabulous­­page 101 third paragraph
delicious­­page 101 third paragraph
incurable­­page 102 seventh paragraph
disrespectful­­page 103 first paragraph
obviously­­page 104 second paragraph
ladled­­page 104 second paragraph
grotesque­­page 105 next to last paragraph
reflected­­page 106 top of page
absorbed­­page 106 fifth paragraph
A special prize was given every year to Now it is just a dry, flat wasteland.
• Miss Katherine Barlow for her fabulous spiced peaches.
• The town shriveled and dried up along with the lake, No one else even tried to make spiced and the people who lived there.
peaches, because they knew none could be as delicious as hers.
• During the summer the daytime temperature hovers He had an incurable foot fungus.
around ninety­five degrees in the shade­­if you can find any shade.
He talked in class and was disrespectful of the students around him.
• A hammock is stretched between the two trees and a The other boys in Stanley's tent had log cabin stands behind that.
obviously seen Mr. Sir as well, but they had the good sense not to say anything.
• The campers are forbidden to lie on the hammock.
He kept his eyes down and hardly breathed as Mr Sir ladled some oatmeal­
It belongs to the Warden.
• like stuff into his bowl.
No one dared to look at his grotesque Discussion Questions:
1.The bright sun reflected off the side mirror What is Camp Green Lake like? of the truck, and Stanley had to shield his Camp Green Lake is dry, flat, hot, eyes with his hand.
has few trees and few people.
2.Stanley watched the water splatter on the What is the town of Green Lake Like? Would you dirt, where it was quickly absorbed by the like to visit it? Why or why not?
thirsty ground.
3. What is the rule to remember about snakes and scorpions?
4. What’s the worst thing to be bitten by? What would the effect of being bitten be?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapters 23­24
Discussion Questions
pages 101­106
What spices did Miss Katherine include in her spiced peaches?
What were Miss Katherine’s peaches called?
What did Miss Katherine do for a living?
What affliction did Trout Walker have?
Why were we told about the foot fungus that Charlie Walker has?
What kind of guy was Trout? How do you know this?
Describe Mr. Sir’s reaction when a boy asked what happened to his face.
Why do you think that Mr. Sir tried to choke the boy that asked about his face?
Why does Stanley decide not to talk about what happened with Mr. Sir? Explain the phrase to “pace oneself."
What mean thing did Mr. Sir do to Stanley?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapter 23
pages 101­103
Identify the setting of this "flashback" chapter. a. Time? (the present, many years ago, the future) b. Place? c. What are two ways this place was different at this time than it is for Stanley now?
Make a Venn Diagram comparing the settings in the flashback with Stanley's time.
or Draw the setting in a picture.
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapter 26
Chapter 26
Why is Green Lake dry now? What happened right before it stopped raining?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Character Analysis
Chapters 25
pages 107­111
To understand a character's role in a story, it helps to look at that person from several angles. When you're asked to describe or analyze a character, think SADDR, which stands for different ways of looking at a character:
• Speech •
Action Description Drawing
Reaction of others
Reaction of others Pull
Drawing Description Pull
Action Action:
What does the author say about the character? What does What does the character do? What does this tell
that description tell you about him?
the character? For instance, the author says that Trout Walker "was loud For instance, Trout Walker "talked in class and and stupid" and "seemed to be proud of his stupidity." disrespectful of the students." This tells you that
rude to people (and explains why Kate Barlow m
want to ride in his boat). On the other hand, the book says that "Onion same had turned the old run­down schoolhouse into a well­crafted, What does Sam the onion man do that tells you freshly painted jewel of a building that the whole town was of person he is?
proud of." What does this tell you about Sam?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Draw It!
Chapter 26
Chapter 26
Draw the final scene in this chapter. Include at least 5 details. If your imagination is better than your drawing, describe what a photograph of the last scene would look like; include at least five details. Use sensory detail.
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Chapters 27­28
Discussion Questions
pages 116­123
1. Why did Stanley believe that Mr. Pendanski knew Mr. Sir was pouring Stanley’s water onto the ground?
2. Why do you think the boys tell Stanley that it is his fault that he got in trouble with the seeds? 3. How do you think Stanley feels about X­Ray’s comment about the white boy sitting around?
4. What upset the boys about Stanley and Zero’s arrangement?
5. What kind of student did Stanley find Zero to be?
6. Why do you think Mr. Sir took Stanley’s canteen around to the truck?
7. Do you think he really did anything to Stanley’s water?
8. Explain why you think Stanley poured out the full canteen of water that Mr. Sir gave him? Defend your reasoning.
9. What was Zero’s real name? Why do you think he got a nickname like Zero?
10.Give this chapter a good title.
11.How did Kate know she was crazy?
12.Why did Kate say she was “so sorry” to Linda Miller?
13.Why do you think Kate wished she had been dead for the last 20 years?
14.How do you think the Warden comes to live in Kate Barlow’s cabin?
15.Why do you think Kate died laughing?
16.To whom do you think the Warden is related?
Holes Chapters 23­28
September 26, 2009
Setting, Conflict
Chapter 28
Pages 120­123
How is the setting in this chapter different from the setting in the last chapter? Conflict: Who has a conflict in this chapter? How is the conflict resolved?
What is buried somewhere near Green Lake?
What can you infer about the holes the boys are digging?
Teaching Books. net
Audio of interview with Louis Sachar about movie
Louis Sachar website
Guide from 3Apples Book Award for Holes.doc
Guide from Mountain City Elemetary School
Resource Room
Spark Notes
Writing Fix
Walden Media
Audio excerpt of Chapters 1 & 2 and start of 3
Quiz Ch. 1­5.doc
Holes Ch 1 Senteo Vocab Quiz.notebook
Quiz Ch. 8­12.doc
Quiz Ch 13­17.doc
Quiz Ch 18­22.doc
Vocab worksheet Ch 29­30.doc
Quiz Ch 29­31.doc
vocab. quiz Ch 32­35.doc
Vocab worksheet Ch 31­34.doc
Vocab worksheet Ch 39­40.doc
Quiz Ch 35­40.doc
Vocab quiz Ch 35­40.doc
Quiz Ch 41­43.doc
Vocab worksheet Ch 41­42.doc
Quiz Ch 44­50.doc
Vocab worksheet 45­46.doc
Backwards Poetry
Learning Log.doc
Pig Latin Translator
Vocab lists.xls
The Hole Truth Site
Jeopardy for Holes.ppt