Become a Peer Tutor - Beaufort County Community College

Become a
Why Be a Peer Tutor
Peer Tutor
Help Others
Most of our tutors will tell you that this is
one of the best jobs on campus because of
the satisfaction they derive from helping
others learn. They find that there is nothing
quite like the thrill of seeing the light bulb
go on when a student grasps a difficult
concept or solves a challenging problem.
Make Money
Build Skills
Help Others
Achieve International
Our tutors receive paid training that
prepares them to achieve international
tutor certification through College Reading
and Learning Association/International
Tutor Program Certification and, all of
which look great on a resume.
Develop Marketable Skills
Being a peer tutor helps you develop a
variety of skills that employers find highly
desirable. These include communication,
interpersonal, organizational, leadership,
time-management, ethics, and the ability to
work in groups and help others learn. Good
tutors can also receive excellent references
and letters of recommendation from the
coordinator when applying for
scholarships, internships, graduate programs, and employment after college.
Contact Information:
Sandra Hunter
Student Success Coordinator
Phone: 252.940.6487
Office Building 1 room 120
E-mail address:
Beaufort County
Community College
TRiO Student Support
This SSS project is 100% Federal funded $339,027 annually
The Purpose of Tutoring
To improve the educational
environment and achievement of the
To better the student's picture of
himself by showing him how to
achieve, thus giving him selfconfidence.
To widen the horizons of the student
through his contact with a concerned,
helpful, more experienced person.
The Goal of the Peer Tutorial
The six goals are to:
Promote independence in
Personalize instruction
Facilitate tutee insights in
learning and learning processes
Provide a student’s perspective
on learning and school success
Respect individual differences
Follow a job description
Excerpts from “The Master Tutor, Guidebook for More Effective Tutoring,”
Ross MacDonald, Ph.D.
What are the Qualifications?
To become a Peer Tutor, you:
Must be a regularly enrolled student
with a high school diploma or its
Must maintain a 2.5 or better grade
point average.
Must have verification by instructor
in areas of mastery.
Must be able to communicate well
with other students.
Must have completed any necessary
developmental courses.
Must be a currently enrolled BCCC
Must have earned a B or better in
the subject to be tutored
Must not be actively receiving
tutoring through SSS.
Must have a real desire to assist
someone else in acquiring
knowledge and skill.
Must be available on campus during
the day.
How Do I Apply?
To apply to become a peer tutor, you
must submit the following
documentations to the Student
Success Coordinator in person or
TRiO Application
At least one faculty recommendation form
Transcript(s) of all course work
Qualified applicants will be invited to
training the day before classes start for the
TRiO-Student Support
Services is:
a federally funded program
that has been part of Beaufort
County Community College
since 1972
a retention program that
provides opportunities for
low income, first generation,
and/or disabled college
students to overcome
academic, social, and cultural
barriers to attain success in
higher education. We have an
enrollment of approximately
175 students per year.
BCCC TRiO-Student Support
Services Program is here to
empower students with the
necessary tools to allow them to
persist and graduate from college.
We accomplish this mission by
providing a variety of support