Emilie H. Picard - Massachusetts General Hospital

Emilie H. Picard
Massachusetts General Hospital, Law and Psychiatry Service
Juvenile Court Consultation Program
One Bowdoin Square, 15 New Chardon Street, 9th fl. Boston, MA 02114
(617) 288-9500 ext.407
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Masters of Science: Counseling Psychology
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Bachelor of Science: Psychology
Graduated: May 2009
Concentration: Forensics
Graduated: Dec 2006
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), number 8682
Candidate for Certified Juvenile Court Clinician I
Forensic Clinician, Massachusetts General Hospital Law & Psychiatry, Boston, MA
Jan 2014 – Present
Supervisor: Lynn Abelson, LICSW
Conducting court-ordered forensic evaluations of children and their parents/guardians who are before the
Juvenile Court as parties in Care and Protection, Delinquency, and Child Requiring Assistance (CRA)
matters. Provides case consultation to Judges, probation officers, attorneys, Court-Appointed Special
Advocates (CASAs), Guardian Ad Litems (GALS), school staff, and caseworkers for state agencies.
Conducts emergency mental health screenings to assess the need of civil commitment due to substance
abuse and/or symptoms of mental illness that pose a threat of harm to self/others. Provides expert witness
testimony as needed. Facilitates short-term psycho-education groups for court-involved youth around a
variety of topics such as anger management, emotional regulation, life skills, and substance use.
Emergency Per Diem Clinician, BEST: North Suffolk Mental Health Association, Boston, MA
Supervisor: Edward Henrichs, LISCW
Sept 2009 – Present
Provides direct emergency psychiatric assessments, coordination of services, and consultation to health care
providers as part of the Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST). Provides prescreen evaluations for
referral services and respite care. Evaluates patients and assesses need for an appropriate level of care.
Sets up admissions, discharges, and transfers, presents to insurance companies, and coordinates labs and
Clinician, JRI; DYS, Hadley Assessment, Westboro, MA
May 2009 – July 2010
Supervisor: Gerry Zuffante, LMHC
Maintained a caseload of six adolescent males who were committed to the Department of Youth Services in
a secure detention facility. Performed commitment assessments for each youth to evaluate treatment
needs, psychiatric needs, and appropriateness of sentencing. Met with youth, parents, caseworkers, and
directors to review recommendations. Ran DBT groups for the unit, and provided individual therapy for
caseload. Ran relaxation groups, including yoga and art group. Administered substance abuse assessments,
behavioral and affective assessments, and unstructured interviews.
Clinical Intern, Institute for Sexual Wellness, Quincy, MA
Aug 2008 – June 2009
Supervisor: Renee Sorrentino, MD
Administered intakes, assessments, and evaluations in an outpatient clinic for sex offenders recently
released back into the community. Developed and co-lead sex addiction groups, high functioning sex
offender groups, and sex offender groups for clients involved with DDS. Preformed individual therapy
with offenders utilizing CBT techniques, and incorporating results from the ABEL and PPG. Observed
expert testimonies and shadowed competency to stand trial testimony and guardianship testimony. Aided
in risk assessments and civil commitment evaluations. Presented clinical work at MATSA.
Clinical Intern, DYS, Howland Secure Detention Center, Taunton, MA
Feb 2008 – May 2008
Supervisor: Sarah Fenton, LMHC
Counseled a caseload of four detained and/or committed adolescents in DYS custody. Administered intake
assessments including scales such as the MAYSI and mental status exam. Checked in daily with caseload,
aided with group therapy.
Mental Health Specialist, Franciscan Children’s Hospital, Brighton, MA
Oct 2007 – March 2009
Supervisor: Ralph Buonopane, Ph.D
Provided assistance for children and adolescents in a locked, inpatient, psychiatric unit. Ran group therapy,
provided individual support, and helped with everyday living functions.
Intern, Institute for Family Centered Services, Hampton, VA
Aug 2006 – Dec 2006
Supervisor: Don Lee, MSW
Co-facilitated family and individual therapy for high risk adolescents. Provided group and individual therapy
for the rehabilitation of juvenile sex offenders.
CAP Administrator, Eastern State Hospital, Williamsburg, VA
Jan 2005 – May 2005
Improved cognitive and gross motor skills of severe psychiatric patients through the Cognitive Awareness
Program (CAP) and art therapy.
Research Associate Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
July 2010 – July 2012
Supervisor: Dr. Ruth Rose-Jacobs, Sc.D
NIH-NIDA grant funded, longitudinal study on the effects of in utero cocaine, tobacco, and alcohol
exposure. Assisted the Director in the development and modification of protocols; scored, entered,
cleaned and analyzed data collected. Preformed neuropsychological testing and structured interviews on
participants (BDI, BAI, ACASI, Timeline Follow Back, D-KEFS, WASI, Connors Performance Test,
BASC-2, CAARs, CIDI). Reviewed relationships between attachment styles from previous time points
and current delinquency in the adolescent cohort. Trained and supervised research assistants, medical
students, and student volunteers. Assisted with coordination of laboratory organization and protocols with
other study related personnel. Conducted and presented literature reviews, collaborated on data
presentations and journal articles. Presented data at weekly project team meetings.
Research Assistant Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Jan 2009 – Jan 2012
Supervisor: Carlos Cuevas, Ph.D
Examined the effects of interpersonal violence on PTSD pathology in Latino women. Reviewed and
compiled the current literature on Latinos and PTSD. Analyzed data collected from a national sample of
1,000 Latino women in SPSS, conducted literature reviews, collaborated on manuscript writing, and data
Research Assistant, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Aug 2006 – Dec 2006
Supervisor: Janice Zeman, Ph.D
Gathered and computed data in Excel and SPSS for a study on children’s and adolescents’ regulation of
emotion and its relationship to peer acceptance.
Research Assistant, College of William and Mary & EVMS, Williamsburg, VA
Supervisors: Janice Zeman, Ph.D & Kathrin Hartmann, Ph.D
May 2006 – June 2006
De-identified files and compiled data in Excel and SPSS on a longitudinal study investigating mother-child
attachment from birth to 18 months.
Cuevas, C., Sabina, C., & Picard, E. (2010). Interpersonal victimization patterns and psychopathology among
Latino women: Results from the SALAS study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2,
Picard, E., Sorrentino, R., & McDonald, K. (2010, April). Internet Pornography Addiction: Virtual Disorder?
Massachusetts Association of the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MATSA/MASOC).
Cuevas, C., Sabina, C., & Picard, E. (2009, November). Interpersonal Victimization Patterns and Psychopathology in a
National Sample of Latino Women. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Paper presentation.
Picard, E., Cuevas, C., & Sabina, C. (2009, November). Interpersonal Violence Among Latino Women: Criterion A and
PTSD Symptomatology. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Paper presentation.
Picard, E., Rose-Jacobs, R., Appugliese, D., Cabral, H., Beeghly, M. & Frank, D. (2012, April). A Prospective Study of
Infant Attachment and Adolescent Delinquency in an Urban Community Sample. Pediatric Academic Societies.
Poster presentation.
Rose-Jacobs, R., Picard, E., Cabral, HC., Heeren, TC., Martin, B., Richardson, M., & Frank, D. (2011, April).
Complex Effects of Intrauterine Substance Exposures and Other Risk Factors on Teacher- Reported Adolescent Behavior.
Pediatric Academic Societies. Poster presentation.
Sabina, C., Cuevas, C., & Picard, E. (2009, November). Cultural Correlations of Victimization and Psychological Distress
in a National Sample of Latino Women. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Paper
Substance Use: SASSI, Timeline Follow Back
Psychiatric Disorders: ACASI, BAI, BDI, BASC-2, CAARs, CIDI, Connors Performance Test, GAIN,
IQ/Neuropsychological: D-KEFs, WASI
Sex offender/Risk Assessment: jSOAP-II, RRASOR, SORAG, Static-99, VRAG