Spanish II/Unit 1, 1B

 Spanish II/Unit 1, 1B Scale Criteria: Knowledge and Skills 4 In addition to level 2, deeper analysis and/or application of knowledge and skills. 3 ¨ Employ present progressive verbs and stem changing verbs in a comic strip. ¨ Employ ser vs. estar in a daily dialogue; use correctly. ¨ Understand and write using affirmative/negative words (alguien/nadie). ¨ Employ and use saber and conocer properly in a keynote, explaining the differences. ¨ Employ the comparisons of equality; inequality, using objects to compare. ¨ Employ the expression of time, using hace +que relating to school activities. ¨ Employ all vocabulary in a reading, writing, and speaking, about classroom activities and extracurricular activities. ¨ Identify stem-­‐changing verbs and present progressive verbs. ¨ Compare and contrast some ser vs. estar verb conjugations and uses. ¨ Basic use of affirmative; negative words ¨ Identify meanings of saber vs conocer. ¨ Conjugate saber vs. conocer ¨ Identify comparisons of inequality; equality in a sentence. ¨ Identify the formula of time expression, hace +que and use in a sentence. ¨ Identify all vocabulary words about the classroom and extracurricular activities. With assistance, some success at level 1. 2 1 