Human Body Web Quest

Human Body Web Quest
This project is a wonderful way to incorporate student choice and creativity into
an area that is often considered boring by students.
Curriculum/State Standards
Explain the purpose of major organ
systems in the human body.
Student groups are assigned a body
system that they must research. They
produce a product that takes the students
in the class on a “guided tour” of their
system. They can do this through any
media presentation (power point, video,
poster, blackboard, etc.) or in front of
the class. They also create a brochure
advertising their system and how great
it would be to visit. There are tasks for
different intelligence levels and also one
that is individual, so there is student
The student will select and use multiple
types of print and non-print sources for
information on science topics.
The student will identify organs and their
functions in these systems: circulatory,
respiratory, reproductive, skeletal,
digestive, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic,
and skin.
The student will explain and describe
the features and functions of the various
organ systems.
The student will describe and investigate
body functions to make inferences
regarding these functions.
The student will discuss and illustrate the
organization of cells into tissues, organs,
and systems.
The student will classify groups of cells
as tissues, organs, or systems using
access to the Internet, computers for
typing and production of final products,
video and editing equipment, project
board (science fair back board), poster
board, paints, colored paper, etc.
Readiness Activity
We have done a few readiness activities
for this project. One has been the
“Pump Your Blood” song from Happy
Days Episode #142, “Potsie Quits
School.” This shows how they can use
music as a way to tour their system. We
have also used a video clip of Osmosis
Jones as he visits some of the systems in
the body. He describes what they are for
as he talks to his companions.
Task 1: Your first task is to research your
body system.
Process - 1. Create a chart of your
body system. Your chart should have 3
columns: Part, Description, and Function.
The number of rows is dependent upon
the number of parts in your system.
2. Using your text and the Internet sites
on the Resource page, fill in your chart.
You might want to divide up the work,
come together as a group, and exchange
information. When your chart is finished,
and checked by your teacher, you may
move on to Task 2.
Task 2: Your task is to create a poem
about your body system. Include the
parts and what they do. Here is an
example: Process - 1. Using your chart,
make a list of all the services your body
system provides the body. 2. Begin to
create your poem about your assigned
system by jotting down a few ideas.
l supplies. chan
Susan Cottingham and Thad Cottingham
Grovetown Middle School
Grovetown, GA
Human Body Web Quest
(Pre-Writing) 3. Write a rough
draft of your poem. Be sure you
have included all of your parts
and their functions. 4. Revise
your poem. Be sure to correct
grammar and spelling as well as
making it sound good. 5. Create
a final TYPED copy. Mount it
on colored paper and decorate
the borders with drawings and
decorations that symbolize your
body system.
Task 3: You will be given some
choices for Task 3. You must
complete activities until they
reach a total of 50 points. These
activities can be found on the
following Web site: http://www.
Culminating Activity
Task 4: Your task is to create
a tour for you body system.
You will then present your body
system to the class as a travel
agent. Don’t forget to create a
name for your agent.
Process: 1. A group wants to
take a trip to your body system.
2. Explain what they will find
there. Tell what each part does
and what your tourists can see
and do at each location 3. Follow
the writing process to make
your rough draft. 4. Your tour
can be done in any way, video,
power point, etc. Make sure
your presentation includes all of
the parts, their descriptions, and
their functions. Be sure to include
pictures and diagrams of how the
process in your system works and
how the organs work together
to make the system work in your
Evaluation Method
Presentation Rubric
Group Evaluation Rubric