Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2013), "Duplication of

Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2013), "Duplication of Purchase Law in the
Gaming Entertainment Industry - A Transnational Investigation", International
Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 33, 203-207.
The global gaming entertainment industry is huge and rapidly expanding. While
research on gambling purchases is extensive, few researchers investigate crossnational gambling behavior. In a bid to explore the regularities of gambling
purchases, this study applied the Duplication of Purchase Law to gambling purchases
across the USA, Australia, and Macao. The Duplication of Purchase Law stipulates
the relationship between the duplicated purchases of two competitive or
complementary brands and their market shares. Results indicate that the law applies
well across time and nations; the duplications of games played are highly correlated to
games’ penetration rates. Gaming businesses can use the law as benchmark to
ascertain the accuracy of their game penetration rates, to measure differences or
similarities between individual games, and to track changes in their market. In
addition, regulators may use the law as benchmark to manage the availability of