Name: Date: The Cay Chapters 5

Name: _________________________________________________
The Cay Chapters 5-12 Vocabulary
Date: ___________________
Period: _________________
ELA Vocabulary Lesson #2
1. catchment
n. something for catching water, as a reservoir or basin
The lakes are fed by a series of six natural springs, which feed into the local water catchments.
2. conniving
adj. given to or involved in planning to do something illegal, harmful, or controversial
A heartless and conniving woman stole the wedding bands.
3. drone
n. an aircraft or ship that can navigate without human control or from a distance (by remote)
The U.S. spy drone was sent to the enemy territory.
v. (to) proceed in a dull, long, and boring manner
The meeting droned on for hours.
4. harassment
n. (the) act of pestering repeatedly
She experienced verbal harassment by the landlord.
5. independent
adj. not depending on another
I wanted to remain independent in old age.
6. langosta
n. spiny lobster
We had broiled langosta for dinner.
7. native
adj. being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being
As a native New Yorker, taking the subway is not unusual for me.
8. navigation
n. the science of plotting or directing that course of a ship, aircraft, or guided missile
Use the satellite navigation to steer the ship!
9. rancid
adj. having an unpleasant, stale smell as through decomposition
The rancid butter had to be thrown away.
10. reeve
v. (to) pass a rope or rope-like object through a hole or ring
Reeve the chain around the holes in the spokes of the tire and the railing of the bike rack.
11. salvaged
v. preserve (something) from loss or unfortunate circumstances
An emerald and gold cross was salvaged from the wreck.
12. submerged
adj. under the surface of water or any other liquid
The submerged leaves clogged the drain.
v. (to) cover or overflow with a liquid
My head was submerged while bobbing for apples.
13. tide
n. (the) rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon and sun, and
occurring about every 12 hours
The tide wiped out the kids’ sandcastles.
14. trough
n. 1. (a) long, narrow, open receptacle usually box-like in shape, used chiefly to hold water or food for animals
The pig ate out of the trough.
2. a long, wide, and deep depression in the ocean floor having sloping sides, wider and shallower than a trench
The shipwreck had been found in a trough of the Pacific Ocean.
*****The following words are only for HONORS classes*****
15. acronym
n. a word formed from the first letters of other words
D.E.A.R. is an acronym for “drop everything and read.”
16. contempt
n. the act of being mean; (to) dislike
He feels that wealthy people view him with contempt because he is poor.
17. diligent
adj. hard working
The diligent student spent hours preparing for the exam.
18. morale
n. a person’s self-esteem or confidence
The team is playing well, and their morale is high.
19. terrain
n. ground or land
We had to drive over some rough terrain.
20. virtuoso
n. (a) person who has skills in the fine arts or another endeavor
He’s a real virtuoso in the kitchen.