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 This Journal of Environmental Horticulture article is reproduced with the consent of the Horticultural
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Table of Contents
Influence of Timing and Rate of Glyphosate Applications on Conifer Growth
J. C. Neal and W. A. Skroch
A Comparison of Light Acclimatization Methods for Reduction of Interior Leaf Drop
in Ficus spp.
Melanie A. Turner, David Wm. Reed and David L. Morgan
Seed Germination of Cycas revoluta
John J. Frett
Growth Response and Mineral Uptake of Vegetable Transplants Grown in a
Composted Sewage Sludge Amended Medium. I. Nutrient Supplying Power of the
A. Falahi-Ardakani, J. C. Bouwkamp, F. R. Gouin, and R. L. Chaney
Growth Response and Mineral Uptake of Vegetable Transplants Growing in
Composed Sewage Sludge Amended Medium. II. Influenced by Time of Application of
Nand K
A. Falahi-Ardakani, F. R. Gouin, J. C. Bouwkamp and R. L. Chaney
Chemical Defoliation of Fig Nursery Stock Using Ethephon, Harvade, and D-WK·
W. A. Dozier, Jr., C. H. Gillaim, and J. W. Knowles
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infection of Commercial Aphelandra sp.
Robert S. Halliwell and Larry W. Barnes
Effect of Cutting Size on Rooting and Subsequent Growth of Acer rubrum 'Red
Sunset' Cuttings
Timothy J. Smalley and Michael A. Dirr
Increasing Production of New Roots by Potted Roses with Root Applied IBA
C. J. Starbuck
Effect of a Medium-Incorporated Hydrogel on Plant Growth and-Water Use of rwo
Foliage Species
Yin-Tung Wang and Carol A. Boogher
Occurrence of Thielaviopsis basicola and Phytopathogenic Nematodes on Healthy and
Declining Landscape-Grown flex crenata 'Helleri'
Robert L. Wick
Reducing Moisture Stress in Cornus florida
J. D. Williams, H. G. Ponder, and C. H. Gilliam
Association of Nenlatodes with Dogwood Canker and Stem Malformations on Other
Frank S. Santamour, Jr. and Alice Jacot McArdle,
Selective Post-Emergence Control of Oxalis corniculata in Cymbidium .hybrida
Shawn Colvin and Robert P. Rice, Jr.
Suitability of Thirteen Different Host Species for Elm Leaf Beetle, Xanthogaleruca
luteola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Richard W. Hall, Alden M. Townsend, and Jack H. Barger
Nursery Container Design for Improved Root Environments
Hendrik van de Werken
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Horticultural Research Institute
produced in cooperation with the
American Association of Nurserymen
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Washington, D.C. 20005