College of Marin Libaray

New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Almanac of women and minorities in American politics 2002
Almanac of women and minorities in world politics 2000
American library directory 2002-2003
American national biography 1999
American national biography 2002
American sign language, unabridged ed., 1998
Animal sciences, Macmillan Science Library, 2002
Animal sciences: Macmillan science library, 2002
Animals: Macmillan illustrated encyclopedia
Best 331 colleges: 2002 ed.
Biographical dictionary of psychology
Biology, Macmillan Reference, 2002
Book of assassins: a biographical dictionary from ancient times to the present
California cities towns and counties 2002
Censorship a world encyclopedia, 2001
Chambers biographical dictionary 6th ed., 1997
Child development, Macmillan Reference, 2002
College blue book, 2002
Companion to twentieth century poetry
Concise encyclopedia of Mexico, 2001
Countries and their cultures, Macmillan Reference, 2001
Creating web pages with HTML simplified, 2d ed., 1999
Cultures of the world: selections from the ten-volume encyclopedia of world cultures
Current medical diagnosis and treatment
Dictionary of art; Grove's
Dictionary of ecology and environment
Dictionary of psychology, 1999
Directory of research grants 2002
Earth sciences for students, Macmillan Reference
Encyclopedia Americana, 2002
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics
Encyclopedia of aging, Macmillan Reference
Encyclopedia of american crime, 2d. Ed., 2001
Encyclopedia of American cultural and intellectual history
Encyclopedia of American foreign policy, 2d ed., 2002
Encyclopedia of American immigration, 2001
Encyclopedia of American poetry: The 20th century, 2001
Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Encyclopedia of associations supplement, 2002
Encyclopedia of communication and information, Macmillan Reference, 2002
Encyclopedia of death and dying, 2001
Encyclopedia of earthquakes and volcanoes, 2001
Encyclopedia of energy, Macmillan Reference, 2001
Encyclopedia of environmental studies
Encyclopedia of ethics, 2001
Encyclopedia of European social history from 1350 to 2000
Encyclopedia of fundamentalism, 2001
Encyclopedia of genetics, 2001
Encyclopedia of ocean sciences, 2001
Encyclopedia of plague and pestilence, 2001
Encyclopedia of the atomic age, 2001
Encyclopedia of the environment
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
Encyclopedia of the United States in 19th century
Encyclopedia of women and gender
Entrepreneurial age
Ethics in U.S. government
Exploring health care careers
Facts on file dictionary of weather and climate, 2001
Foundation grants index 2001
From suffrage to the Senate: an encyclopedia of American women in politics
Gale encyclopedia of childhood and adolescence
Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders, 2002
Guide to u.s. elections (Congressional Quarterly), 2001
Higher education directory 2002
Holocaust encyclopedia, 2001
International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 2001
Invisible web: uncovering information sources search engines can't see
Issues and controversies on file, 2002Library of Congress subject headings, 2002
Macmillan encyclopedia of energy, 2001
Mathematics, Macmillan Reference, 2002
McGraw Hill encyclopedia of science and technology, 2002
National 5 digit zip code directory 2002
National geographic atlas of the world, 7th ed., 1999
New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2002
New Grove dictionary of jazz, 2d ed., 2002
New Grove dictionary of music and musicians, 2d ed., 2001
Oxford handbook of international business, 2001
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Political philosophy: theories, thinkers, concepts
Presidents: a reference history, 3rd ed., 2002
Readers guide to the social sciences
Research guide for undergraduate students: English and American literature
Routledge international encyclopedia of women: global women's issues and knowledge, 2000
Shakespeare's world and work: an encyclopedia for students
Thesaurus of psychological index terms, 9th ed., 2001
World book encyclopedia, 2002
Administration of Justice
Offender profiling and crime analysis
Automotive Technology
American Indians
American troubadours: groundbreaking singer-songwriters of the
Cities in a globalizing world
Crossing the gods: world religions and worldly politics
Cultural curiosity: thirteen stories about the search for Chinese roots
Fight for freedom and other writings on civil rights
Future in the balance: essays on globalization and resistance
Globe trotting in sandals: a field guide to cultural research
Histories and stories from Chiapas: border identities in Southern Mexico
Hubbert's peak: the impending world oil shortage
In search of the immortals: mummies, death and the afterlife
Indigenous traditions and ecology: the interbeing of cosmology and community
Ishi in two worlds; a biography of the last wild Indian in North America
Legacies: the story of the immigrant second generation
Mummy congress: science, obsession, and the everlasting dead
Navajo lifeways: contemporary issues, ancient knowledge
Regulating menstruation: beliefs, practices, interpretations
Research methods in anthropology: qualitative and quantitative approaches, 3rd ed., 2002
Resource rebels: native challenges to mining and oil corporations
Rules of the global game: a new look at US international economic policymaking
Skulls and skeletons: human bone collections and accumulations
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Strangers to relatives: the adoption and naming of anthropologists in Native North America
Women of Afghanistan under the taliban
World ahead: our future in the making
Modernism and nation building: Turkish architectural culture in the early republic
Bernardo Bellotto capitals of Europe
Bright earth: art and the invention of color
Contemporary artists, 2002
Critical perspectives on art history
Edvard Munch the complete graphic works
Great British paintings from American collections: Holbein to Hockney
Handbook of print media: technologies and production methods
Impressionist still life
Indian art
Norman Rockwell: a life
Pieter Bruegel the Elder: drawings and prints
Prang's civil war pictures: the complete battle chromos of Louis Prang with the full "descriptive texts"
Reading pictures: a history of love and hate
Road to Aztlan: art from a mythic homeland
Robert Mills: America's first architect
Snow, wave, pine: traditional patterns in Japanese design
Stones of the sur: poetry by Robinson Jeffers ; photographs by Morley Baer
Strindberg: painter and photographer
Thomas Eakins
Worshiping the ancestors: Chinese commemorative portraits
Mission Jupiter: the spectacular journey of the Galileo spacecraft
Our universe: the thrill of extragalactic exploration as told by leading experts
Three roads to quantum gravity
Automotive Body and Fender
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Automotive Technology
Behavioral Science
Combatting teen smoking
Masturbation: the history of a great terror
Veil unveiled: the hijab in modern culture
Women of Afghanistan under the Taliban
Aging brain
An A to Z of DNA science
Animal rights debate
Changing the atmosphere: expert knowledge and environmental governance
Climate change 2001
Community as healing: pragmatist ethics in medical encounters
Culture of the fork: a brief history of food in Europe
Economic losses from marine pollution
Facing up: science and its cultural adversaries
Human embryo research debates: bioethics in the vortex of controversy
Human embryonic stem cell debate: science, ethics, and public policy
Impact of the gene, from Mendels peas to designer babies
Language of cells: life as seen under the microscope
Making babies: the science of pregnancy
MediScams: how to spot and avoid health care scams, medical frauds, and quackery from the local
physician to
Natural history of bumblebees: a sourcebook for investigations
Pearls: a natural history
Starving on a full stomach: hunger and the triumph of cultural racism in modern South Africa
Three roads to quantum gravity
World according to Pimm: a scientist audits the Earth
Breaking windows: how Bill Gates fumbled the future of Microsoft
Competing globally: mastering multicultural management and negotiation
Encyclopedia of world cultures
E-topia: "Urban life, Jim--but not as we know it"
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Forward-focused organization: visionary thinking and breakthrough leadership to create your
company's future
From the folks who brought you the weekend: a short, illustrated history of labor in the United States
History of credit and power in the western world
In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life
Leading quietly: an unorthodox guide to doing the right thing
One scandalous story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and thirteen days that tarnished American journalism
Primal leadership
Small business start-up kit for California, 3rd ed., 2001
Weird ideas that work: 11 1/2 practices for promoting, managing, and sustaining innovation
Wireless rules: new marketing strategies for customer relationship management anytime, anywhere
Work and family in America: a reference handboook
Working life: the promise and betrayal of modern work
Bertrand Blier
Bound to bond: gender, genre, and the Hollywood romantic comedy
Death of distance how the communications revolution is changing our lives
Gay fandom and crossover stardom: James Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves
Getting by in hard times: gendered labour at home and on the job
Offender profiling and crime analysis
One scandalous story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and thirteen days that tarnished American journalism
Persuasion in society
Reel Civil War: mythmaking in American film
Science fiction film
Sounds in the dark: all-night radio in American life
Computer Information Systems
Active Directory services for Microsoft Windows 2000
Digital 3D design
MCSA managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 network environment exam 70-218
MCSE designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 directory services infrastructure exam 70-219
MCSE designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 network infrastructure exam 70-221
MCSE designing Microsoft Windows 2000 network security exam 70-220
MCSE Microsoft Windows 2000 directory services infrastructure exam 70-217
MCSE Microsoft Windows 2000 Network infrastructure exam 70-216
MCSE Microsoft Windows 2000 professional readiness review exam 70-210
MCSE Microsoft Windows 2000 Server readiness review exam 70-215
MCSE Microsoft Windows Xp professional readiness review exam 70-270
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Microsoft Windows 2000 server resource kit
New perspectives on Microsoft Windows xp
Web database development step by step
Computer Science
Court Reporting
Dental Assisting
How to speak shakespeare
Making faces, playing God :identity and the art of transformational makeup
Making stage costumes :a practical guide
Whose improv is it anyway?: beyond Second City
Early Childhood Education
Double jeopardy: addressing gender equity in special education
Learning to read: lessons from exemplary first-grade classrooms
Bandwagon effects in high technology
Chastening :inside the crisis that rocked the global financial system and humbled the IMF
China and the global business revolution
Cities in a globalizing world
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Crossing the gods :world religions and worldly politics
Cultural curiosity :thirteen stories about the search for Chinese roots
E-topia :"Urban life, Jim--but not as we know it"
Future in the balance :essays on globalization and resistance
Globalism: the new market ideology
Hubbert's peak :the impending world oil shortage
In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life
Investment in peace :politics of economic cooperation between Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian
Jobs for the poor: can labor demand policies help?
Only investment guide you'll ever need, 2002
Rethinking the East Asia miracle
Rules of the global game: a new look at US international economic policymaking
Strategy is destiny: how strategy-making shapes a company's future
Working life :the promise and betrayal of modern work
World ahead: our future in the making
Double jeopardy: addressing gender equity in special education
Electronics Technology
Audens games of knowledge poetry and the meanings of homosexuality
Boricua literature :a literary history of the Puerto Rican diaspora
Cambridge companion to eighteenth century poetry
Contemporary American crime fiction
Death of comedy
Dreams and thunder: stories, poems, and The sun dance opera
Historical guide to Nathaniel Hawthorne
How to speak shakespeare
I hear the train :reflections, inventions, refractions
Imagining Argentina
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Kate Chopin: a literary life
Myth and fairy tale in contemporary women's fiction
Onoto Watanna: the story of Winnifred Eaton
Post war Jewish fiction: ambivalence, self-explanation and transatlantic connections
Reading Susan Sontag: a critical introduction to her work
Recreating Jane Austen
Savage beauty: the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Sometimes madness is wisdom: Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald : a marriage
Tales, poems, and other writings / Herman Melville
Ted Hughes :the life of a poet
Temples for tomorrow :looking back at the Harlem Renaissance
Vice for voices :reading Emily Dickinson's correspondence
Water drops from women writers: a temperance reader
Writing New England: an anthology from the Puritans to the present
English as a Second Language
Environmental Landscaping
Armitage's manual of annuals, biennials, and half-hardy perennials, 2001
Landscape design :a cultural and architectural history
Plant invaders: the threat to natural ecosystems
Ethnic Studies
Age through ethnic lenses :caring for the elderly in a multicultural society
American Muslims :the new generation
Cultural curiosity :thirteen stories about the search for Chinese roots
Fight for freedom and other writings on civil rights
Folk psychologies across cultures
Legacies :the story of the immigrant second generation
Bound to bond :gender, genre, and the Hollywood romantic comedy
Disaster movies: the cinema of catastrophe
Gay fandom and crossover stardom :James Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves
Reel Civil War: mythmaking in American film
Science fiction film
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Fire Technology
Changing the atmosphere :expert knowledge and environmental governance
Climate change 2001
Better environmental policy studies
California earthquakes :science, risk, and the politics of hazard mitigation
Changing the atmosphere :expert knowledge and environmental governance
Climate change 2001
Economic losses from marine pollution
Facing up :science and its cultural adversaries
Great waters :an Atlantic passage
Hubbert's peak :the impending world oil shortage
Human embryo research debates :bioethics in the vortex of controversy
Hydraulic mining in California :a tarnished legacy
Origins :the evolution of continents, oceans, and life
Resource rebels :native challenges to mining and oil corporations
Solutions for an environment in peril
Three roads to quantum gravity
World according to Pimm: a scientist audits the Earth
Health Education
Age through ethnic lenses :caring for the elderly in a multicultural society
Big shot :passion, politics, and the struggle for an AIDS vaccine
Combatting teen smoking
Fast food nation :the dark side of the all-American meal
Folk psychologies across cultures
Rising life expectancy :a global history
Scourge :the once and future threat of smallpox
Women and health :power, technology, inequality, and conflict in a gendered world
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Arabs in history, 6th ed. 1993
Courage :the story of the mighty effort to end the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis
Cyberliteracy :navigating the Internet with awareness
Folk psychologies across cultures
Histories and stories from Chiapas :border identities in Southern Mexico
Hydraulic mining in California :a tarnished legacy
Improbable warriors: women scientists and the U.S. Navy in World War II
Inventing the 19th century: 100 inventions that shaped the Victorian Age from aspirin to the Zeppelin
Middle East: a brief history of the last 2,000 years
Muhammad in Europe
Out of the jungle :Jimmy Hoffa and the remaking of the American working class
Picturing Chinatown: art and orientalism in San Francisco
Popes against the jews: the Vatican's role in the rise of modern anti-semitism
American Muslims :the new generation
Classic Asian philosophy a guide to the essential texts
Crossing the gods :world religions and worldly politics
History of the world Christian movement
Indigenous traditions and ecology: the interbeing of cosmology and community
Muhammad in Europe
Understanding fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish movements
Visual methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials
One scandalous story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and thirteen days that tarnished American journalism
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Machine and Metals Technology
Guided tour of mathematical methods for the physical sciences
Weighing the odds :a course in probability and statistics
Medical Assisting
Multimedia Studies
Digital 3d design
Handbook of print media :technologies and production methods
Multimedia: from Wagner to virtual reality
American troubadours :groundbreaking singer-songwriters of the 60's
Essential canon of classical music
Harlem in Montmartre :a Paris jazz story between the great wars
Jazz on the road: Don Albert's musical life
Operas in one act: a production guide
Trumpet kings :the players who shaped the sound of jazz trumpet
Aging brain
Having faith :an ecologist's journey to motherhood
Interpersonal nursing for mental health
Making babies :the science of pregnancy
No place like home: a history of nursing and home care in the United States
Osler's "a way of life" and other addresses, with commentary and annotations
Senior fitness test manual
Transcultural nursing: concepts, theories, research, and practice
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
After Augustine: the meditative reader and the text
Blackwell guide to philosophical logic, 2001
Charles Taylor
Heidegger and the ideology of war :community, death, and the West
Michael Walzer on war and justice
Moral freedom: the impossible idea that defines the way we live
Nietzsche's task :an interpretation of Beyond good and evil
Philosophy in crisis :the need for reconstruction
Philosophy in the new century
Reality :fundamental topics in metaphysics
Revaluing ethics: Aristotle's dialectical pedagogy
Who count as persons? :human identity and the ethics of killing
Wholeness: on education, Buckminister Fuller, and Tao
Physical Education
Women's soccer: techniques, tactics & teamwork
Hidden unity in natures laws
Physics and chemistry of color: the fifteen causes of color
Physics, the human adventure: from Copernicus to Einstein and beyond
Political Science
Arabs in history, 6th ed. 1993
Best democracy money can buy
Cities in a globalizing world
Crossing the gods :world religions and worldly politics
Cultural curiosity :thirteen stories about the search for Chinese roots
Democratic experience and political violence
Ethics of destruction :norms and force in international relations
E-topia :"Urban life, Jim--but not as we know it"
E-topia :"Urban life, Jim--but not as we know it"
Future in the balance :essays on globalization and resistance
Holy war :the rise of militant Christian, Jewish, and Islamic fundamentalism
Hubbert's peak :the impending world oil shortage
Human rights in Iran :the abuse of cultural relativism
In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Japans reluctant realism: foreign policy challenges in an era of uncertain power
Michael Walzer on war and justice
Middle East: a brief history of the last 2,000 years
Peace process: American diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1967
Picturing Chinatown: art and orientalism in San Francisco
ReMembering Cuba: legacy of a diaspora
Rockets red glare: missile defenses and the future of world politics
Rules of the global game: a new look at US international economic policymaking
Wealth and democracy :a political history of the American rich
What went wrong? :Western impact and Middle Eastern response
World ahead: our future in the making
Writing New England: an anthology from the Puritans to the present
Age through ethnic lenses :caring for the elderly in a multicultural society
Aging brain
Getting by in hard times :gendered labour at home and on the job
Histories and stories from Chiapas :border identities in Southern Mexico
Journeys from childhood to midlife :risk, resilience, and recovery
Psychology of graphic images: seeing, drawing, communicating
Talk of love :how culture matters
Youth aggression and violence: a psychological approach
Real Estate
Up and running in 30 days :a proven plan for financial success in real estate
Social Science
Cities in a globalizing world
Fast food nation :the dark side of the all-American meal
Fight for freedom and other writings on civil rights
Working life :the promise and betrayal of modern work
Black gay men essays
Cultural curiosity :thirteen stories about the search for Chinese roots
European foreign policy
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New Books - Spring 2003
Alphabetical Listing by Program
Food politics :how the food industry influences nutrition and health
Getting the Web :understanding the nature and meaning of the web
Imagining adoption :essays on literature and culture
In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life
Legacies :the story of the immigrant second generation
One scandalous story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and thirteen days that tarnished American journalism
Psychology of graphic images: seeing, drawing, communicating
Rapid assessment process
Sputnik :the shock of the century
Studying those who study us: an anthropologist in the world of artificial intelligence
Talk of love :how culture matters
White supremacy and racism in the post-civil rights era
Weighing the odds :a course in probability and statistics
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