Help with Thesis Statements

ENG 101/103
Help with Thesis Statements
Here are some guidelines and examples of thesis statements for sample topics for
upcoming our research paper drafts.
 A good thesis statement:
• Says something argumentative and specific enough
• Mentions the kind of evidence—one or two author(s) or text(s)--that will be used to
prove your argument (What kinds of discussion / evidence can we expect to see in
your paper?)
• Tells the reader what connections you will be making between ideas and texts (A
good thesis should be an ‘umbrella’ that will cover your major ideas and kind of
• Answers at few of the basic journalistic questions: Who? What? When? Where? How?
• Makes a connection between two ideas or texts (for example, Richard Dawkins and
McEwan’s short story, “Us or Me,” a psychologist writing about schizophrenia vs. a
film portraying the disease, like A Beautiful Mind….)
• If using an imaginative text (a film, a graphic novel or a short story), it is good to
mention which ‘elements’ you will be discussing (characters, realistic psychology,
setting, etc.)
A weak thesis statement:
• Does not argue a position or viewpoint
• Is too general (and cannot be ‘proved,’ as least not in just 6 pages)
• Does not answer at least some of the basic journalistic questions: Who? What? When?
Where? How?
• Is too specific (It may deal only with evidence or one or two reasons)
 Thesis Statement Exercise (~15 min.)
• Work with a partner -- Take turns reading and deciding which thesis statements are
good and which ones need work. **See if you can spot problems with any the
following sample thesis statements on some (hypothetical) topics for our class
research paper. Which one of these examples that sound like good research paper
thesis statements? Circle the successful examples. Why did you make your choices?
Make notes on the examples that need more thinking and/or specifics? At home, you
should model your thesis on the successful examples below.
1) Based on the writings of Oliver Sacks and several scholarly sources, I will argue that Temple
Grandin’s successful career as a designer of humane slaughterhouse systems is based on her unique
abilities as an autistic that allow her to process visual information differently than most people and her
talents at empathy with animals.
2) While the portrayal of schizophrenia in the character of John Nash in Ron Howard’s A Beautiful Mind
is inspiring and ends happily, based on several scholarly sources, I will argue the real prognosis and
treatment of schizophrenia is often far less optimistic.
3) Based on recent research on autism and its treatment, I will argue that the portrayal of Temple
Grandin in the TV movie Temple Grandin gives a largely accurate picture of the way real autistics think
and cope with their world.
4) Making phone calls while texting is bad and should never be done.
5) The film Enduring Love , directed by Roger Michell, is more optimistic about the possibility of altruism
in humans than Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene. In its portrayal of characters and the description of
the psychological reactions of the main character, Joe Rose, the movie challenges Dawkins’ ideas by
suggesting that altruism is possible, though difficult, for most people.
6) Worldwide, robots will bring many promises with very few dangers.
7) While Ray Kurzweil’s argument about advanced super-intelligent robots does not worry about any
ethical issues at all, the portrayal of future robotics in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner points out the moral
complexities and possible problems of identity surrounding future developments in robotics.
8) Robots and Artificial Intelligence are experiencing many exciting developments today. I will describe
some of them in industry and in medicine.
9) While Ray Kurzweil does not worry about robots becoming more intelligent than humans, James
Cameron’s classic sci-fi film The Terminator portrays a future in which runaway robots menace humanity.
This film highlights some of the promise and perils of robotics.
10) When a technology is potentially too dangerous, as Ray Kurzweil points out, we can decide not to
develop it (410). But when is a technology too perilous? Who decides? After weighing several of the
possible advantages and dangers carefully, in this essay, I will argue that nano-robots are a significant
danger to both ecology and human health and should be discouraged.
11) Since ancient times, minds and evolutionary consciousness have always been with us. I will explore
some ideas in minds and evolutionary psychology with a few examples.
12) Judging from the evidence in 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick and several relevant scholarly
sources, the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology may be fraught with danger. This film
dramatizes the struggle between humans and intelligent machines and challenges the view that we can
peacefully co-exist.