Blood Groups Web Quest
Use this web site and your text to answer the following questions about blood groups.
1. What did Karl Landsteiner discover about human blood groups?
2. How was Lansteiner recognized for his work?
3. How many litres of blood do we have circulating in our bodies?
4. What accounts for the differences in human blood?
5. How many ggenetically determined blood groups are known today?
6. What blood groups are the most important for transfusion?
7. Name the four main blood types in the ABO system.
8. Sketch the diagrams for each blood type and describe the how you belong to
your blood type.
9. What is the Rh factor? Describe with diagrams how it affects blood typing.
10.What are the 8 possible blood groups when Rh factor is included?
11. Click on the animation and describe how we find out what blood group a
person belongs to.
12. Describe universal donor and universal receiver.
13. Play the blood typing game.
Blood Groups Web Quest
Use this web site and your text to answer the following questions about blood groups.
1. What did Karl Landsteiner discover about human blood groups?
2. How was Lansteiner recognized for his work?
3. How many litres of blood do we have circulating in our bodies?
4. What accounts for the differences in human blood?
5. How many ggenetically determined blood groups are known today?
6. What blood groups are the most important for transfusion?
7. Name the four main blood types in the ABO system.
8. Sketch the diagrams for each blood type and describe the how you belong to
your blood type.
9. What is the Rh factor? Describe with diagrams how it affects blood typing.
10.What are the 8 possible blood groups when Rh factor is included?
11. Click on the animation and describe how we find out what blood group a
person belongs to.
12. Describe universal donor and universal receiver.
13. Play the blood typing game.