Emergency and Standard First Aid & CPR

Emergency and Standard First Aid & CPR
Knowledge Evaluation
Version A
Please do not write on this sheet. Indicate your answers on the
answer sheet provided.
21. Shock occurs when the vital organs do not get
enough oxygen-rich blood. This can be caused by
physical or emotional conditions. While waiting for
EMS personnel, you can care for or manage shock
symptoms by:
a) having the person rest and ensuring his or her
ABCs are present
b) caring for the cause of the shock whenever
possible (e.g., controlling bleeding)
c) offering comfort, warmth, and reassurance
d) all of the above
22. If ABCs are present and it is safe to proceed,
conduct a secondary survey by:
a) checking responsiveness and breathing
b) asking about signs and symptoms, allergies,
medications, past medical history, last meal, and
events leading up to the emergency
c) checking for bumps, bruises, swelling, bleeding,
and deformities
d) both b and c
23. A secondary survey includes asking SAMPLE
questions, checking the quality of vital signs, and
checking for injuries from head to toe.
a) True
b) False
24. When assessing for shock, look for:
a) pale, cool, clammy skin and weakness
b) anxiety, confusion, nausea
c) changes in quality of breathing and/or level of
d) all of the above
25. Direct pressure and prevention of infection are
priorities when caring for open wounds. If the first
clean bandage placed on a wound becomes blood
soaked, you should:
a) use more dressings and another bandage on
top of the first and apply pressure
b) remove the soaked bandage and place a new,
clean bandage on the wound
c) apply any type of disinfectant available to stop
the bleeding
d) rinse the wound well before re-bandaging
Copyright © 2011 The Canadian Red Cross Society
26. If the object that created a wound remains in the
wound, it is called an impaled object. When this
occurs you should:
a) stabilize the object, do a secondary survey, and
seek medical attention/call EMS/9-1-1
b) let the person pull the object out
c) apply direct pressure to manage the bleeding
d) pull the object out quickly and place a bandage
on the wound
27. Seek medical attention when you notice signs of
infection, which may include:
a) numb, cold, white patches
b) warm, red, swollen area around the wound
c) red streaking from the wound
d) both b and c
28. When an amputation occurs, you should:
a) apply direct pressure to manage the bleeding
b) place the body part in a clean cloth inside a
labelled bag and keep it cool
c) call EMS/9-1-1
d) all of the above
29. A penetrating chest wound can cause air and
blood to fill the chest cavity, which can cause
breathing problems. Appropriate care involves
applying a dressing that:
a) allows air to enter the chest through the wound
b) prevents air from entering the chest but allows
for drainage and for air to escape
c) seals the wound to prevent infection
d) keeps the blood inside the body
30. Care for a blunt chest injury should include these
a) checking the ABCs, performing a secondary
survey, keeping the head and spine as still as
possible, and calling EMS/9-1-1
b) checking the ABCs, performing a secondary
survey, and applying cold to any bruising
c) checking the ABCs, performing a secondary
survey, and driving the person to the nearest
emergency department
d) none of the above
If you are doing Standard First Aid, continue to
the end of the exam.
31. Safe work practices to help prevent incidents with
chemicals may include checking Material Safety
Data Sheets, storing chemicals in original
containers with correct labelling, and using proper
personal protective equipment.
a) True
b) False
32. Electrical burns may cause multiple injuries. Check
a) ABCs and entrance wounds
b) ABCs and exit wounds
c) ABCs, entrance and exit wounds, and head
and/or spine injuries
d) none of the above
33. A pot of boiling water spills on your arm and
hand, which immediately begin to turn red and
blister. You should:
a) cool the burns for at least 10 to 20 minutes,
cover loosely with a sterile dressing, and seek
medical attention
b) wash with warm, soapy water to prevent
c) immediately wrap the burns with a tight
bandage and call EMS/9-1-1
d) cool the burns with ice
34. You should call EMS/9-1-1 and get an AED for
burns that affect the ABCs, cover more than
10 percent of the body, cause extreme pain,
and/or result from chemicals, explosions, or
a) True
b) False
35. Head and/or spine injuries may often be prevented.
Be cautious when using alcohol and/or medications
and also:
a) follow safe work practices
b) wear proper safety equipment for workplace
and recreation
c) plan ahead to avoid risks
d) all of the above
Copyright © 2011 The Canadian Red Cross Society
36. Any time you suspect a head and/or spine injury:
a) move the person into the recovery position,
ensure the ABCs are present, and call EMS/9-1-1
b) check the ABCs, perform a secondary survey,
and call EMS/9-1-1
c) make sure the person’s head and spine move
as little as possible, check the ABCs, and call
d) start CPR and call EMS/9-1-1
37. Bone, muscle, and joint injuries may include:
a) pain and/or deformity
b) swelling and bruising
c) inability to move or use a body part
d) all of the above
38. Which of the following acronyms may help you to
recall how to care for bone, muscle, and joint
d) ABC
39. The acronym RICE stands for:
a) Rest, Immobilize, Cold, Elevate
b) Raise, Immobilize, Cover, Elevate
c) Rest, Immobilize, Cold, EMS
d) Raise, Immobilize, Compress, EMS
40. Seizures may be caused by drugs, alcohol, poisons,
head injuries, and medical conditions (e.g.,
infection, fevers). When a seizure occurs, you
a) protect the person from injury
b) wait until it ends, ensure the ABCs are present,
and then place the person in the recovery
c) call EMS/9-1-1 and get an AED if the seizure
lasts more than a few minutes
d) all of the above
41. In a situation involving a person who is known to
have diabetes and who is conscious but not
looking or feeling well, offer a sugary drink. You
should ensure the ABCs are present and call
a) True
b) False
42. When assisting a woman with childbirth, ensure
that EMS/9-1-1 has been called and then:
a) help the woman into a comfortable position
and make the environment the baby will be
born into as clean as possible
b) support the baby’s head as the baby emerges,
ensure the baby’s ABCs are present, and wrap
the baby in a clean cloth to keep it warm
c) cut the umbilical cord as soon as the baby is
d) both a and b
43. Miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of a
pregnancy, which may involve cramping, vaginal
bleeding, and anxiety. What can you do to assist
during this type of emergency?
a) Comfort the woman
b) Call EMS/9-1-1, do a secondary survey, and
treat any non-life-threatening conditions
c) Help the woman get home to rest
d) Both a and b
44. To prevent frostbite and frost nip, you should:
a) layer clothing made of tightly woven fibres
(e.g., wool or synthetic fleece)
b) take regular breaks from the cold to warm up
c) cover your cheeks, ears, nose, toes, and fingers
d) all of the above
45. Care for hypothermia and frostbite includes:
a) removing the person from the cold environment
b) warming the person gradually
c) ensuring the ABCs are present, performing a
secondary survey, and seeking medical
attention/calling EMS/9-1-1 if necessary
d) all of the above
Copyright © 2011 The Canadian Red Cross Society
46. If a person has a high body temperature, hot, dry
skin, and rapid, shallow breathing, you should:
a) consider it life-threatening, cool the body any
way possible, and call EMS/9-1-1 and get an
AED immediately
b) have the person sip water
c) check the ABCs and perform a secondary survey
d) all of the above
47. Poisons can be swallowed, inhaled, injected, or
absorbed. For any type of poisoning, call the local
Poison Control Centre if the person is alert and
talking and the ABCs are present. If the person has
difficulty breathing or has an altered level of
consciousness, you should call EMS/9-1-1 and get
an AED.
a) True
b) False
48. Caring for insect stings and bites involves:
a) removing any stinger parts
b) washing the area with soap and water
c) seeking medical attention/calling EMS/9-1-1 if
the ABCs are affected
d) all of the above
49. When an animal bites a person, it is important to
make the area safe, care for the wound, and
contact the local animal control department.
a) True
b) False
50. Three types of emergency preparedness kits are
first aid kits, emergency car kits, and emergency
supplies kits.
a) True
b) False
Emergency and Standard First Aid & CPR
Knowledge Evaluation Answer Key
Version A
Page numbers refer to where answers can be found in the First Aid & CPR Manual.
21. d 34–35
29. b 103–104
37. d 129
45. d 149, 154
22. d 35–41
30. a 106
38. b 131
46. d 159
23. a 35
31. a 107–108
39. a 131
47. a 164–167
24. d 34
32. c 112
40. d 142–143
48. d 168
25. a 89, 91
33. a 114
41. a 140
49. a 172
26. a 92–93
34. a 110
42. d 144
50. a 186–188
27. d 100
35. d 119–120
43. d 146
28. d 101
36. c 121
44. d 148–149
Copyright © 2011 The Canadian Red Cross Society