The Bad Beginning

The Bad Beginning- Play
Narrator 1: The Bauldare Children were some of the most unlucky children
ever. There names were Sunny, Klaus, and Violet. They loved to bite, read
and invent.
Klaus: What’s that over there?
Violet 1: Oh, it’s Mr. Poe.
Mr. Poe: Hi, Children.
Klaus: Hi, Mr. Poe.
Mr. Poe: Children, I am sorry to inform you that (cough, cough) your
parents have perished in a terrible fire. The fire depertment came but, they
were too late.
Narrator 2:As you know the Bauldare Children were very sad, of course
after the death of their parents.
Mr. Poe: I was sent to take you to my home for the night until I can take you
to your Count Olaf’s.
Klaus: Ok, Violet lets go.
Violet 2: Yes, we should go to Mr. Poe’s for the night and go see who this
Count Olaf is.
Sunny: Ogah.
Narrator 1: “Ogah” probably means something like, “Yes, I agree.” So
Sunny, Klaus and Violet finally got to Mr. Poe’s and went to their room.
Violet 3: Gosh, this is a big room.
Klaus: Yes, I agree. This is a big room.
Mr. Poe: Well, children, let’s get sleeping. Tomorrow we’ll have a big day
ahead of us. We’ll have to find Count Olaf.
Narrator 2: So they did as Mr. Poe said.
Mr. Poe: Well (cough, cough), let’s get going.
Violet 4: Okay, Mr. Poe.
Narrator 1: So the kids were going to Count Olaf’s.
Justice Strauss: Hi, children. My name is Justice Strauss.
Violet 1: Are you Count Olaf’s wife?
Justice Strauss: Count Olaf? No. (Pointing) That’s Count Olaf’s house.
Klaus: Well, let’s go knock on his door.
Violet 2: Okay.
Klaus: (Knocking)
Count Olaf: Hello, there. You must be the orphans.
Violet 3: Yes, we are.
Count Olaf: Come inside, orphans.
Klaus: Stop calling us orphans.
Count Olaf: (Striking Klaus across the face.)
Violet 4: Why did you strike Klaus across the face?
Count Olaf: There’s your room.
Violet 1: I feel like we’re being watched by all of these eyes.
Klaus: Yes, I agree.
Narrator 2: So the kids lived under the pain of Count Olaf for many weeks
of hard chores and Count Olaf’s evil plans.
Violet 2: You know what? I’ve had enough. Let’s go see Mr. Poe.
Klaus: Okay.
Sunny: Geek.
Narrator 1: “Geek” probably means something like, “I agree.” So the
Bauldalares went to the bank.
Mr. Poe: Why are you here?
Violet 3: We think Count Olaf is not an appropriate guardian for us. He
even struck Klaus across the face.
Klaus: He gives us one bed to sleep in and a cardboard box to put clothes
Sunny: Jex.
Narrator 2: “Jex” probably means something like, “That’s true.”
Mr. Poe: That’s Count Olaf’s way in loco parentes.
Violet 4: Will you do something about it?
Mr. Poe: No.
Narrator 1: So they went home and did their chores. Then they went to
Count Olaf: Good morning, children. I feel I am not acting in loco parentes
well enough, so I decided to have a play and you three will be in it.
Klaus: What will I be?
Count Olaf: A person who watches the marriage.
Violet 1: What will I be?
Count Olaf: You’ll play the person I marry.
Violet 2: But I’d rather work backstage and invent stuff.
Count Olaf: No, you will be the person I marry.
Narrator 2: So the kids did their chores, cooked dinner for Count Olaf, and
went to bed.
Narrator 1: Klaus stayed up all night reading about inheritance law to see
what Count Olaf was up to. Klaus ran downstairs to see Count Olaf await
Klaus: Count Olaf, I know what you’re up to.
Count Olaf: What?
Klaus: You’re going to trick Violet.
Count Olaf: Okay, go tell your sisters.
Narrator 2: So Klaus went, and when he got there, Violet was still sleeping.
Klaus: Violet, wake up! Count Olaf is tricking you into really marrying
him! Then he gains control of our inheritance.
Violet 3: That’s terrible! Wake Sunny!
Klaus: Sunny isn’t here, Violet!
Narrator 1: So they went to find Count Olaf.
Violet 4: Count Olaf, where is she?
Count Olaf: Go outside. Look up.
Klaus: Really, Count Olaf?
Count Olaf: Well, if you participate in the play, you’ll get her back.
Narrator 2: Violet tried long and hard to get Sunny back, but she had no
Count Olaf: Time for the play, children.
Klaus: (Whispering to Violet) What are we going to do?
Violet 1: (Whispering to Klaus) I don’t know.
Narrator 1: While Count Olaf’s evil plans were working, Violet’s good plans
were working.
Narrator 2: The play was a huge disaster to Count Olaf because Sunny was
already sent back and Violet then told everyone else she signed with her
wrong hand.
Mr. Poe: I now realize that Count Olaf is a bad parent and will now be
Narrator 1: Count Olaf and his assistants ran away quickly.
Mr. Poe: Let’s go to my house for the night, and tomorrow we’ll find you a
new parent.
Justice Strauss: Can I take them home?
Mr. Poe: No, it is not their parents’ will.