Radio Advertisement Sample

 Radio Advertisement Sample Distribution Partners: Kayonza and Kambuga SACCOs Location: Western Uganda Language: Rukiga -­‐
Woman 1: My husband tells me there is no money … I spend hours collecting wood and it’s scarce… I don’t know what to do. Mother 2: Wait, you haven’t seen my new SmartHome cookstove? Mother 1: No, I’ve been too busy collecting wood. Mother 2: Well, it’s changed my life! My family is much happier: we use half as much wood now and it saves us enough money to pay for school fees! Background: light background coughing from Mother 1 when Mother 2 says: saves us enough money to pay for school fees. Mother 1: Really? Mother 2: Yes, and there is less poisonous smoke when we cook! My children don’t cough anymore. Did you know that smoke from cooking kills the same number of children as malaria? Mother 1: How did you get your stove? Mother 2: My husband cares for me, he’s a Smart man, he bought me a SmartHome stove! Mother 2: Buy our SmartHome stoves in Kanungu from Kayonza SACCO or in Muhokya Trading Center from Kambuga SACCO. Or to find other retail location, give us a call! 0705 031 830 or 0712 007 840 SH Jingle: SmartHome: Tomorrow’s Products Today! 