a descriptive study about teaching and learning process in freedom

Submitted to the board of examiners as a partial fulfillment of the
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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful
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Salatiga, March 12th, 2012
The Writer,
NIM: 11307025
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id
Salatiga, March 12th,2012
Mashlihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A
The Lecturer of Education Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
: Siti Maftukhah’s Graduating Paper
The Head of State Islamic Studies
Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
After reading and correcting Siti Maftukhah’s graduating paper entitled “A
FREEDOM WRITERS MOVIE”. I have decided and would like to propose that if
could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Mashlihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A
NIP. 19800513 200312 2 003
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id
NIM. 113 07 025
Has been brought to the board of examiners in English Education
Department, State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga on 22nd March 2012
to completely fulfill the requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam
Boards of Examiners
: Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag.
: Faizal Risdiyanto. M. Hum.
1st Examiner
: Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag.
2nd Examiner
: Setia Rini, S.Pd, M.Pd.
3rd Examiner
: Mashlihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A
Salatiga, 22nd March 2012
Head of STAIN Salatiga
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag.
NIP. 19580827 198303 1 002
#·Žô£ ç„ÎŽô£ ãèø9$# yì tB b̈ Î*sù
So, verily, with every
difficulty, there is relief
(Holly Qur’an, Surat Al –Insyiroh: 5)
This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:
1. Thanks my God, Allah SWT, Who always blessing me every time and
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2. Thanks for my parent, my beloved father (Masrukhin) and my beloved
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Nur, mas Sinan, mbak ngafiyah, mas Asyik, mas Jefry, mas Yanto), thanks for your
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4. My lovely younger brother and sister ( Fikri, Fita, Sadad, Nadhif, Haydar,
Sabrina, Rubed) Keep on smiling and be creative children....!!!
5. My beloved ‘man’ thanks for your love and support to me. I love you so
6. My best friends forever Nununk, Tary, Khatamul, Anas, and Huda thanks
for your kindness, brotherhood, love, love and soon …. I will never forget
it…. I love you all...
7. My best friends forever Inez, Odonk, Denox, Adi, Nining, Uncin, Kojex,
Ana thanks for the unforgettable moments and I hope our friendship will
never end. I love you so much and keep in touch...
8. All of my friends in TBI ’07, especially class A thanks for being nice friends
and keep our cohesiveness.
9. The big family in PMII Cabang Salatiga and Komisariat Joko Tingkir which
have given me smany best experience and friends.
10. My big family and friends in Pulutan Salatiga, I love you all.
11. Thanks for all teachers in Syaamila Kids thanks for your support, motivation and
12. All my friends who helped in finishing this graduating paper, thank you so
Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, firstly the writer said as praise and thanks to
Allah SWT with His blessing, finally this graduating paper can be completed.
Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW
who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
However, this success would not be achieved without the support,
guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions.
Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to:
1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag. the head of State Institute for Islamic
Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.
2. Suwardi, S.Pd. M.Pd. as the chief of Education Faculty.
3. Mashlihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A, the Head of the English Department
and the counselor of who has educated, directed, invaluable
suggestions, comments, continuing support, encouragement and
recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the
4. Dra.Siti. Muhtamiroh, as a consultant of academic.
5. All of the lecturers in English department.
6. My parents (Mr. Masrukhin And Mrs. Sumiah) who always support,
motivate, and pray for me thus make my dream come true.
7. My beloved brothers and sisters thanks for your helps and support.
8. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of graduating
paper administration.
9. The big family in PMII Cabang Salatiga and Komisariat Joko Tingkir.
10. My friends Mas Citut, Mas Pendy, Mas Alex, mbak Umi, Mas Eko,
mbak Yuli, Arifin, Soraya thank your helped in processing of my
graduating paper finished, support, motivation and suggestion.
11. All my friends who have helped me to finish this graduating paper.
12. My big family in Pulutan Salatiga who always support me.
Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide
useful knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased
to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the
improvement of the graduating paper.
Salatiga, March 12th, 2012
The Writer,
NIM: 11307025
Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies
Key words
: movie, learning process, the role of teacher
In learning process, interaction between teachers and students must
be built to develop the trust and student’s potential, to be able to grow and
develop in accordance with the expectations of parents, teachers and the
society. Success in learning process is influenced by the performance of
learning the role of teachers and students who support each other,
interaction with other.
This study is a descriptive study about learning process in Freedom
Writers movie. The objectives of the study are to find out the literary
elements of the Freedom Writers movie, to describe the learning process in
Freedom Writers movie and to find out the role of teachers in teaching
learning process in Freedom Writers movie. This research is a descriptive
qualitative research. The data are collected through: Watching the film,
Identifying to find the data related to the study, Classifying the data,
Selecting the relevant data, Reporting selected data.
The result of this study are: The Literary elements in of Freedom
Writers movie:1) extrinsic elements (the identity of movie, biography of the
author, the background of movie, cultural of the movie), 2) Instrinsic
elements: Character, plot, setting, point of view, style, theme. The
Descriptions of Learning process in Freedom Writer movie: 1) Recognizing
students living situations, 2) using a tape recorder Media, 3) Changing seats
positions, 4) Inviting the students to reveal all of the students their life
experiences, 5) Using games to explore the experience of life, 6) asking
students to write down all of their life experience into a portfolio by writing
diary. 7) reading the students’ diary, 8) Giving the appropriate book to the
students story as a tool to explore their personal, 9) Sharing together
between the teacher and students 10) Making a book an titled of The
Freedom Writers. The role of teacher in Freedom Writers movie: The
teacher as a Motivator, the teacher as a problem solver, the teacher as
educator, the teacher as an instructional manager, the teacher as an
TITLE ............................................................................................................
DECLARATION ..........................................................................................
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ..........................................................
STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ..........................................................
MOTTO .........................................................................................................
DEDICATION ...............................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................
A. The Background of the Study .............................
B. The Problems of the Study ..................................
C. The Objective of the Study .................................
D. The Benefits of the Study ....................................
E. Clarification of Key Terms .................................
F. Review of Previous Research .............................
G. Thesis Out Line ...................................................
A. The Descriptions about teaching and learning
B. The Role of Teacher in learning process..............
C. Movie...................................................................
D. Literary Element Of Freedom Writers Movie .....
A. The Type of the Research............................................
Object of The Research................................................
The Source of The Data Resource ..............................
D. The Method of Collecting The Data ...........................
The Techniques of Data Analysis................................
A. The Literary Element of Freedom Writers
movie..................................................................... 33
Learning process in Freedom Writer movie ......... 54
The role of teacher in teaching and learning
process in Freedom Writers movie.......................
A. Conclusion ............................................................ 74
B. Suggestion.............................................................
The Background of the Study
Education represents to basic need for everyone, well to children or the
adults, because the education is knowledge between one people with another
people in communication and mutual of information exchange to get purpose of
education. In general, education refers to as process of science search, was give
trained, skill and leadership on part of study. The nature of learning is to change of
behavior and it’s represent to basic concept of learning. In learning process, the
teacher have important role.
Learning is the changing process of human beings when study
something, so we can be better. According to Slameto (1991: 2) learning is a
process of exertion which is done by human being to reach the change of new
behavior totally, as the result of human experiences in interacting with
environment. The changing of behavior itself is not limited in the character of
human but also in all parts of human life. From the definition above, in the learning
process, the teacher has important role. The teachers are carriers of either positive
or negative behavior toward students. The teacher is planning to become one to get
prepare in the field the best they can. The importance of a teacher as an architect of
our future generations also demands that only the best and the most intelligent and
competent members of our intelligentsia be allowed to qualify for this profession.
In the teaching learning process, teacher is a director for student; teachers
must be able to listen to student in solving problems, directing the student in
decision making and unify the differences of opinion of each student. In learning
process there are many problem still happening, because of this case the role of
teacher is much needed to solving this problem.
According to Elliot (1991:16) says that some the principles which define
pedagogical process in the context of humanities project are as follows:
1. That controversial issued should be handled in the classroom with adolescent.
2. That teacher should not use the authority as teachers as a platform for
promoting their own views.
3. That the mode of inquiry in controversial areas should have discussion rather
than instruction as its core.
4. That the discussion should protect divergence of view among participations.
5. That the teacher as chairperson of discussion should have responsibility.
Interaction between teachers and students must be built to develop the
trust and the potential of students to be able to grow and develop in accordance
with the expectations of parents, teachers and the society. Success in learning
process is influenced by the performance of learning the role of teachers and
students who support each other, interaction with other.
In this research, the writer wants to discuss about learning process and
the role of teacher from the Freedom Writers movie. Freedom Writers movie is
an interesting movie and as far as the writer knows, that there are many creative
method of learning. The movie tells about Erin Gruwell (Hillary Swank), with
this background, an idealistic teacher arrives to teach English. She is very
educated, pretty, middle class, non-ethnic, well-dressed, and smart. Erin Gruwell
(Hillary Swank) gets a job as a teacher in Woodrow Wilson Classical High
School in Long Beach, California. She must teach students with differences
backgrounds; in their economic background, the color of their skin, or their
learning abilities, students learn from each other in their lives. The creativity of
the teacher is needed.
From the explanation above, the researcher wants to analyze the teaching
learning process are reflected in the Freedom Writers movie and then decide to
Statement of Problem
In this research, the writer proposes statements of the problems are as
1. What are the literary elements of the Freedom Writers movie?
2. What are the descriptions of learning process in Freedom Writers movie?
3. What are the roles of teachers in teaching and learning process in Freedom
Writers movie?
The Objectives of the Study
In this research the objectives of the study are as the following:
1. To find out the literary elements of the Freedom Writers movie.
2. To describe the learning process in Freedom Writers movie.
3. To find out the role of teachers in teaching and learning process in Freedom
Writers movie.
Benefit of the Study
1. Academic Benefit.
The benefit of the study is to be beneficial to the world of literature and
can be the complementary study of the other Freedom Writers.
2. Practical benefit.
The writer expects that the study can contribute to the development of
literature study, particularly among the people who are interested in literary
study. The writer expected that the study can contribute to the development of
literary study, especially among teacher and students who are interest in the
Clarification of Key Terms.
To avoid mistakes of the little consideration, the writer wants to clarify
the meaning of the title at glance. It consists of six main terms which are necessary
to be explained. They are follows:
1. Descriptive
Descriptive is giving description of something ( Hornby, 1987: 497).
2. Teaching
Teaching is an effort in giving stimuli, guidance, direction, inspirations,
knowledge, motivation and spirit to the learner in order to make learning
process happen. (Brown, 2007:8)
3. Learning
Learning is the changing process of human beings when study
something, so we can be better.
learning process: taken from Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of
Current English, learning is that gain knowledge of or skill in by study, practice
of being taught (Hornby, 1987: 481). Gage said that learning can be defined
with a process where an organism has changed their behavior because of their
experiences (Dahar, 1989: 11).
4. Teaching and Learning process
Teaching learning process is active process that contains a series of
actions of teachers and students in school to achieve certain goal of educations.
The teacher is an educator and the student is the learner. (Djamarah, 1996: 44).
5. Movie
Movie is a motion pictures show, the event of showing a motion picture
Movie is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of
images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "they went to a movie
every Saturday night"; "the film was shot on location".
6. Freedom Writers
The Freedom Writers movie is story about a white teacher trying to make
a difference in a room crammed with black, Latino and Asian high school
freshmen, has the makings of another groaner. She plays in freedom writers is
Erin Gruwell, who in 1994 was a 23-year-old student teacher assigned to teach
freshman English at Wilson High School in Long Beach, Calif. In 1992 the
Rodney King riots that rocked Los Angeles spilled into Long Beach; recently
the city made news for an alleged hate crime involving black teenagers charged
with severely beating three white women.
The Freedom Writers, isn’t only about an amazingly dedicated young
teacher who took on two extra jobs to buy supplies for her students (to
supplement, as Mr. LaGravenese carefully points out, a $27,000 salary); it’s
Review of Previous Research
To make sure this research is original, the writer in this part wants to
present the researchers that also have close relation with descriptive about learning
process in “Freedom Writers “movie.
The first research is Nur Mutmainnah. She was an English Department
student of state Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. The title of her research
FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL”. In her research, she found that definition of
learning. According to Slameto (1991: 2) learning is a process of exertion which is
done by human being to reach the change of new behavior totally, as the result of
human experiences in interacting with environment. The changing of behavior
itself is not limited in the character of human but also in all parts of human life
(Nur Mutmainnah, 2010:30).
The second research is “THE ROLE OF TEACHER IN LASKAR
PELANGI NOVEL OF ANDREA HIRATA” which is written by Isna Rahmawati,
a student of English department of STAIN Salatiga. In her research, Isna found that
teachers have many roles in teaching their students. Teachers not only teach the
material which provided but also make their students more skillful. There are six
roles which described Laskar Pelangi novel that are; teacher is as educational team,
teacher as facilitator, teacher as a behavior manager, teacher as guidance, and
teacher as motivator.(2009: 49).
written by Nur Hidayah, a student of English department of STAIN Salatiga. In her
research, Hidayah found the role of teacher as a manager in classroom. The
teachers need to develop a number of methods for dealing with major and minor
behavior problems so the class can get on with the process of learning. (2006:27).
Paper Outline.
This paper is developed into five chapters.
Chapter one is introduction covering background of the study, statement
of the problem, the objective of the study, the benefit of the study, clarification of
key terms, review of previous research, and thesis outline.
Chapter two present the review of Description of learning process, the
description the role of teachers in learning process and the literary element of
Freedom Writers Movie.
Chapter three present research methodology
Chapter four presents Data Analysis that the literary elements of
Freedom Writers movie, the description about learning process and the role of
teachers in teaching and learning process of the Freedom Writers movie.
Chapter five is closure. It presents conclusion and suggestion.
The last part is bibliography and appendix.
The Descriptions about teaching and learning Process
There are many definitions about learning. Learning does not just happen
in certain institution. Learning is a basic process from human life development. By
learning, human do some qualitative changes so that their behavior can be
In teaching learning process, people need a teacher who is professional to
achieve learning objectives. Teaching and learning process will involve all
components of teaching. So then, teachers and students get involved in the
interaction, so the teacher is an educator and the student is the learner. The teacher
does not only organize the classroom but also escort the purpose. So that, the
teaching-learning process needs a good interaction among the teacher and the
Some people also give definition of learning. Samuel (1970: 5) said that
learning is a term applied to a wide range of phenomena even when we arbitrarily
limit its use to human behavior. According to Woolfolk (1984: 158) learning is not
something found only in the classroom, everyday of our lives and learning does not
have to be deliberate or conscious. Ernest R. Hilgard in Sumardi Suryabrata,
(1984: 252) says that learning is a process that was done deliberate, which then
caused the change, which was different from the changes brought by others.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning process is a
long process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills,
behaviors, and attitudes. In addition, the learning process is an activity which
involves of all subjects in teaching learning process. The teacher has a great role in
the process, and the learner must have a great desire too, to make the teaching
learning process successful.
Learning always involves a change in the person who is learning. The
change may be for the better of the worse, deliberate or unintentional. To quality as
a learning, this change must be brought about experience, by the interaction of a
person with his or her environment (Woolflok, 1984: 159). From the explanation
above, it can be concluded that learning is a change of a person be for the better of
the worse.
Slameto (1991: 2) defines learning as an effort process which is done by
an individual to get new behavior changing entirely, as the sequence of individual
experience in the environment interaction. From those definitions, it can be
concluded that learning is a process of behavior changing or performance as the
result of experience with society, such as reading, observing, listening, and so on.
Learning pervades our life. It is involved not only in mastering a new
skill or academic subject but also in emotional development, social interaction, and
even personality development, people learn how to fear, how to love, how to be
polite, how to be intimate, and so on (Richard C. 1996: 227). From those
definitions, learning does not just happen in certain institution, but the interaction
with the environment then the people get new experience is a learning process too.
These environment are family, playing environment, school environment, neighbor
There are many problems faced by people to learn. They may come from
the teacher or the learner. Because, people need the teacher to manage in the
classroom. The teacher is very important, not only for the organization of the
classroom but also for the learning processes of purpose. To reach the perfect,
learning process is needed learning strategies. Learning strategies are the mental
process which learners employ to learn and process as procedural knowledge
(David, 1991: 168). From the opinion above, learning strategy often focuses on
making the students more active learner by teaching them how to learn and how to
use what they have learned to solve problems and be successful.
According to Djamarah (1996: 5) some the learning strategies are as
1. Identifying the specifications and qualification of changes in behavior and
personality of students as expected.
2. Selecting the approach system based on the aspirations and views of life in
3. Choosing a procedures, methods, and techniques of learning that is considered
most appropriate and effective that can make the guide by the teacher in
teaching learning process (Djamarah 2002: 5)
Learning strategies seem to be "tricks" learners how to help them
remember things better or to do tasks more efficiently. Several researchers have
studied what learning strategies are and why they are effective in the learning
process. (http://www.k12.nf.ca/fatima/define.htm Wednesday, February, 15,
From the description above, it can be concluded that the learning strategy
is a plan of action (series of activities) which includes also the use of methods and
utilization of various resources / strengths in learning.
In learning process, besides learning strategy, between teachers and
students should have a special approach so that teaching and learning process is
comfortable and in accordance with the purpose of learning. Djamarah (2002: 61)
mentions several kinds of approaches in learning, there are: individual approach,
groups approach, varieties approach, educative approach, emotional approach,
rational approach, functional approach, religious approach, etc.
From some approaches above, teachers must be smart and active to use
best approach. If the teacher takes the wrong approach, it can harmful for the
Classroom management strategies undertaken by Ms Erin Gruwell in
Freedom Writers movie is the management class that is creative in this film
students are the main cause of the ineffectiveness of the learning process. Then, she
uses some of the approaches and strategies above in teaching and learning. For
example, she uses the individual approach which is done by Ms Erin Gruwell that
found the background of each student.
Basically, in learning process, as a professional teacher should be able to
have a good learning strategy, a suitable approach for each student, and joyful
learning. In addition, if the teacher or students understand about the essence of
learning like that explanation above, knowledge and skill will succeed optimally
and it means that the learning process is successful.
The Role of Teacher In Learning Process
A role can be defined as the part taken by a participant in any act of
communication. In education, the teacher is a person who educates others. A
teacher who educates student personally also be described as a personal tutor.
Wright (1987) in Richard (1994: 98) points out that some roles are
defined primarily by the work people do, while others are mainly defined by the
kind of interpersonal relationships they imply. While it might be assumed that the
role of the teacher is primarily an occupational role, predetermined by the nature of
schools and teaching, teachers interpret their roles in different ways depending on
the kinds of schools which they work, they teaching methods they employ.
From definitions above a teacher is a person who helps others to learn.
Yet, the teacher conduct’s the class not only by explaining, lecturing, drilling but
also designing materials, composing assignment, evaluating student performance
and discipline. They must keep recording, arranging the classroom, creating and
learning experiences, talking to parents, and counseling students.
According to Mulyasa (2008:56) some the roles of teacher in learning
process are as follow:
1. The teacher as a facilitator
The teacher does not just teach, transmit the role, and just leave the
students behind the chair but they should be democratic, honest, and ready to be
criticized by the students. The teacher has an important role to take class
conductively; therefore, they should have enough ability, potential, interest, as
well as attitude and good personality.
2. The teacher as a motivator
The motivation is the one of internal factors, which can drive students to
get achievement. Therefore, as the teacher must be give motivation and give self
confidence to their students and they change themselves. Because, the students
will study hard when they give high motivation. Therefore, to improve teaching
quality the teacher must be raise learning motivation to the students in order to
reach the learning goal.
3. The teacher as a inspirator
A good teacher is the one who is able to gain the good idea, knowledge in
teaching-learning process. So that, the students get new inspiration, raise their
spirit and motivate themselves to be better in learning as well.
From those definitions, it can be concluded that the role of teacher is very
important in teaching learning process. The teacher has to be ideal. They have to
give the best things for their students, conduct the conducive class as well as
providing the all students need in class are that efforts to take students success.
Suparlan (2005, 29) said that the teacher is also as a manager that gives
the example to obey the system and can be an administrator that fills the present of
book students, curriculum administration, and value administration. The teacher
also can be a supervisor, innovator maybe can find the method or concept the new
education, as an motivator and facilitator. Arends (1997) in Ahmadi (2011:97)
defined the teacher that expect students to learn yet seldom teach them about
learning, the teacher students to solve problems yet seldom teach them about
problem solving.
From those explanations, the teacher should manage the classroom well.
The teacher needs to develop a number of methods for dealing with major and
minor behavior problems so the class can get on with the process of learning.
According to Harmer (2001:57) said that the teacher is no longer the
giver of knowledge, the controller, and the authority, but rather a facilitator and
resource for the students to draw on. Colleen (1981:47) the teacher as behavior
manager, there is the teacher faces behavior problems on a regular basic and this
problem must be dealt with in the classroom, where they occurring.
From those explanations, it is clear that learning needs a good teaching to
help students to get of knowledge or a skill by studying, and getting experience.
The role of teacher is facilitator of learning, lending discussion, guiding process
and task, and enabling active participation of learners and engagement with ideas.
The teacher is a figure who determines the teaching learning process successfully.
Actually, movie is nearly equivalent but film is considered a bit more
formal or pretentious. Film is defined as a sequence of images of moving objects
photographed by a camera and providing the optical illusion of continuous
movement when projected onto a screen or as a form of entertainment, information
which composed of such a sequence of images and shown in a cinema, etc.
Besides, a film which generally also is called a movie or motion picture,
is defined as a series of still or moving images and it is produced by recording
photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation
techniques or visual effects.
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/film. 06-02-2012, 19:20)
Sometimes, "Movies" more often refer to entertainment or commercial
aspects, as where to go for fun on a date or a theatre where moving pictures are
shown or a branch of the entertainment industry.
That’s why sometimes people confuse to differ between both those terms
“Film and Movie” and they use those terms interchangeably, based on Word Net
3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/movie), the explanation about definition of film
and movie are same (a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a
sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "that was the first
movie he ever made”: they went to a movie every Saturday night").
Therefore, in the writer’s idea, the usage terms of movie actually depends
upon which side of the pond on and simply movies are generally made to produce
money, whereas films are made, typically speaking, as a means to convey a story.
It is due to the term of movie which is considered as commercial thing and the term
movie is used when people consider aspect such as artistic, theoretical, or technical
aspects, as a material of study in a university class.
Literary Element Of Freedom Writers Movie
1. The extrinsic elements of the movie
Extrinsic elements are some parts from the outside of the story, but
indirectly it gives influence to the building and organism system of literary
critics. The extrinsic elements of the movie are the movie identity, biography of
the author, the background of movie, cultural of the movie, and others, beyond
the intrinsic elements (Wellek and Warren, 1977: 125).
Here are biograpy author and synopsis in Freedom Writers movie:
a. The Biography of the Author
Erin Gruwell was born August 15, 1969 is an American teacher
known for her unorthodox teaching method, which led to the publication of
The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to
Change Themselves and the World Around Them (1999). The 2007 film
Freedom Writers is based on her inspirational story. Paramount Pictures
released Freedom Writers, starring two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank as
Erin. The film is based on The Freedom Writers Diary, the New York Times
bestseller that chronicled Erin’s extraordinary journey with 150 high school
students who had been written off by the education system.
Erin Gruwell is a graduate of Bonita High School, in La Verne,
California, and the University of California, Irvine, where she received the
Lauds and Laurels Distinguished Alumni Award. She earned her Master’s
Degree and teaching credentials from California State University, Long
Beach, where she was honored as Distinguished Alumna by the School of
She began student teaching in 1994 at Woodrow Wilson High School
in Long Beach, California. After her year of student teaching, Gruwell
returned to Wilson as a full teacher, this time with a class of freshmen.
In 1998 after teaching for only four years, Gruwell left Wilson High
School and became a Distinguished Teacher in Residence at California State
University, Long Beach. Gruwell later went on to start the Freedom Writers
Foundation, which aspires to spread the Freedom Writers method across the
country. In 2000, 30 years old, Gruwell ran for Congress in CA-38. She did
not win. The Freedom Writers Diary is a 1999 book written by Erin Gruwell.
While Erin has been credited with giving her students a second
chancel, it was perhaps she who changed the most during her tenure at
Wilson High School. She decided to channel her classroom experiences
toward a broader cause, and today her impact as a teacher extends well
beyond Room 203. Erin founded the Freedom Writers Foundation where she
currently teaches teachers around the country how to implement her
innovative lesson plans into their own classrooms. Recently, Erin’s teaching
methods from her time in Room 203 have been published in the Freedom
Writers Diary Teacher’s Guide. Proceeds from the sale of all books directly
fund the Freedom Writers Foundation.
In early 2007, Teach With Your Heart, Erin’s powerful memoir and
call to arms was published. Erin and her students have appeared on
numerous television shows, including Oprah, Prime Time Live with Connie
Chung, Barbara Walters’ The View, and Good Morning America, to name a
few. Their story has earned them dozens of awards, including the Spirit of
Anne Frank Award. She has written an autobiographical account of her
experiences, entitled Teach with Your Heart: Lessons I Learned from the
Freedom Writers, published around the same time as the movie's release.
Accesed on 7 March 2012,19:38).
b. The Synopsis of Freedom Writers Movie
The story of Freedom Writers movie directed by L Richard
LaGravenese takes place between 1992-1995. It begins with scene from
1992 in Los Angeles. It then says that there were 120 murders in Long
Beach since the riots. With this tragedy, Erin Gruwell (Hillary Swank) wants
to change, and then decides a job as a teacher in Woodrow Wilson High
School in Long Beach, California. Where new integration program are puts
students of all background and races in classes together.
Erin Gruwell is a teacher with this background; an idealistic teacher
arrives to teach English. She is very educated, pretty, middle class, nonethnic, well-dressed, and smart. Her efforts to be a good teacher for her
students and she never gives up until her students become better.
Ms Erin Gruwell teaches in English class room 203. Her students
consist of a mixture of races such as Asian, black, Latin, and some of the
famous white lazy learning. They must be forced into class by security
guards and segregate themselves into racial groups in the classroom, the
tension is Apparent every time students from one face look at those from
another. Each group protects each other and often engages in inter-gang
violence. It the beginning of the teaching process, the students even had a
fight when she was teaching and eventually most of the students leave the
class. In subsequent meetings the situation remains the same.
Not only does Ms Erin Gruwell meet opposition from her students, but
she also has a hard time with her department head, who believes she should
focus on the lesson in teaching her students to learn and read more in
teaching them discipline and obedience.
The first day at school, Ms Erin Gruwell is a shocking with her
students, as she saw a fight almost breaks out in her classroom. Then she
found the riots outside the classroom. Her students do not obey her and
continuously talk back against her. While struggling with the students, Ms
Erin Gruwell has to deal at the same time with two complicated and to
demand male relationships. This atmosphere caused many teachers do not
feel happy and give up. They are better to resign.
Erin Gruwell still tries to student interesting to learn. Some many
learning strategies, for example; use the recorder as a media type of learning,
but students are not interested and even insulted. Erin Gruwell tried to find
another way to change behavior of her students. The first strategy made by
Ms Erin Gruwell is not worked. She did not give up teaching.
The next meeting day school, when the learning process takes place,
one of the students of Ms Erin Gruwell draw a caricature of black man with
thick and large lips, his caricatures is given to others students and finally it is
on Jamal’s hand (black students). Seeing the caricature Jamal feels
depressed, when Ms Erin Gruwell knows Jamal’s face she likes the paper
and then Ms Erin Guwell changes the subject by telling story about
Holocaust. Ms Erin Gruwell said that the gang who provide by them is
nothing when it is compared by holocaust. And she explains about reality of
the gang. After listening, the students began to realize and appreciate that Ms
Erin Gruwell as their teacher.
In addition, Ms Erin Gruwell also tries about learning approaches
playing game, such as games line back. With the game, the students to be
honest for their background. Then she convinced her students to write
anything about the pain and hardship in their diary, and then discuss the
diary with him. She gives a project to the students to write their diary in the
form of a book. She compiles the project into a book and names it The
Freedom Writer Diaries, she also did her disciples approach consisting of
four ethnic groups by discussing about their pleasures such as music,
movies, broken home, and rift with their community.
Ms Erin Gruwell also wants to invite them to the Museum and talk
with Holocaust victims so they really understand about what she called the
Holocaust. Since the students to read the books and know about the
Holocaust, they change completely. They are no longer concerned about
race. They begin to know each other. They also had to raise money to invite
Miep Gies as a speaker in their class. Miep Gies was an old lady who used to
hide Anne (in the book Diary of Anne Frank) when the hunt against the Jews
occurred. He said that he was not a hero, but he was only doing things that
are supposed to do.
While he struggled with his disciplines, at the same time she also
faced with the thorny problem of the relationship with his family. Her
husband (Patrick Dempsey) is supportive, but often jealous of her time
commitments. Finally, Erin Gruwell chose to divorce. Her father (Scott
Glenn) is often disappointed of her career choice, but proud of her courage
and tenacity.
Finally, with the spirit to teach, Erin Gruwell successful to unify their
students, who initially hate each other because of differences in race,
eventually became friends. In fact, they would cooperate with other. They
also change their attitude and realize that education is important. The
students really like their teacher, they want Erin Gruwell to be a teacher
again on the next class, but the school did not allow, because she is a new
teacher at the school. But students still struggle, and finally Erin Gruwell are
given permission to teach them again.
Meanwhile, Ms Erin Gruwell said that her students to write their
diaries book form. She compiles the entries and names it the Freedom
Writers Diary.
The end of this movie is Ms Erin Gruwell successfully brings many of
her students to graduation and college. The Freedom Writers method does not
only increases the involvement and satisfaction of students with school but also
of teachers. The effect of the Freedom Writers story makes students and
teachers together that can receive difference of background their economic, the
color of their skin, or their learning abilities, students learn from each other and
know about their lives.
2. The intrinsic elements of the movie
Intrinsic elements of movie include are character, theme, setting, point of
view, style and plot. Each element completes the other.
a. Character
Character is a person in a narrative or drama. Character is divided in
two parts: the major characters and minor characters. The major characters
are the most important figures, men and women in a literary work. The
major character is not by itself representing a noble nature because it can
also be negative, but because he was the central figure in the story.
Meanwhile, minor characters are figures that the properties and behavior
characterizations serve to support the main character (Melani, 2002: 188).
Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that the action or
work, the attributes of actor and physical appearance and the emotion of
character inner self can be used to make character in the story.
b. Theme
Theme in literature is often regarded as the authors way to
communicate and share ideas, perception and filling with the readers. It can
be said that theme is what the author intends to tell to the readers. According
to Kennedy, the theme of story is general idea or insight the entire story
reveals and in some the theme is unmistakable and is seldom obvious (1979:
90). Theme is derived from the total effect of the entire of the element of a
story, character, tone, plot and the rest.
Furthermore, Kennedy said that in literary fiction a theme is seldom so
obvious and theme need not be a moral or a message, it may be what the
happening add up to, what the story is about. In another statement of the
story theme is something other than the characters and events of its story
(1979: 91).
c. Setting
A setting can create an atmosphere that will help produce the
particular quality and effect of the story (James L. Potter, 1967: 27).
Obviously, the actions of the characters take place at some time, in some
place, amid some things. These temporal and spatial surroundings are the
setting. Setting is given to create the story as real and concrete as possible. It
is important to create a real impression of the story the readers. Within the
existence of setting the readers will be able to create circumstance as if the
story really happens.
Setting is divided in two groups, setting place and setting time:
1) The Setting of Time
A setting shows the location where can event is happening at the
story. The time or period in which the action takes place, for example:
epoch in history or season of the year.
2) The Setting of Place
A setting is the problem what happens in the story, the actual
geographical location, its topography, scenery and such physical
arrangements as the location of the windows and doors in the room.
d. Point of view
In the analysis of the fiction, point of view refers to the person or
narrator through whose eyes we observe the character and action the story.
To understand imaginative narrative we must consider the author’s point of
view or angle of narration as well as the content of his work. James L. Potter
in “Elements of Literature” said that pint of view is not the author’s general
attitude toward life or toward his story, but is a specific concept that we must
understand clearly.
e. Style
Style in the literature is the author’s manner of using language. Even
if two authors were to use the same plot, characters and settings, the result
would be two stories different. Because on their language would differ in
complexity, rhythm, sentence length, subtlety, humor, concreteness and the
number and kinds of images and metaphors. The particular mixture of
standard and poor qualities in each story would constitute its style. (Stanton,
1965: 30)
b. Plot
One basic concept of narrative is plot. According to James L. Potter, a
plot is based on a series of events that are all partly the result of some
continuing cause. The plot begins when the continuing cause begins and that
cause carries the sequence forward. At the beginning story it tells us the
situation which exists, and the process to present information about the
characters place and situation at the beginning to help the audience
understanding after that the potential conflict showed. (Potter James L, 1967:
1) Exposition
Exposition is the presentation of the information necessary for the
plot to get under way. It is the introduction to the characters, their
relationship with one another, and the physical background in which they
find themselves and so on. (potter,1967: 83).
2) Climax
Conflict and climax are two important elements in the plot. A
climax will exist if there is conflict. But not every conflict should reach
its climax and not all conflict needs solution. The climax happens at the
middle of the story on the beginning and the end.
Conflict is the essence of the stories. The exposition should set up
a situation in which there is conflict and form which suspense arises. The
conflict may be one of man against nature, man against man or in the
mind of the chief character, man against himself. (Potter, 1967: 83).
3) Resolution
The resolution is the rounding- off of the action, the conclusion,
one way or the other of the conflict. In tragedy, the resolution is often
referred to as the catastrophe, which means the ruin of the fortunes of the
hero. (Potter. 85).
Methodology gives a big contribution in the way to observe the data, how
to interpret and what kind of data that should be taken in this research. Lexically,
the word “Research Methodology” is derived from ‘research’ and ‘methodology’.
Webster (vol 2:81) defines Research as diligent inquiry or examination in seeking
facts or principle also Webster (vol 1:600) conveys that method is a manner of
procedure, especially a systematic an end; plan; system or order in thought or
action; the plan of procedure characteristic of a discipline; logical or scientific
Methodology helps the writer to arrange a planning of the research
carefully. Descriptive learning process in this movie needs a serious exertion to
achieve reliable and rigorous analysis. In conducting the research, the writer takes a
certain procedure. There are some steps in whole process of doing this research.
1. The Type of the Research
This research is in the domain of qualitative research. The type of this
research is “Descriptive Qualitative Research”. Moleong affirms that,
qualitative research is a research of which the data is in the form of written or
oral word is descriptive method (2002: 4).
Descriptive is serving to describe or analogy something and it deals the
meaning of thing and view of meaning is associate. Furthermore, Moleong says
that qualitative research is a search of which data in the forms of written or oral
word are descriptively analyzed, which does not include any calculation or
numerating (2002: 3).
Qualitative research always has descriptive quality, it means that the data
which are analyzed and the data analysis result have the form of phenomenon
descriptive, not nominal form or coefficient about relationship among variable
(Aminudin, 1999: 16). It can be inferred that qualitative research is systematic
application of the problems and the data here can be oral or written.
2. Object of The Research
The research object in this study explains about learning process in
Freedom Writers, based on the true story of the student in Woodrow Wilson
High School in Long Beach, California. This movie is directed by Richard
3. The Source of The Data Resource
In this study, the writer gets the materials from many books and looks for
in the internet. The sources of the data refer to the subject form which the data
are obtained (Suharsimi Arikunto.1998: 114).
They are considered as the materials of the research because this research
is literary study, the writer uses documentation method that is taken from
primary and secondary books. Those are:
a. Primary data sources
It is a source of data related to the object of the research. The primary
data source is from the object Freedom Writers movie directed by Richard
b. Secondary data source
The secondary source is taken from other literatures related to the
movie to increase and add to the theory of literature. She also takes sources
from internet. It provides valid and up to date information. It is hoped that it
will help to support and verify facts gained from the main sources.
4. The Method of Collecting The Data
In this research, the writer uses documentation as the way to collect the
data. Documentation is a written or printed paper that bears the original, official
or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or
information. Documentation in this case is the “Freedom Writers” movie.
The ways of collecting data are as follows:
a. Watching the film twice or more is very important.
b. Identifying to find the data related to the study.
c. Classifying the data.
d. Selecting the relevant data.
e. Reporting selected data.
5. The Techniques of Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, the writer uses descriptive analysis technique to
analyze the activity of teaching learning process used in Freedom Writers
The procedures of analyzing the data are as follows:
c. Exposing the data in order to reveall the problems.
d. Codification.
e. Interpreting the data.
f. Comparing data with fact in order to find the similarities between them.
g. Concluding in order to answer the statement of problem.
In this chapter, the writer discusses the literary elements of the Freedom Writers
movie. Beside that, the writer also would like to present about learning process of
Freedom Writer movie and the role of teacher in teaching learning process in Freedom
Writers movie.
The literary Elements of Freedom Writers movie
1. Extrinsic Elements of Freedom Writers movie
The extrinsic elements of the Freedom Writers movie are following:
a. Movie Identity
The identity of Freedom Writers movie, there are:
In Theaters
: January 5, 2007
MPAA Rating
: PG- 13 (for violent content, some
thematic material and language)
: Hilary Swank (Ms Erin Gruwell),
Pattrick Dempsey ( Scott Casey), Scott
Glenn (Steve Gruwell), Imelda Staunton
Hernandez ( Eva Benitez), Mario (Andre
Bryant), Kristin Herrera (Gloria Munez),
Jaclyn Ngan (SHindy), Jason Finn
Deance Wyatt (Jamal),
Vanetta Smith (Brandy Ross), Gabriel
Chavarria (Tito), Hunter Parrish (Ben
Daniels), Antonio Garcia (Miguel),
Giovannie Samuels (Victoria).
: Drama, Biopic, Teen, Adaption
: Paramount Pictures
Box Office
: $36,581,632
Run Time
: 2 hours 3 minutes
Production Status
: Released
Movie in Locations
: Los Angeles, California USA
Produce in
: United States
: Richard LaGravenese
(www.freedomwriters.movie.com. on 10 March 2012,20:21)
b. The background of the movie
This movie tells the true story of a young English teacher and her
influence in the classroom. The teacher’s name is Erin Gruwell. This movie
is made based on the book which is “the freedom Writers diary” that is
authorized by Erin Gruwell and directed by Richard LaGravenese.
c. The director of Freedom Writers movie
Richard LaGravenese has enjoyed an exemplary fast track screen
writing career in Hollywood. His second produced screenplay, "The Fisher
King" (1991), garnered an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay
and afforded director Terry Gilliam a solid critical and commercial success.
LaGravenese served as producer on "The Ref" (1994), the third movie to
spring from his script, while his next three efforts, "A Little Princess",
"Unstrung Heroes" and "The Bridges of Madison County" (all 1995), won
him widespread critical acclaim.
Before finding his true vocation, LaGravenese studied acting and
experimental theater at New York University. He went on to try his hand on
the nightclub circuit as half of a short-lived comedy team. In addition to
holding down such jobs as bartender and street vendor, the struggling actor
helped make ends meet by writing monologues for other thespians. He
segued to movies as a co-writer on the mild social comedy "Rude
Awakening" (1989).
LaGravenese received extraordinary notices for his adaptation of
Robert James Waller's amazingly popular novel, "The Bridges of Madison
County". Most reviewers derided the merits of the source material while
marveling at the transformation wrought by the screenwriter and by director
Clint Eastwood. LaGravenese trimmed much of the literary and
philosophical fat away from the tale to create a lean and satisfying love
story. He shrewdly shifted the focus to the female character Francesca
(Meryl Streep) and humanized her mythic lover Robert Kincaid (Eastwood).
The story also benefited from an expanded framing device in which the
grown-up children learn of their ostensibly staid mother's brief infidelity
many years before. Finally, LaGravenese added some characters to flesh out
the story's themes while, at Eastwood's insistence, retaining enough of the
original fulsome dialogue to satisfy the novel's fans.
That same year, LaGravenese provided the script for the
comedy/drama "Unstrung Heroes". The story of a 12-year-old who runs
away to live with his eccentric uncles when his mother takes ill, the movie
(directed by Diane Keaton) was an intelligent and quiet look at a family in
disarray; only the over-the-top performances of some of the cast deflected
from the script. He also co-scripted (with Elizabeth Chandler) the critically
acclaimed adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett's "A Little Princess".
(http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/artists/l/RichardLaGravenese/biography245963.html Accesed on 10 March 2012,19:38)
d. Richard LaGravenese’s Movieography:
There are the movieography of Richard LaGravenese, as follow;
· The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) PG (for
some frightening images and sequences of fantasy action)Screenplay
(2nd adaptation).
· P.S. I Love You (2007) 12A (Contains moderate sex references)Director,
Screenplay (rewrite).
· Paris, I Love You (Paris, je t'aime) (2007) 15 (Contains very strong
language)Director ("Pigalle"), Screenplay ("Pigalle").
· Freedom Writers (2007) 12A (Contains one use of strong language and
moderate violence) Director, Screenplay.
· A Decade Under the Influence (2003) (for language, sand images of
sexuality, violence and drug use)Actor/Actress, Director (Co-Director),
Producer, Screenplay.
· Blow (2001) 18 (for pervasive drug content and language, some violence
and sexuality) Actor, Played "Detective No 2".
· Beloved (1999) 15 (for violent images, sexuality and nudity) screenplay.
· Living Out Loud (1998) 15 (for language, and for some drug content and
sexuality) Director, screenplay.
· The Horse Whisperer (1998) PG (For a disturbing accident scene)
· The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) screenplay, screen story.
· Unstrung Heroes (1995) screenplay.
· The Bridges of Madison County (1995) 12Screenplay.
· A Little Princess (1995) Screenplay.
· The Fisher King (1991) 15Played "Strait Jacket Yuppie", screenplay.
· Rude Awakening screenplay.
· The Ref Producer, Screenplay.
(http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/artists/l/RichardLaGravenese/movieography 245963.html Accesed on 10 March 2012,
e. Cultural Background of Movie
Usually the works of literature such as poetry, novel and soon
describes about the current situation that occur in a society or in the
environment around the author’s life. The Freedom Writers movie by
Richard LaGravenese tells about the people from various race backgrounds.
It has almost become of a tradition, to always be represented of violent
behavior. The media constantly targets youths from different race in ways
uses culture to promote power. In this case it would be the ruling by cultural
influence where white people have the power and dominant control over
people from different race.
Set in Long Beach, California, Freedom Writers (2007) puts forward
this negative stereotype of people within the ethnic community belonging to
a vicious crime filled environment. The characters within the movie belong
to a segregated community, where each race is divided into separate tribes.
The students are represented as a central point to the movie, and the way
they struggle to break free from the chaotic atmosphere around them to
emerge as one, putting away the elements of the other, and accepting their
classmates for who they are rather than their race backgrounds.
The movie has been constructed in such a way that it promotes an
ideology of how the community where the students live is represented as a
racially acceptable society. This could be seen as the key reason to why the
action of the youths in this movie was so demoralized based on all the
segregation between them. Freedom Writers upholds strong stereotypes of
people within the African-American, Latino, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and
Caucasian race and therefore social realism is created as the text deals with
issues the teens are associated with such as racism, violence, gun/gang crime
and drugs. This has therefore resulted in people believing in these given
stereotypes. It can be shown from this dialogue:
: White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it
for free.
Erin : I'm a teacher. It doesn't matter what color I am. It's all about
: It's about people deciding what you deserve, about people
wanting what they don't deserve, about whites thinking they
run this world no matter what. You see, I hate white people.
Erin : You hate me?
: Yeah. (00:30:00)
With, spirit and some techniques to teach, Erin Gruwell is successful
to unify their students, who initially hate each other because of differences in
race, eventually become friends. In fact, they would cooperate with other.
They also change their attitude and realize that education is important.
Although, the teachers and staff in school themselves do not aim to provide
the best quality of teaching environment for their students. Interaction
between the teacher and students it also major issue toward the end of the
movie. It can be shown from this dialogue:
Erin : And I want each of you to make a toast. We're each gonna
make a toast for change. And what that means is, from this
moment on every voice that told you "You can't" is silenced.
Every reason that tells you things will never change
disappears. And the person you were before this moment, that
person's turn is over. Now it's your turn”. (01:07:11)
The teachers have an important role in education process, the success
of education depends on the teacher that is like how they can manage and
control the condition on teaching learning process, be good figure in front of
their students. It becomes very important to be noticed by the teachers
because teacher is the centre of attention of their students. They should be
able to bring a sense of comfort in front of their students so that students do
not feel bored. A teacher must also be a motivator for her students to be
2. Intrinsic Elements of Freedom Writers movie
The intrinsic elements of the Freedom Writers movie are following:
a. Character
Character is divided into two kinds, namely major and minor
character. While, minor character is proponent of major character. There are;
1. Major Character
a) Erin Gruwell
She was born is August 1965 in new port Beach, California.
She is a teacher at class 203 in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long
Beach, California. She is a beautiful girl, white skin, pointed nose and
tall. Her hair is brown and straight. Ms Erin Gruwell is a smart,
creative, and intelligent women and innovative teacher. In addition,
she is a good teacher, she always cares with other people and kind to
her students and loves her family. About socially, she is a patient
person. She always smiles although she does not get responds from
her students when she teaches for the first time. The example in
: Hello. Hello. Hey, you, let's sit right
: Hey, girl, you wanna give me some
That Shake?
fries with
: my name is Erin Gruwell. Welcome to Freshman
: Reni Ross, Gloria Willich, Santiago, Andrew
Brian, Eva Benetas.
: Eva not Iva, I have to go to the bathroom
: I give this bitch a week.
: White women thought this dance room (00:09:13)
b) Scott Casey
He is Erin Gruwell’s husband, he is an architect. Scott Casey is
handsome man. He is a good husband because always honest to his
wife and cares with father-in-law and wife. He has white skin. The
example in dialogue:
: Honey, here. Here, sit down. It's all right. I'll move
: I don't mind standing. Food goes straight down.
How much longer are you gonna be?
: I don't know. Want to help?
: Not really, I'm a terrible drawer.
: You're an architect.
: All right, I just don't want to.
: What's the matter? Is something wrong?
: No, it's nothing. Well, it's just, you know, I want to
hear all this, I do. It just... I feel like we haven't
talked about anything, other than your job, in like
: I'm sorry. Well, what's going on at work?
: Nothing. I don't want to talk about that, either. I
just want to hang out. I want to be home. And I
want to be with my schoolteacher. I've always had
this fantasy about being kept late after school.
c) Steve Gruwell
Steve Gruwell is his full name. The people usually call him Mr
Gruwell. He is Erin Gruwell’s father. He is a protective man, he
always protects his sister. Steve Gruwell one of high level men
because he is a lawyer and businessman. The example in dialogue:
: So, how's work?
: Dad.
: I was asking your husband.
: It's good. I mean, for now. It's a good company. I
pretty much run the computer data department.
: I thought you were an architect.
: He is. He's just taking a break. And the money's
good for now.
: How much are you making, $27,000 before taxes?
: If you know, why are you asking?
: So, what's everybody gonna eat? With your brains,
you could run a major corporation. (00:16:28)
2. Minor Character
a) Margaret
Margaret is a vice head master in Woodrow Wilson High
School in Long Beach, California. She is disappointes to integration
program because it makes Woodrow Wilson lost over 75% of our
strongest students. She is an idealized woman, because she is not easy
to accept other people and introvert. She is also a bully woman, if
there is someone makes trouble she will be angry. The example in
Margaret : It's too bad you weren't here even two years ago,
you know. We used to have one of the highest
Scholastic records in the district, but since
voluntary integration was suggested, we've lost
over 75º/º of our strongest students.
Margaret : I think you're a lovely, intelligent woman. But
you're a first-time teacher. As head of this
department, I have to be confident you're capable
of dealing with what we have to face here.
: I know I have a lot to learn as a teacher, but I'm a
really good student. I am, and I really want to be
here. (00:05:30).
b) Eva Benitez
She is a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson High School
in Long Beach, California. She is a wonder woman, she has hair long
curly and her skin black. Eva is a loyal woman and very loyal to her
gang. She is a brave woman, because she and her students often fight
each others because of the differences skin and races. She is a quite
person, but she cannot build relationship with other person. The
example in dialogue:
: White people wanting respect like they deserve it
for free.
: I'm a teacher, it doesn't matter what color I am.
: It's all about color, it's about people deciding
what you
deserve, about people wanting what they don't deserve. About
whites thinking they own this world no matter
what, you see, I hate white people.
: You hate me? You don't even know me.
: I know what you can do. I saw white cops shoot
my friend in the back for reaching into his pocket,
his pocket! I saw white cops come into my house
and take my father away for no reason except
they feel like it! Except because they can! And
they can, because they're white. So I hate white
people on sight! (00:32:08).
c) Jamal
He is a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson High School in
Long Beach, California. He often wears jamper. He has black skin. He
is a bully man, because he likes to be angry to his friend when her
friends mock her. He is also destroyer man, he likes mocking his
friend or makes crowded in the class. The example in dialogue:
: Yeah, and that's some bullshit.
: It's the dumb class, coz. It means you're too dumb.
: Man, say it to my face, coz.
: I just did. See what I mean? Dumb.
: Man, what am I doing in here? This whole ghettoass class has got people in here looking like a bad
rerun of Cops and shit. (00:10:19).
d) Shindy
She is a pretty woman. She is a student of 203 class in
Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. She has
white skin. She is a good person and a brave woman. Shindy is an
introvert woman because she spends time in class with silent. The
example in dialogue:
: During the war in Cambodia, the camps stripped
away my father's dignity. He sometimes tries to
hurt me and my mom. I feel like I have to protect
my family.
[while playing the Line Game, in which Erin makes the class
reveal that they have more in common than they care to admit]
: Who has or is a juvenile hall?
: Does a refugee camp count?
: You decide.
[Sindy stands on the line] (00:40:58)
e) Andre
Andre is handsome, a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson
High School in Long Beach, California. He also has black hair. He is
brave man, he gives argument to other friends and teacher although
his argument often wrong. He is a bad person, because he likes
mocking his friends and teacher. But, he is also a helper man, because
he helps his friends. The example in dialogue:
: But to get respect you have to give it.
: Bullshit.
: What?
: Why should I give you my respect to you? Because
you're a teacher? I don't know you. How do I
know you're not a liar standing up there. How do
I know you're not a bad person standing up
there? I'm not just gonna give you my respect
because you're called a teacher.
: White people wanting their respect like its for free.
f) Gloria
Gloria is very beautiful woman. She has white skin. She is a
student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach,
California. She is one of the students who never disturbs his friends.
She is a wonder woman, because she is able to face problem of her
family. The example in dialogue:
: If you look in my eyes, you'll see a lonely girl. If
you like at my smile, you'll see nothing wrong. If
you pull up my shirt, you'll see the bruises. What
did I do to make him so mad? (00:49:45).
g) Marcus
He has black skin, a coward man because he avoids from his
problem with his mother. He seldom smiles with friends. Marcus is
one of the students Woodrow Wilson who very respect with his gang.
The example in dialogue:
: Clive was my boy. He had my back plenty of times.
Me and him was like one fist. One army.
[Clive pulls a gun out of a paper bag and accidentally shoots
: I sat there until the police came. But when they
come, all they see is a dead body, a gun, and a
nigger. They took me to juvenile hall. First night
was the scariest. Inmates banging on the walls,
throwing up gang signs, yelling out who they
were and where they from. I cried my first night. I
never let anybody know that. I spent the next few
years in and out of cells. Every day I worry, when
will I be free? (00:48:28)
h) Tito
He is a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson High School in
Long Beach, California. He is handsome man, he has white skin. He is
pessimist man because he likes negative thinking in life. The morally,
he is destroyer man because he likes making trouble in class. The
example in dialogue:
: Nobody cares what I do. Why should I bother
coming to school? (00:50:52)
i) Ben Daniels
He seldom talks with other students because he is afraid with
other friends when interaction with them. He has white skin. He also
is a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long
Beach, California.
: Switch with Ben. Come on.
: I can't go back there alone.
: It'll be fine.
: No, it won't. I'm not sitting near him.
: I am not going up there without my homey. I'm
not sitting
back there alone!(00:20:26)
: Who here knows what the Holocaust is?
[all keep their hands down except Ben, the only white kid, who
sheepishly raises his]
: Who here has ever been shot at?
[all raise their hands except Ben, who lowers his] (00:34:33)
j) Brandy
She is a student a student of 203 class in Woodrow Wilson
High School in Long Beach, California. She is a patient woman,
because she keeps surviving for her family although her family is
broken. She is not grudge to her father however he always loved.
: In every war, there is an enemy.
I watched my mother being hlaf-beaten to
death, and watched as bloodand tears streamed
down her face. I felt useless and scared, and
furious at the same time. I can still feel the sting
of the belt on my back and my legs. One time he
couldn't pay the rent. That night he stopped us
on the street and pointed to the concrete. He
said, "pick a spot. (00:47:40)
k) Brilliant Gillbert
Brilliant is a teacher who teaches junior class in Woodrow
Wilson. He is jealous man, he dislikes if other teacher success. He
does not open his mind for changes.
l) Miep Gies
She is a woman who helps Anne Frank and she comes to
Woodrow Wilson Miep Gies party. She talks about Anne frank’s life.
She gives good service to Erin Gruwell’s students with telling about
Anne Frank’s life patiently.
m) Eva’s father
He is a hero for his race and leader in this race. He always gives
the best to his race although his member makes a wrong.
n) Eva’s mother
She is beautiful woman although she has one sister. She is
introvert woman because she only telling about her problem to her
o) Young Eva
She is sweet and brave girl. She is students to be wonder
woman. She also submissive girl to her father
p) Shindy’s boy friends
He is white man from Cambodia. He has black hair
q) Marcus’ mother
She is an old woman. She has black skin. She is a good mother,
she still accepts her son although person has bad behavior.
r) Young’s Marcus
He is a tong son, and he studies about a new experience. He is
black skin.
b. Plot
1) Exposition
The beginning of this movie is monologue to introduce the history
with scenes from the 1992 until 1995 in Los Angeles Riots in Long
Beach, America. Recount about a true story and the diaries of real long
beach teenager after the Los Angeles during the worst outbreak of
interracial gang and race. Because Ms Erin Gruwell wants to change, and
then decides a job as a teacher in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long
Beach, California. Where new integration program are puts students of all
background and race in classes together.
2) Conflict
This conflict is started when her students do not pay attention to
her. She tries some steps to attract her student. The first, Ms Erin Gruwell
starts as teacher, she tries to be a good teacher although her students are
not accepting her. He never gives up taking hearts. The second, she starts
her teaching with some of games which make them interested to her
lesson. The third, students start open themselves with story about their
experience during life.
When her success takes their heart, her students won’t separate
from hers because they left enjoy the learning process when she teaches
them. And then, Ms Gruwell gets serious problem because her husband
gives choice between choosing her students or husband. An in the school
Ms Margaret hates her because she dislikes Ms Erin Gruwell teaching
who makes her students move in Erin gruwell’s class so Ms Margaret
tells her she cannot teach her students for their junior years.
3) Resolution
Resolution in this story is Scott Casey takes decision to divorce
Erin Gruwell’s ability as a good teacher. She accepts Ms Erin Gruwell as
a teacher in Junior and senior level. Her students are very happy because
Erin Gruwell teachers them until senior level. Ms Erin Gruwell
successfully brought many of her students to graduation and college.
c. Setting
Setting is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and setting of
time. There are:
a) Setting place
1. In Los Angeles
In Los Angeles there are over 12o murders after the Rodney
kings riots. In Long Beach, it is a city which has many kind of races.
In new port Beach, it is a city where Ms Erin Gruwell was born.
2. In room 203
In room 203 Erin Gruwell her students, in this class, she starts
to know about her students who come from the kinds of race.
3. The office Woodrow Wilson
The office Woodrow Wilson is a room which is used as a
meeting room between Ms Erin Gruwell and Margaret for the first.
4. The library
In this room when Ms Erin Griwell discuss good book with
5. Holocaust Museum
In this room, Erin Gruwell students saw picture which contents
history of Holocaust.
6. Educational department
It is the place Wilson Miep Gies party.
7. Home Eva
It is the place when little’s Eva and look at the police and took
her father for retaliation.
8. The hotel
It is the place when they have met with Holocaust victims.
b) Setting of time
This movie is started in 1992. It can be seen in the storyline of
movie takes place between 1992 until 1995. It begins over 120 murders in
Long Beach in the months following the Rodney King riots. Gang
violence and racial tension reach an all time high.
d. Point of view
Point of view based on perspective of story teller, namely first person,
second, third person. Most of acting in this movie used third person.
In third person, there are the actions and dialogues of the characters.
Characters need participants to live the actions and reactions. Interact
between mayor character and minor character
e. Style
This movie the author use figure language with simply, direct and
easly to be understood by the viewer. She tells the description of story
clearly and very detail, such as when she tell very detail from classroom, the
condition of school even its location. The author also uses some figurative
language, for example:
· Hiperbola style:
Marcus: I've never had a hero before. But you are my hero.(01:40:05)
f. Theme
This movie has a theme someone takes to afford and struggle to reach
the dreams. It can be seen by what Ms Erin Gruwell well to create her dream
that makes students to be better.
Learning process in Freedom Writer movie
1. Teaching learning approach in Freedom Writers movie
In the Freedom Writers movie, the teacher uses some approaches to
manage the classroom, there are:
a. Diversion approach
According to Azhar (1993:93) diversion approach is management
class technique which is done by transferring attention, activity the student
behavior that deviate.
The second day, Ms Erin Gruwell uses a tape recorder as a medium of
learning for discussing poetry, but her students insult by saying the
following words:
: Think we don't know 2Pac?
: White girl gonna teach us about rap.
: No, it's not that. See, what I was trying to do…
: You have no idea what you're doing up there, do
you? You ever been a teacher before?
: And teacher gets nailed, y'all! (00:19:20)
Because of the ridicule from their students, Ms Erin Gruwell is angry
and order her students to change their sitting position which is clustered
according to their race, she asks the students to mix become one. It can show
from this dialogue:
: All right, Jamal, enough.
: That's enough!
: You know what? I want you to move to this front seat
right here now.
: What?
: Come on. I am sick of these antics in my classroom.
: Well, there you are. I was wondering when you were
gonna lose that damn smile.
: Switch with Ben. Come on.
: I can't go back there alone.
: It'll be fine.
: No, it won't. I'm not sitting near him.
: I am not going up there without my homey. I'm not
sitting back there alone!
: Shut up. All right, you know what? I want you all to
move to this side of the room. Come on. Let's go. Now!
The first approach made by Ms Erin Gruwell is not worked. It is seen
from the learning process on the next day also does not develop after
diversion approaches. The students still do violence to their class mate who
have different races and the students reduced over time.
b. Emphasis Approach
According to Azhar (1993:93) Emphasis approach is a management
class technique which is done by showing the authority of the teacher to
students. So, the teacher acts in overcome the students behavior by using
When the learning process takes place, one of the students of Ms. Erin
Gruwell draws a caricature of black man with thick and large lips, his
caricatures is given to others students and finally it is on Jamal’s hand (black
students). Seeing the caricature Jamal feels depressed, when Ms Erin
Gruwell sees know Jamal’s face she like the paper and then Ms Erin Guwell
change the subject by telling story about Holocaust. Ms Erin Gruwell said
that the gang who provide by them is nothing when it is compared by
holocaust. The example in dialogue:
: You know something? I saw a picture just like this once
in a museum (showing the caricature picture which is
made by one of her students). Only it wasn't a black
man, it was a Jewish man. And instead of the big lips,
he had a really big nose, like a rat's nose. But he wasn't
just one particular Jewish man, this was a drawing of
all Jews. And these drawings were put in the
newspapers by the most famous gang in history.
: That's us, dawg.
: You think you know all about gangs? You're amateurs.
This gang would put you all to shame. And they started
out poor and angry, and everybody looked down on
them. Until one man decided to give them some pride,
an identity and somebody to blame. You take over
neighborhoods? That's nothing compared to them. They
took over countries. And you wanna know how? They
just wiped out everybody else. Yeah, they wiped out
everybody they didn't like, and everybody they blamed
for their life being hard. And one of the ways they did it
was by doing this. See, they'd print pictures like this in
the newspapers. Jewish people with big, long noses.
Blacks with big, fat lips. They'd also publish scientific
evidence that proved Jews and blacks were the lowest
form of human species. Jews and blacks were more like
animals. And because they were just like animals it
didn't really matter whether they lived or died. In fact,
life would be a whole lot better if they were all dead.
That's how a holocaust happens. And that's what you all
think of each other (00:28:48).
From the description of the holocaust, the students began to touch
(Some students are surprised and Eva drop her tears.). With this approach,
Ms. Erin G interested to identify students with the aim to find how far the
students are knowledge and involved in gang violence.
c. Individual Approach
According to Djamarah(1995: 61) each of the students has different
characteristics from other students. Because, the teacher must be done
individual approach to know about her students. It relates with Quran says in
Surah Al-Lail verse 3-4:
ÇÍÈ 4Ó®Lt± s9 ö/ä3 u‹÷èy™ b̈ Î) ÇÌÈ #Ós\RW{ $#ur tx.©%!$#t, n=y{ $tBur
By Him who created male and female; Certainly, your efforts and
deeds are diverse (different in aims and purposes).
Because the first and second approach used did not work, Erin
Gruwell try to identify the cause of the deviation of the behavior of students
by reading dear diary one by one. With reading her student’s diary Ms Erin
Gruwell knows about the students’ story. The example in dialogue:
: In every war, there is an enemy. I watched my mother
being hlaf-beaten to death, and watched as bloodand
tears streamed down her face. I felt useless and scared,
and furious at the same time. I can still feel the sting of
the belt on my back and my legs. One time he couldn't
pay the rent. That night he stopped us on the street and
pointed to the concrete. He said, "pick a spot."
: My brother taught me what the life is for a young black
man. Pimp, deal, whatever. Learn what colors to wear.
Gang banners. You can sell to one corner, but you can't
sell another. Learn to be quiet. The wrong word can get
She can't even look at me because I look like my dad.
: If you look in my eyes, you'll see a lonely girl. If you like
at my smile, you'll see nothing wrong. If you pull up my
shirt, you'll see the bruises. What did I do to make him
so mad?
: I sat there until the police came. But when they come,
all they see is a dead body, a gun, and a nigger. They
took me to juvenile hall. First night was the scariest.
Inmates banging on the walls, throwing up gang signs,
yelling out who they were and where they from. I cried
my first night. I never let anybody know that. I spent the
next few years in and out of cells. Every day I worry,
when will I be free? (00:47:48)
From the individual approach which is done by Erin Gruwell that
found the background of each student. Erin Gruwell has initiative to give the
gift a reward by giving book about stories that happen to their students.
d. Social - emotional approach
According to Djamarah (1995:73) Socio-emotional approach is
developing the positive relations between teachers and students and among
In freedom writers movie, Socio-emotional approach is indicated
when Ms. Erin Gruwell take their students to the museum and give attention
to each student. With giving complete information about Holocaust violence
that happened in World War 2 by inviting in their students go to museum
which tells about Holocaust tragedy.
Ms. Erin Gruwell willing to pick up their students to take a work. So,
they have perceptions that happen to her students. Ms, Erin Gruwell invites
them to the museum and hotel to meet with Holocaust victim. They are very
enthusiastic to listen to the story of Holocaust victims. The example in
: At the beginning of the tour, they give you a card with a
child's picture on it. You could find out who they were
and what camp they were sent to. And at the end of the
tour, you could find out if they survived. I got a little
girl from Italy.
: Tito, your hat.
in Moseum : Kristallnacht, they called it. The Night of Broken Glass
.Hundreds of synagogues looted and burned. More than
7,Jewish stores destroyed. Over 100 Jews killed. A
small center for children in Isieux in the French
province of Ain. Among the children deported that day
to Birkenau was 11-year-old Liliane Berenstein, who,
before leaving, left behind a letter to God. My little boy
died. He got off the train and they killed him. I don't
know why it bothered me so much. I've seen death all
my life. But this little boy was only five. (01:00:35)
Examples of dialogue at the hotel to meet with Holocaust victims:
Eddy Ellay : When they tattooed the people they took us to do the
slave work. Not the others, and that included many of
my family. So, we ran away, some of the young kids. I
was at that time 11-and-a-half years old. And where to
go, I didn't know,But I remember one place where I
used to live. So when I ran there, there was not one Jew
left. I was in the worst camp. I was in Auschwitz.
2. The technique of class management by Ms Erin Gruwell in Freedom Writers
According to Djamarah (1995: 195) Class management is the efforts
which are done by teachers in managing their students in a class by creating and
enduring the situations and condition in the class. Which supports teaching
program to achieve the goals of study. In class management which use by the
teacher in the movie Freedom Writers is an effort to stop students deviant
behavior and then lead to create of student behavior that supports the
implementation of good teaching and learning process, and effective.
Some techniques in the learning process by Ms Erin Gruwell in the
Freedom Writers movie:
a. Recognize students living situations
Ms Erin Gruwell feels confuse, how to begin the learning process. She
starts from what is usually, but it makes the learning becomes uncontrolled
event fistfight. She tried to introduce and get to know her students name but
only a beginning that is not memorable and even mocked. She also tried
beginning dotted departure in with popular by the students, namely poetry poetry of rap music, but also not motivating. The students no one noticed
and insult, but Ms Erin Gruwell is still continuing to call students one by
one. Her students do not respect her and even underestimate her. It can be
shown from this dialogue:
: Hello. Hello.Hey, yo, let's sit right here, man.
: Hey, girl, you wanna give me some fries with That
: my name is Erin Gruwell. Welcome to Freshman
: Reni Ross, Gloria Willich, Santiago , Andrew Brian,
Eva Benetas.
: Eva not Iva, I have to go to the bathroom
: I give this bitch a week.
: White women thought this dance room (00:09:17)
b. Ms Erin Gruwell using a tape recorder Media
Although in the first meeting yesterday Erin Gruwell felt, she is still
enthusiast and tries to attract students attention using the tape recorder as a
medium of learning. In order to students interested, she discusses by about
poetry, but that students insult her. The example in dialogue:
: I have this idea. We're gonna be covering poetry. Who
here likes Tupac Shakur?
: It's 2Pac.
: 2Pac Shakur. Excuse me. Raise your hand. Really? I
thought there'd be more fans. I have the lyrics to this
song printed out. I want you to listen to this phrase. I
have up on the board. It's an example of an internal
rhyme. What he does is very sophisticated and cool,
:Man-child in the Promised Land couldn't afford many
heroes. Moms were the only one there.
:And, no, I guess you didn't know. That I would grow to
be so strong. You looking kinda pale, was it the ale?
Oh, pops was wrong.
: Where was the money that you said you would send me?
Talked on the phone and you sounded so friendly. Think
we don't know 2Pac?
: White girl gonna teach us about rap.
: No, it's not that. See, what I was trying to do...
: You have no idea what you're doing up there, do you?
You ever been a teacher before?
: And teacher gets nailed, y'all! (00:18.20).
c. Changing seats positions
When hearing the insults from the students Ms. Erin Gruwell, Erin
Gruwell begins to try to the students to move the sitting to make class
conducive. Moreover, she wants her students to mix become one though
different race. It can be shown from this dialogue:
: All right, Jamal, enough.
: That's enough!
: You know what? I want you to move to this front seat
here right now.
: What?
: Come on. I am sick of these antics in my classroom.
: Well, there you are. I was wondering when you were
gonna lose That damn smile.
: Switch with Ben. Come on.
: I can not go back there alone.
: It'll be fine.
: No, it will not. I'm not sitting near him.
: I is not going up there without my homey. I'm not sitting
back there alone!
: Shut up. All right, you know what? I want you all to
move to this side of the room. Come on. Let's go. Now!
From the step above Ms Erin Gruwell still has not produced results,
but Erin keeps the spirit and still has some learning strategies for 203 class to
make class more conducive, safe, enjoyable. But still is fail.
d. Inviting the students to reveal all of the students their life experiences
On one occasion, Erin Gruwell finds a case that happens in learning
process. The case, there is a man who draws a face that has a stereotyped the
characteristic to his friend the Negro. Erin Gruwell uses this case to leave the
worry that happens among them. That this picture, uses a starting point, how
the problems and experience among them. Especially, knowledge of the
gang and invitation the students to reveal all of the students their life
experiences. It can be shown from this dialogue:
: You think you know all about Gangs? You're amateurs.
This gang would put you all to shame. And They started
out poor and angry, and everybody looked down on
them. Until one man Decided to give them some pride,
an identity and somebody to blame. You take over
neighborhoods? That's nothing compared to them. They
took over countries. And you wanna know how? They
just wiped out everybody else. Yeah, They wiped out
everybody They did not like, and everybody They
blamed for Their life being hard. And one of the
Airways They did it was by doing this. See, they'd print
pictures like this in the newspapers. Jewish people with
big, long noses. Blacks with big, fat lips. They'd also
publish scientific evidence proved That Jews and Blacks
were the lowest form of human species. Jews and
Blacks were more like animals. And Because They were
just like animals it did not really matter whether They
lived or died. In fact, life would be a whole lot better if
They were all dead. That's how a holocaust Happens.
And that's what you all think of each other. (29: 03)
: You know what's Gonna Happen when you die? You're
gonna rot in the ground. And people are gonna go on
living, and they're gonna forget all about you. And
when you rot, do you think it's gonna matter whether
you were an original gangster? You're dead. And
nobody, nobody is gonna wanna remember you,
Because all you left behind in this world is this
(pointing to paper). (00:29:13)
Listen from Erin Gruwell explanation the students began to touch
even a few students in shock and Eva had drop her tears.
e. Using games to explore the experience of life
Erin Gruwell uses the game to make the line divides the two sides.
Through the line, Erin Gruwell asks to her students, of what a simple,
popular, contextual to a deeper experience. Interests of the game, Erin
Gruwell asks the students to equate the context of their room of life- of each
with a space between their own lives as well. How do they also have the
experience - the same experience, which can make them have other linkages.
The example in dialogue:
: We're gonna play a game, all right? It's a lot of fun. I
promise. Look, you can either sit in your seats
Workbooks Those reading, or you can play a game.
Either way, you're in here till the bell rings. Okay. This
is called the Line Game. I'm gonna ask you a question.
If That question APPLIES to you, you step onto the line,
and then step back away for the next question. Easy,
right? Yeah, whatever.The first question, how many of
you have the new Snoop Dogg album? Did you steal it?
Okay, back away. Next question, how many of you have
seen. Boyz n the Hood?Okay. Next question, How many
of you live in the projects? How many of you know
someone, a friend or relative, WHO was or is in
juvenile hall or jail? How many of you have been in
juvenile hall or jail for any length of time? Detention do
not count.
: Does a refugee camp count?
: You Decide.
: How many of you know where to get drugs right now?
How many of you know someone in a gang? How many
of you are gang members? Nice try. Okay, that was a
stupid question, Was not it?
: Yeah.
: You're not allowed gang affiliations in school. I
apologize for asking. My badness. Okay, now I'm gonna
ask you a more serious question. Stand on the line if
you've lost a friend to gang violence.Stay on the line if
you've lostmore than one friend. Three.Four or more.
Okay, I'd like us to pay respect to Those people now.
Wherever you are, just speak Their name. Thank you all
very much.(00:39:31)
Line game that uses by Ms. Erin G is one of problem identifications
where the teachers try to understand and investigate for the deviation of
student behavior that disturbs the effectiveness of teaching and learning
process in the classroom. Moreover, to know the background and to explore
the experience of life their students.
f. Erin Gruwell Asks students to write down all of their life experience into a
portfolio by writing diary.
Erin Gruwell asks her students to write down all the worry,
experiences, and their confusing into diary. What is written becomes an
important starting point by Erin Gruwell to develop her learning. All the
students anxiety expressed in diary. Experiences, stories, how the students
live in a harsh world in the diary. It is what made Erin Gruwell continues to
emphasize the whole process in the lives of the students. It can be shown
from this dialogue:
: Now, I have something for each of you Everyone has
their own story, and it's important for you to tell your
own story, even to yourself. So, what we're going to do
is we're gonna write every day in these journals. You
can write about whatever you want, the past, the
present, the future. You can write it like a diary, or you
can write songs, poems, any good thing, bad thing,
anything. But you have to write every day. Keep a pen
nearby. Whenever you feel the inspiration. And they
won't be graded. How can I give an A or a B for writing
the truth, right? And I will not read them unless you
give me permission. I will need to see that you've made
an entry, but I'll just do this, skim to see that you wrote
that day. Now, if you want me to read it, I have...
Excuse me. A cabinet over here. It has a lock on it. I
will keep it open during class, and you can leave your
diary there if you want me to read it. I will lock this
cabinet at the end of every class. Okay? (00: 43:42).
g. Ms Erin Gruwell read the students’ diary
From reading student diary, she knows about the background her
students. The example in dialogue:
Reny Rose : In every war, there is an enemy. I watched my mother
being hlaf-beaten to death, and watched as bloodand
tears streamed down her face. I felt useless and scared,
and furious at the same time. I can still feel the sting of
the belt on my back and my legs. One time he couldn't
pay the rent. That night he stopped us on the street and
pointed to the concrete. He said, "pick a
From description above, it can be known that the teachers do problem
analysis and try to know the background students and causes of the
emergence of deviant From the above description it can be seen that the
teachers do the analysis of the problem is trying to find out the background
and causes of the emergence of deviant behavior, thus it will be found the
true problem source, and efforts to overcome them can be run well.
h. Giving the appropriate book to the students story as a tool to explore their
The step is as a tool to explore their personal. After reading the
diaries, her students try explore the student’s personals. M. Erin Gruwell
uses a book about the story that according to the story of his students as a
tool for their personal dive. The example in dialogue:
: These books are brand new.
: I know.
: Okay, guys, gals. Listen up. The only problem with this
book is it's about a gang member and there's violence in
it, so you may not be Able to read it as part of the
curriculum. So, I'm going to try my best to get
In the movie notebook is an appropriate media as a means of the
students for students to tell their story life. Ms Erin Gruwell released the
good habits to her students with give her students some book to her students,
so the students are interested to her students.
i. Sharing together among the teacher and the students
Sharing the experience to what are the experiences to make changes
on their lives. The step is used to open and evaluate their learning process.
The examples dialogue about story her students:
: Man, I've had boyfriends since I was, like, 11, you
know. Okay, well, I was always the person That was
gonna get pregnant before I turned 16 and drop out.
Like my mom Is not Gonna Happen
Brandy R
: Nobody ever listens to a teenager. Everybody thinks you
should just be happy Because you're young. They do not
see the wars That We fight every single day. And one
day, my war will end. And I will not die. And I will not
tolerate abuse from anyone. I am strong.
: My moms kicked me out when I got jumped into the
gang life. But I'd like her to see me graduate. I'd like to
be 18. (01:07:50)
By sharing experience with their proficiency level will change their
life better. The student is able to accept that there are racial differences in
particular around the room 203.
j. Making a book an titled of The Freedom Writers
The end of the learning process in class 203 Erin Gruwell realized by
making diary a collection books that has been written diary of their students.
Erin Gruwell with the students collects the diary-writing, united and give
titled Freedom Writers. It can be shown from this dialogue:
: Now, I have one Final project in mind.
: Ms. G.
: Yeah?
: Ms. G wanted us to put our diaries together in a book,
just like Anne Frank. She got this businessman, John
Tu, to donate 35 computers so we could work. She told
us we have something to say to people. We weren't just
kids in a class anymore. We weren't just kids in a class
anymore. We were writers with our own voices, our
own stories. And even if nobody else read it, the book
would be something to leave behind that said we were
here, this is what happened, we mattered. Even if it was
just to each other. And we won't forget. Ms. G didn't
promise it would get published or anything, but we
could get it out there ourselves. She asked us to come
up with a title, something to call ourselves. The
Freedom Writers Diary (01:46:58).
The role of teacher in teaching and learning process in Freedom Writers movie
1. The teacher as a Motivator
The teacher is able to lead the students and gives push psychology in
order to get more spirit to go to school. The example in dialogue:
: And I want each of you to make a toast. We're each gonna
make a toast for change. And what that means is, from this
moment on every voice that told you "You can't" is
silenced. Every reason that tells you things will never
change disappears. And the person you were before this
moment, that person's turn is over. Now it's your turn”.
The other dialogue:
: Andre? Wait a minute before you go in. I heard about your
brother's conviction. I'm sorry. Is that why you've missed
class so much?
: I had things to do.
: About this. The evaluation assignment was to grade
yourself on the work you're doing. You gave yourself an F.
What's that about?
: It's what I feel I deserve. That's all. Oh, really?
: You know what this is? This is a "Fuck you" to me, and
everyone in this class! I don't want excuses. I know what
you're up against. We're all of us up against something. So
you better make up your mind, because until you have the
balls. To look me straight in the eye and tell me this is all
you deserve, I am not letting you fail, Even if that means
coming to your house every night until you finish the work.
I see who you are. Do you understand me? I can see you.
And you are not failing. So, take a minute. Pull yourself
together and come inside. I want a new evaluation.
This words, explain that the teacher gives motivation and gives self
confidence to their students and they change themselves. The motivation is
one of the factors which can improve quality. Because, the students will
study hard when they give high motivation. Therefore, to improve teaching
quality the teacher must be raise learning motivation to the students in order
to reach the learning goal. It relates with Quran says in Surah Al-Mujaadilah
verse 11:
(#qßs |¡ øù$sù ħ Î=»yf yJ ø9$#† Îû(#qßs ¡ xÿs? öN ä3 s9 Ÿ@ ŠÏ% #sŒÎ) (#þqãZtB#uä tûïÏ%©!$#$pkš‰r'¯»tƒ
(#qãZtB#uä tûïÏ%©!$# ª! $# Æì sùötƒ (#râ“à± S$sù (#râ“à± S$# Ÿ@ ŠÏ% #sŒÎ)ur (öN ä3 s9 ª! $# Ëx |¡ øÿtƒ
ÇÊÊÈ ×ŽÎ7yz tb qè=yJ ÷ès? $yJ Î/ ª! $#ur 4;M »y_ u‘yŠ zO ù=Ïèø9$# (#qè?ré& tûïÏ%©!$#ur öN ä3 ZÏB
“O you who believe! When you are told to make room in the
assemblies, (spread out and) make room. Allah will give you (ample)
room (from His Mercy). And when you are told to rise up [for prayers,
Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause), or for any other good deed],
rise up. Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those
who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with
what you do”.
2. The teacher as a problem solver
What the students have some problems of difficulties, as a teacher must
help the students to solve their problem. The example in dialogue:
: My father won't talk to me anymore. And I have to lay low
for a little while because there's word out to jump me. So
I'm gonna be living with my aunt. See, my aunt lives even
further away, so I was just wondering if I could, like, Stay
here late with you, Stay here late with you So I can get my
homework done, ‘cause it's late by the time I get home.
: You can stay as late as you want. And I can even drive you
to your aunt's, if it gets too late. (01:29:44.)
3. The teacher as Educator
This role is more visible as a model of education, because the students
would imitate what the teachers doing. The example in dialogue:
: You don't feel respected. Is that what you're saying, Eva?
Well, maybe you're not. But to get respect, you have to give
it. (00:31:27).
The other dialogue:
: Listen to me. All of you. Don't use me as another excuse for
why you can't make it. You made it to your junior year.
Think about how you did that. Everyone in this room has a
chance to graduate. For some, you'll be the first in your
family. The first with a choice to go to college, some may
move faster than others. But you'll each have the chance.
And you did that. Not me. (01:46:10).
4. The teacher as an instructional manager
As an instructional manager, the teacher must give the good example to
obey the system of learning and the teacher must manage of their class well.
Example, the students roles should be positioned in teaching-learning process
properly. The example in dialogue:
Because of the ridicule from their students, Ms Erin Gruwell is angry and
order her students to change their sitting position which is clustered
according to their race, she ask the students to mix become one.
: All right, Jamal, enough.
: That's enough!
: You know what? I want you to move to this front seat right
here now.
: What?
: Come on. I am sick of these antics in my classroom.
: Well, there you are. I was wondering when you were gonna
lose that damn smile.
: Switch with Ben. Come on.
: I can't go back there alone.
: It'll be fine.
: No, it won't. I'm not sitting near him.
: I ain't going up there without my homey. I'm not sitting
back there alone!
: Shut up. All right, you know what? I want you all to move
to this side of the room. Come on. Let's go. Now
5. The teacher as an inspirator
As an inspirational learning, teachers must be able to provide inspiration
for students, so the learning process activities can to increase of thought,
knowledge, new ideas, and creativity. The example in dialogue:
: You know what's Gonna Happen when you die? You're
gonna rot in the ground. And people are gonna go on
living, and they're gonna forget all about you. And when
you rot, do you think it's gonna matter whether you were
an original gangster? You're dead. And nobody, nobody is
gonna wanna remember you, (00:29:13).
There are some teachers in this movie, but the most important teacher in 203
classroom is Ms Erin Gruwell. Ms Erin Gruwell is beautiful woman, she is smart,
brave, and comes from the class. She loves her country and her society so much
especially students in Woodrow Wilson. Her dreams is to change students to be a
good students and know themselves that they can change to be better in life
although he has bad background.
For the students had any problems or difficulties, she tried to solve the
problem. For example, she can combine of her students who the different of
background family. She is a good behavior, good attitude and responsibilities every
time. If the students felt bored, she would make some games to make the students
get more spirit and interesting. Ms Erin Gruwell also gives spirit and motivation to
be better in front of students and promises she makes relation with them in their
She is a creative teacher. Ms Erin Gruwell has some techniques in learning
process. For example: she released the good habits to her students by giving her
students some books to her students, so the students are interested to her students.
She also Use games to explore the experience of life, from line game that used by
Ms. Erin G is one of problem identifications where the teachers try to understand
and investigate for the deviation of student behavior that disturbs the effectiveness
of teaching and learning process in the classroom and to know the background and
to explore the experience of their student’s life.
By giving the motivation to her students, the students can change to be better
in life and realize that education is important. Erin Gruwell successfully unifies
their students, who initially hates each other because of differences in race,
eventually becomes friends.
After analyzing the movie Freedom Writers, the writer is able to conclude as
1. The Literary elements of the Freedom Writers movie
a. Extrinsic Elements of Freedom Writers movie
The extrinsic elements of the Freedom Writers movie are the movie
identity, biography of the author, the background of movie, cultural of the
movie, and others, beyond the intrinsic elements.
b. Intrinsic Elements of Freedom Writers movie
Intrinsic elements in the film are one of the important one to be
mentioned in this thesis. The intrinsic elements of the Freedom Writers
movie are:
1) Character
Character is divided into two kinds namely major and minor
characters. The mayor characters in this movie are Erin Gruwell, Scott
Casey, and Steve Gruwell. While the minor characters are Margaret, Eva
Benitez Jamal, Shindy, Andre Bryant, Gloria, Marcus, Tito, Ben Daniels,
Brandy Brilliant Gilbert, Miep Gies, Eva’s Father, Eva’s Mother, Young
Eva, Shindy’s boy friend, Marcus Mother’s, Young Marcus.
2) Setting
Setting is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and
setting of time.
a. Setting of place
The story takes place in Los Angeles, California.
b. Setting of time
This movie is started in 1992. It can be seen in the storyline of
movie takes place between 1992 until 1995
3) Plot
Plot is series of event that arranges all events separate. A plot itself
must have a beginning, middle, and an end in this discussion the writer
uses a psychological pattern. It includes exposition, conflict, and
4) Point of view
This movie used third person. In third person, there are the actions
and dialogue of the characters. Characters need participants to live the
actions and reactions. Interact between mayor character and minor
5) Style
This movie the author use figure language with simply, direct and
easly to be understood by the viewer. The author also some figurative
language to describe something.
6) Theme
This movie has a theme someone takes to afford and struggle to
reach the dreams. It can be seen by what Ms Erin Gruwell well to create
her dream that makes students to be better.
2. The Descriptions of Learning process in Freedom Writer movie
From this movie, the writer can be described a learning process, as
a. Recognizing students living situations
b. Ms Erin Gruwell using a tape recorder Media
c. Changing seats positions
d. Inviting the students to reveal all of the students their life experiences
e. Using games to explore the experience of life
f. Ms Erin Gruwell asks students to write down all of their life experience into
a portfolio by writing diary.
g. Ms Erin Gruwell read the students’ diary
h. Giving the appropriate book to the students story as a tool to explore their
i. Sharing together between the teacher and students
j. Making a book an titled of The Freedom Writers
3. The role of teacher in teaching and learning process in Freedom Writers
a. The teacher as a Motivator
The teacher must be able to give the push psychology and give spirit
to their students in everything.
b. The teacher as a problem solver
When the students have some problems, the teacher help to solve the
c. The teacher as Educator
The teacher must be educator to the students and can give knowledge,
motivation, spirit, and experience for the students.
d. The teacher as an instructional manager
The teacher can give the instruction to their students in learning
e. The teacher as an inspirator
The teachers must be able to provide inspiration for students, so the
students can increase their thought, knowledge, new ideas, and creative.
To close this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestions as follow:
1. For the viewers, the writer assumes that all people in the world like a movie.
They view that if they watch the moviemaker to enter the message for the
moviegoers. The writer hopes that moviegoers can see the positive side and take
it to imply in their life.
2. For a language learner
a. The writer hopes that this research will give more information about the
learning process used in Freedom Writers movie.
b. The writer expects that this research could be useful as additional academic
reference especially to discuss about the new technique to develop learning
process used in Freedom Writers movie.
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: Siti Maftukhah
Date of birth : Kab. Semarang, 25 January 1989
: Female
: Islam
: Pulutan Lor, RT 02/02
Kec. Sidorejo Kota Salatiga
: Pletoex_mahev@yahoo.co.id
1. TK Ma’arif Pulutan graduated 1995
2. MI Ma’arif Pulutan graduated 2001
3. MTs N Salatiga graduated 2004
4. MAN I Salatiga graduated 2007
5. STAIN Salatiga of English Department ‘07