California Kingsnake - The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

California Kingsnake: Lampropeltis getulus californiae
In the Wild
Generally black or brown with white or yellow bands running the entire length of their
bodies though they can vary widely in color and pattern
o The bands differ in number and width
o Some have stripes that run from head to tail – stripes are much less common
than bands and can sometimes be broken up into dot-dashes or even separated
into spots
Size: 2.5 to 4 ft
Weight: Up to 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms)
Habitat and Range:
Live in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
Found in rocky outcrops, semi-desert, brushy hillsides or pine forests
Mostly terrestrial (ground-dwelling), though they sometimes climb low branches and
Carnivorous: Prey mainly upon rodents, birds, lizards and other snakes
o Grabs prey with their teeth and wrap coils of their body around the prey and
squeeze – do not crush the prey and break bones but rather squeeze tightly so
that the prey cannot breathe and suffocates
o Can unhinge their jaw to swallow the prey whole utilizing rhythmic muscular
contractions that pull the prey down into the snake’s throat and stomach
o A special tube on the bottom of its mouth stays open to one side of the mouth
so they can breathe while swallowing
Highly sensitive forked tongue and Jacobson’s organ
o Odor particles are collected by the forked tongue and transported back to the
Jacobson organ in the top of the mouth
o The Jacobson’s organ is a patch of sensory cells (chemoreceptor) that detects
both social chemical communication by pheromones and helps snakes hunt and
track their prey
Variations in color and pattern may break up the snake's body outline so it is less
noticeable to predators
About 20-30 years
Ecosystem relationships:
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
California Kingsnake: Lampropeltis getulus californiae
Predators – birds of prey such as hawks and eagles, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, bobcats
and even other types of kingsnakes
Many are killed accidentally by passing cars or intentionally by fearful humans
Make a tremendous contribution to rodent control in the rural areas they inhabit
Breed in late spring and summer
Females lay eggs in rotting wood or beneath rocks and logs, where conditions are
relatively warm and humid
o Lay 3 to 13 eggs per clutch
o After laying the eggs, females leave and do not provide any parental care
Eggs hatch after 2 to 3 months
Each hatchling is only a few inches long when it leaves the egg, looking like a miniature
version of the adults
Crepuscular, but may switch to nocturnal during hot, summer months
Other “fun facts”:
All kingsnakes are native to the western hemisphere
The “king” in their name refers to their willingness to eat other snakes, even venomous
ones, including rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths – kingsnakes are able to
eat venomous snakes because they are highly resistant to their venom
Molt/shed several times a year to accommodate growing
o Snake appears duller just before shedding and eyes become cloudy
o Snake will seek out and rub against rough surfaces to dislodge old skin
o Once a tear is made in the skin the snake will crawl out of old skin leaving a shed
o They appear more brightly colored after shedding
o Shedding typically takes a week or longer
Conservation Status and Threats:
Listed on the IUCN Red List as Least Concern – are considered stable and widespread
Although they are not considered endangered, it is important to conserve their habitat
to maintain population levels, especially since they are so important for rodent control
Are commonly bred for the pet trade
At the Zoo
Elvis hatched in 2010 and was purchased from a dealer as a juvenile in 2011.
What We Can Do
Make environmentally responsible lifestyle decisions to help conserve habitat –
conserve energy, reduce litter and pollution
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
California Kingsnake: Lampropeltis getulus californiae
Make sure you know the origin of the products you buy – opt for fake leather over snake
skin products
o All of our shopping choices can have an impact on the environment and wildlife
so when available opt for recycled and local products
o Research responsible companies that do not use animal based products or
Do your research before buying a pet
o Make sure you are not purchasing a wild-caught individual – captive-bred species
are often easy to find
o Make sure you know how to properly care for any animal before you decide to
buy it as a pet
 Some things to consider include adequate housing, diet, temperature
requirements, and lifespan
 Some pets also require a lot of time and money to be properly cared for
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore