Instruction Set - Sites at Penn State

How to Begin Using a Whey Protein Supplement
For Penn State Students
Whey Protein
Whey protein is a very effective supplement proven to increase muscle growth,
decrease muscle recovery time, and increase metabolism. This instruction set is
meant to assist Penn State University students in implementing whey protein in
their diets. To do so, it will cover the following steps:
1. Buying your protein
2. How much protein you should take
3. How to take your protein
4. When to take your protein
DANGER: If you are allergic to cow’s milk, avoid using whey Protein.
NOTE: It’s recommended that you get as much protein as possible from whole food sources and use whey
protein as an addition to make sure you get enough on a daily basis.
Step 1: Buying Quality Protein at a College Student Price
The first step to using a whey protein supplement is buying a protein that’s right
for you. When it comes to choosing your protein there are two main things you
need to consider, quality and budget. To ensure you get the best protein at the
lowest price there are a few steps you should follow while shopping:
1. Buy online- Buying your protein online saves you time and money which
are essential to every college student. In addition, online supplement stores
provide buyers with a much larger variety of proteins, lower prices, and free
ground shipping.
Recommended websites include:
Website Logos:
Courtesy of each respective website
NOTE: IF YOU CANNOT BUY ONLINE, The closest whey protein suppliers to Penn State are
Wal-Mart, Target and GNC. All of these stores lie off campus and require transportation.
2. Decide which protein delivery form you prefer- Whey protein is typically
sold in three forms: Protein powders, protein bars and ready to drink protein
shakes. For college students protein powders are recommended because they
are the cheapest and most effective way to get the protein you need.
 Protein Powder –Protein powders are mixed
with a liquid of your choice and drank. They also
come in a variety of delicious flavors.
Protein Powder
All Images:
NOTE: Protein powders are sold by the pound, usually in 2, 4, 5, and 10lb containers. If you know that you
will be using the powder for an extended time it is recommended that you buy the largest amount you can
afford because you save a lot of money buying in bulk.
3. Comparing proteins- There are hundreds of proteins types, therefore, it is
important to take your time and compare the quality of different proteins
before buying. To do so use the following checklist:
 Make sure it is a Whey Protein- Whey protein is much better than
other proteins such as egg protein, plant protein, and beef protein.
This information is typically listed in large font on the front of protein
containers, as seen in the images below.
Types of Protein
All Images:
 Determine the Type of Whey Protein- There are three types of whey
protein, some more expensive than others for good reason. Therefore,
it’s important for you to know the difference between each when
deciding which type you want. They are dived into the following
Whey Protein Concentrate- This is the cheapest form
of whey. However, concentrates are higher in fat &carbs.
Whey Protein Blend- *BEST VALUE* A mixture of
both isolate and concentrate. Blends contain less fat &
lactose than concentrate but more than isolate.
$$$. Whey Protein Isolate- Isolate is the most expensive and
most pure form of whey protein. This type of protein
contains no fat, carbs, or lactose and provides the most
protein per serving.
 Look at the Serving Size and Calculate the Protein Ratio:
The serving size can be found in the nutritional facts label provided on
the protein container or online at either of the websites listed above.
All proteins come with premeasured scoopers which have various
sizes. Therefore, it important to calculate the protein ratio to make
sure you get the protein with the greatest amount of protein per gram
of powder. An example calculation is provided below:
Example Calculation:
This calculation is using a whey protein blend. Simply
take the grams protein per serving (blue) and divide by
the grams per scoop (red). The closer the number is to
one, the better the protein. Most proteins have a ratio
between 0.6 & 0.8.
Example Label:
Custom made
 Finally, make sure the main macronutrients of the powder fit in with
the goals of your diet. To do so, reference the nutritional facts label
and consider the following:
Total calorie content
Carbohydrate and fat content
Total protein content
Additional ingredients (Ex: artificial sweetener or other
Step 2: Determining the Right Amount of Protein to Take
Once you have your protein you must determine how much you need to take.
Using the label on your protein determine how many grams are in a scoop and
supplement accordingly to reach your daily value. According to, the recommended grams of protein per each pound of body
weight for each training goal are as follows:
Protein Guideline Chart
Example Calculation:
Say you are a 120lb Endurance trainer. According to the chart above, you then
require at least 0.7gram/lb. Therefore simply multiply your weight and the
requirement like so:
This individual would need at least 84 grams of protein daily.
CAUTION: Excess protein will cause your kidneys and liver to work extra hard in excreting the
protein that could not be processed. This may cause a variety of side effects including: Increased bowel
movements, nausea, cramps, and headaches.
Step 3: Easiest Way to Use Your Protein While at College
Items Needed:
 Protein Powder
 Protein Shaker
 Milk, water, or juice
NOTE: If you do not have a shaker a blender or
stirring with a spoon will also work.
All my images
First, fill your shaker with 6-8
ounces of your preferred
Second, add a rounded scoop(s)
of whey to your shaker cup. If you
desire, add any additional
ingredients at this point (Ex:
Oatmeal or peanut butter)
Finally, cover and shake/blend for
25-30 seconds. Then enjoy!
Step 4: When to Take your Protein
Taking protein at the right time is essential to its effectiveness. Active college
students should take their protein supplements at the following times:
 Within 15 minutes after Your Workout- After working out your body
needs protein for recovery and growth. You should bring your protein to the
gym with you and mix a shake as soon as you are done exercising.
NOTE: All the gyms on campus have water fountains so there is no need to bring a
mixing beverage.
 First Thing in the Morning- At this point your body very low in protein
after going hours without food. Make a protein shake part of your daily
 Before bed- Having protein before you go to sleep helps prevent protein
breakdown that naturally occurs during sleep. To gain muscle, protein before
bed is essential.