U6 Power Point 2

Expanding Voting and Voting Influences
SSCG7 The student will demonstrate knowledge of local,
state, and national elections.
b. Role of Media in Campaigns
c. Examine campaign funding and spending.
SSCG8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of local,
state, and national elections.
e. Identify how amendments extend the right to vote.
Expanding Voting and Voting Influences
Duties and Responsibilities of Citizen ✔
Expanding Voting Rights ✔
Political Parties
Early Limitations on Voting
•Original 13 States Property
or Money to vote
•Poor white men denied
•No rich on Western
Settlement all vote
•Easterners wondered why
they could not vote.
•By 1850 all White men
could vote
African American Suffrage
•14th Amend makes slaves
•Citizens have right to vote
•15th said right to vote can’t
be denied by “race, color, or
previous condition of
•Found other ways to deny;
Poll Tax and Literacy Test
24th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act
•Grandfather Clause;
allowed white man
•24th Outlawed the Poll
Tax and Literacy Test
•Voting Rights Act gave
federal government the
power to register voters
for elections.
Women’s Suffrage
•Men feared women’s
right to vote
•Thought would vote
•19th Amendment 1920
•Vote mostly like men in
26th Amendment
•Vietnam protest, “how
can a government, that
we have no say in, send
us to war”
•Lowered Constitution
Age to 18 years
Voter Suppression
•Voter ID laws, More
specific IDs to vote
•Caging; challenging a
registration, usually
without their knowledge
Influences; The Media
•Anything used to convey a
political, or other message.
•TV, Radio, Newspapers,
direct mail, internet, twitter,
signs, etc.
•No right to use, owners of
decide what is reported.
Influences Media Bias
• Both sides say media
is biased, Liberal vs.
• 65% of media owned
by conservative
• Educated tend to be
Political Agenda
• Eisenhower Jingle
• answer questions
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1960 – Jingle Kennedy Jingle
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1960 - Debate 2 Kennedy Debate
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1968 - The First Civil Right Nixon 1968
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1968 – Vietnam Nixon 1968
Political Agenda Message
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1972 - McGovern Defense
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 1988 - Tank Ride
• The Living Room Candidate - Commercials 2004 - Weapons (Florida)
Political Agenda Message
The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1972 - McGovern Defense
The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1988 - Tank Ride
The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2004 - Weapons (Florida)