Narrative/Case Study: The Family

Narrative/Case Study: The Family
During this section of the Vermont Victim Assistance Academy we will meet members of a fictional
family as a means of exploring the dynamics of interpersonal and family violence. Keep these
individuals in mind throughout the course of these two days and consider how they might be
impacted by various topics we discuss.
Joanne is in her mid thirties, is married to Robert and has two children. Krystal is 15 years old and is
Joanne's child from a previous relationship. Susie is 8 years old and Robert is her father. Joanne
works part time as a waitress at a local diner.
Joanne's narrrative
"I don’t know what to say about this. I can’t really believe it, the way Krystal gets, it’s hard to believe
it’s not her fault, too. My mother told me to look out for Robert around my girls, but she’s always been
against him. If it’s not how he’s acting, it’s that he doesn’t make enough money or something. He’s
got a good job, he’s in management for God’s sake, and he takes care of us.
"I don’t know, I walked right in on them; it just makes me sick, with both of them. I mean, how could
she go along with that? Krystal’s no little kid. Even though she’s not the smartest—she’s been in
special classes for two years—But when I was fifteen I knew what I was doing with men. I thought
that nineteen year old guy she’s seeing was the problem, not what she has going on with Robert.
She got so angry with me, like it was my fault. I was yelling and she tells me where have I been for
the last five years, saying it’s been five years that this has been going on! That’s when Suzie was still
little, when things were still good. Robert--!! My own kid! In my own house! How could he do this?
"Robert blew up when I found them. Just lost it. He’s gotten out of control before, so I was glad when
he just bolted out of here, calling me everything he usually keeps for Friday nights. One thing I don’t
understand is why? It’s not like he’s undersexed. He just takes what he wants from me when he
wants it. And it isn’t just me. My girlfriend Katie tells me when he goes out with her and Daren, “boys
night out”, that Robert always picks up some girl, like he’s single. I know it’s true. When I tell him, he
goes on and on about me and Daren, like there’s something between us, calling me a slut and a
whore. I’d never do that to him.
"God, I’m so overwhelmed. My head has been throbbing for days. I can’t even think straight. I keep
seeing that scene in my head—that room wreaked of pot. You’d think his PO would notice he’s
trashed every day.
"I don’t know what’s going to happen now. I think he’s at Daren and Katie’s. I don’t know what he’ll
do. I never told the cops, but when things got bad last time, he took out a gun. I didn’t know he even
had one here. In the house with the kids—Susie’s only eight. I don’t know what he’s thinking!
Especially about Krystal. I can’t let him get to her again, but what can I do? What if he’s messed her
up for good?"
Robert is 40 years old and works as a supervisor at a local ski mountain. He gets laid off every
summer and collects unemployment for three months and then returns to the mountain in the fall. He
married Joanne 7 years ago after Joanne gave birth to Susie. Robert has had trouble with the law on
and off for many years. He is currently on probation for drug possession and drunk and disorderly
conduct. Robert has a history of violence with his 1 st wife and previous girlfriends.
Robert's Narrative
"We got a lot of stuff going on in our family, like all families do. You know how it is. I’m working with
my P.O., that’s my probation officer, on that problem that we had, me and Joanne. Just a little fight;
they made it sound way worse than it was. The state wanted to press charges. Joanne didn’t want to
have anything to do with that, but they got me on simple assault anyway. They even made me pay for
my own frickin’ lawyer! It’s not that I can’t afford it, I got it, but I shouldn’t have to pay for something
that’s not even my fault. You know?
"Yeah, it’s hard with Catherine, my wife’s mother. She goes to church every Sunday and she’s
always quoting scripture to us, man, she drives me crazy. I think she puts a lot of ideas into Joanne’s
head too, like that I pay too much attention to my step-daughter, Krystal, or not enough. I just can’t
win with that old lady.
"And Krystal, man she’s trouble. Jesus! She’s got so many guys sniffin’ ‘round after her. They don’t
have a chance with her, though. Not if I have anything to do with it. She was so happy when I got her
that fancy cellphone for Christmas. Little does she know that I know all the access codes. So, I know
who calls her and when. Krystal’s always looking for attention from me anyway. I see the way she
looks at me sometimes, some of the clothes she wears. Like that really red lipstick and nail polish…
oh man! And I’ll bet Susie, my daughter, is going to be just like her. She just eats it up when I pay
attention to her or give her presents and stuff."
The family lives in a rental apartment in a rural town with the lease and all the utility bills in Joanne's
name. Robert comes and goes as he pleases, but manages to pay the bills and rent most months.
Joanne's mother, Catherine lives with them. She is living off a fixed Social Security income and has
some difficulties with her hearing and is becoming more frail over time. Catherine will babysit for
Joanne's younger daughter Susie when Joanne has to work a late shift at the diner. Catherine is very
opinionated when it comes to Joanne's choice to marry Robert and Joanne's parenting of her
Catherine's Narrative
"Men are like children. They’ll get away with whatever you let them. Joanne has never known how to
handle her men or these kids.
"If I were raising these kids, there would not be this kind of goings on. Shameless. Krystal’s nothing
better than a cold-hearted floosie. I told Joanne when they were younger there’s nothing wrong with a
swat on the be-hind. That’s the one thing she did right is discipline these girls hard. And Robert
smoking his pot and watching our TV.
"Men do have their ways. You can’t expect them not to run around. It’s these girls, Joanne lets them
act like little queens, flaunting themselves trying to get his attention. I’ve seen that Susie in make-up
at eight years of age. Make-up!
"I told Joanne just to kick him out after he gave her the black eye and broke her ribs and she missed
work to hide it. The way he shakes her around sometimes really scares me. But she doesn’t listen to
me. She says I’ve never liked him and I never have. He doesn’t even have a decent job! Working at
that ski resort like some 18 year old kid. And all the time dipping into the money I get from my late
husband’s pension! You see, my husband did have a temper on him, but he took care of me. He
knew his responsibilities.
"And where are the schools in all of this? Krystal and Susie dressing like that at school? I know that
Krystal is smoking pot—I can see it in her eyes, and where do you think she gets that? From her
friends at school. This new boyfriend a her’s is old enough to go out with Joanne! Next thing you
know, Krystal’s pregnant; I can see it coming. I never would have left that girl with Robert."
Krystal is 15 years old, and in the 9th gade at the local high school. She has a documented learning
disability, is enrolled in special education classes and was kept back one year in middle school. She
is physically well developed and sexually active with boys from the neighborhood and school. She
likes to party and drink when she hangs out with friends on the weekends. She will look after Susie
when Robert is around because she doen't want Robert messing with Susie.
Krystal's Narrative
"I don’t want to go over it again. It was all messed up. My mother running around like it’s some big
surprise. I’m glad Robert’s gone to Daren and Katie’s.
"It’s not like when I was a kid, anyways. Robert has the best shit anywhere, and as long as he was
keeping me and Jaimie hooked up, I do a little trade for him. Men are all about getting off. When
Jaimie’s coming down hard, he gets out of hand, too.
"It’s Jaime I’m worried about. Mom has totally fucked it up between me and Jaimie now. I know he’s
been hanging out with that total user Trish—he’s out of here once he hears about this. She’s so dirty
she’s probably given him AIDS or something. I’m not kidding either.
"I’m outta here. Robert will be gone a couple of days, then come back all straight and sorry and
bullshit and she’s making him breakfast just like nothing’s happened. Give me a break. I don’t care
what they do. It’s just Susie I worry about. She’s only eight and I don’t want Robert messin’ with her
like he did me. I never let him alone with her. I’m always here when mom goes out. And, like
Grandma Catherine is any help. I know what that old bitch thinks about me. She grabs me one day
by the arm and says, “God’s punishment is on you and Robert.” Yeah, whatever, she couldn’t find her
cane or hearing aides for three days after that. That’ll show her about getting into my business. You
think I’m kiddin’?"
Suzie is eight years old, and like any typical girl, she likes music, make-up, pizza and the attendtion
of her family. She loves her mom and dad, but gets frighened when her mom and dad fight. Krystal
treats Suzie like she is a burdan and then alternately engages in a loving and protective way with her.
This type of treatment is normal for Suzie with her relationships with other family members as well
and it confuses her.
Suzie's Narrative
"I don’t want Krystal to go away. I heard her say on the phone she’s going. And I want Robert to get
back from Uncle Daren’s because mom cries in her room when he’s gone and we eat hot dogs,
which I hate.
"Robert always brings me pizza with pepperoni and cheese when he comes back. And we get
creamies. Robert is nice to me. He buys me CDs and make-up, but I have to keep those a secret. He
says I look just like Miley Cyrus. Krystal is so jealous of me!
"I don’t like it when mom makes Robert angry though. The police came and made Robert get in
trouble. Robert told me that he would never hurt me, 'cause I’m his special girl."
• What do you think are the big issues for this character?
• What are some ways that the historical and social paradigms (discussed on Day 1 by Chani
Waterhouse) are influencing this character/family?