Business Aviation for a Sustainable Economy

Business Aviation for a Sustainable Economy
Project BASE is a Clean Sky project with focus on business
Its objectives are threefold:
Analyze real business aviation flights in their operating
Understand current business jet operating costs and
operating practices
Understand how business jet operators are impacted by
environmental constraints and how it affects their strategy
Hence, BASE provides inputs to Cleansky/System for Green
Operation, to support trajectory optimizations features that
could reduce the environmental impact of business aviation.
Project facts:
• Leader: OpenAirlines
• Partners: SustainAvia
• For the products: FMS for business jet aircraft. Flight
operations software for business jet operators.
• Budget: 235 K EUR
• Duration: 12 months
Goals & objectives:
• Provide operational facts to enable development of
technologies and functions reducing the environmental
impact (noise and emissions) of business jet trajectories
• Measure the business benefits of these environmental
friendly trajectory for business jet operators
Technology challenges:
• Develop statistical models that process hundreds of
parameters, second by second on hundreds of flights
and that explain how multiple external factors influence
actual aircraft consumption, emissions and noise
• Model business aviation costs and the influence of
environmental constraints on their operations
• Project kick-off: Jun 2011
BASE analyzes hundreds of business jet flights representing
a wide variety of operations (short haul and transcontinental
flights, approaches at large and secondary airports, etc).
For each of these flights, and for all phases (taxi, take-off,
climb, cruise and descent), BASE processes the data
extracted from the aircraft Flight Data Recorder (the blackboxes): hundreds of parameters, second by second and
interprets them with innovative algorithms and statistical tools.
By completing this operational data analysis with economics
information, BASE defines where trajectory optimization could
benefit the business aviation operators, taking into account
the specifics of their business (in particular the high value of
time and flexibility).
In the future, leveraging BASE research, new Flight
Management Computers made for business jets will
automatically choose optimal trajectories that limit the
environmental impact, while preserving the key benefits of
business aviation.
© Copyright 2012 OpenAirlines – All rights reserved
• Business aviation costs and operating strategies : Dec
• Impact of environmental constraints of business aviation
costs and operations: May 2012
• Trajectory analysis : Jun 2012
Next steps: Development of new FMS functions that
delivers green trajectories: 2014 (based on BASE’s input)
Contact: Alexandre Feray -
Tel : +33 5 31 61 52 10