Plant Parts Crossword Puzzle - Homeschool Learning Network

Homeschool Learning Network
Plant Parts Crossword Puzzle
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2. The flower of a seed plant.
4. The main stem of a herbaceous plant often with its dependent parts.
5. A primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead of roots.
6. A modified leaf or leaf part.
10. The green-colored substance in plants that absorbs energy from
12. A part of the plant that is colorful and makes seeds.
14. A natural subdivision of a plant stem, a secondary shoot or stem
from the main axis.
15. A twining vine.
18. Pointed slender leaves on coniferous plants.
20. The part of a seed that provides food for the embryo.
22. The flat, thin part of the plant that grows on the stem, where
photosynthesis takes place.
24. A part of the flower that is often brightly colored.
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Homeschool Learning Network
Name ___________________________
Date ___________________________
25. The underground stem of a plant where starch is stored.
26. The part of a twig that contains the growing material for the next
28. A part of the stamen that develops and usually contains pollen on a
1. A mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine
2. The seed of any leguminous plant.
3. The female organ of the flower.
4. The small object within a fruit that will grow into a new plant.
7. A primitive unicellular reproductive body produced by plants capable
of development into a new individual.
8. One of the small flowers forming the head of a composite plant.
9. A plant whose stem requires support and which climbs by tendrils or
twining, or creeps along the ground.
10. The petals of the flower.
11. A fern leaf that grows upward from the stem.
13. A large primary branch of a tree.
16. One of the modified leaves comprising the calyx.
17. An elongated thick-walled plant cell void at maturity that imparts
elasticity, flexibility and tensile strength.
19. The part of the flower that makes the yellow dust-like powder.
21. A point on a stem at which a leaf or leaves are inserted.
23. The part of the plant that holds the seeds.
25. A short, sharp-pointed and leafless branch.
27. The external usually green or leafy part of a flower consisting of the
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page for non-profit and educational purposes only.
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