Chaco low-level jet events characterization during the austral

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 107, NO. D24, 4816, doi:10.1029/2001JD001315, 2002
Chaco low-level jet events characterization during the austral summer
P. Salio, M. Nicolini, and A. C. Saulo
Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 21 September 2001; revised 12 March 2002; accepted 29 April 2002; published 31 December 2002.
[1] Previous studies showed a relationship between convection maxima and the
convergence of vapor flux over southeastern South America. Nicolini and Saulo [2000]
explored the hypothesis of an intensification of this mutual dependency during the Chaco
Jet events. They defined these events as extreme cases of low-level jets east of the Andes
that penetrate southernmost to 25°S using ETA operative products during the 1997–1998
austral warm season. The interest of the present paper centers on the climatic
characterization of the Chaco Jet events (CJEs) and the possibility of researching this
hypothesis using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalyses
(ERA), which cover a 15-year period (1979–1993). The CJEs represent a subensemble of
low-level jet events east of the Andes that are infrequent in the ERA data set. Their
duration varies from 1 to 10 days, more frequently extending from 1 to 5 days. The
outstanding features of the circulation and the thermodynamic field that represent this
ensemble are a maximum contrast of air masses in a latitude close to 39°S, the presence of
a trough centered on 70°W within a baroclinic wave train penetrating from the Pacific
Ocean, and a maximum of heat and moisture over northen Argentina and Paraguay.
During the CJEs, there is an important flux of moisture and convergence at low and mid
levels that is about 10 times more intense than the summer mean. The intensity found in the
water vapor flux anomaly reinforces the importance of studying these episodes for the
purpose of determining the water balance over southeastern South America. The statement
that the CJEs represent an important characteristic of the southeastern South American
climate is founded on the fact that, although the CJEs only represent 17% of the austral
summer days, they account for a significant fraction of the precipitation (a maximun of
55%) over northeastern Argentina. However, it is indispensable to contrast these results
with future field experiments to test the hypothesis addressed in this paper.
3309 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Climatology (1620); 3364 Meteorology and Atmospheric
Dynamics: Synoptic-scale meteorology; 3354 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Precipitation (1854);
KEYWORDS: South American low-level jet, humidity transport, precipitation impacts
Citation: Salio, P., M. Nicolini, and A. C. Saulo, Chaco low-level jet events characterization during the austral summer season,
J. Geophys. Res., 107(D24), 4816, doi:10.1029/2001JD001315, 2002.
1. Introduction
[2] Understanding the mechanisms that participate in the
hydrological balance of the South American basins is
important. One of the two main basins in South America
is Del Plata basin. The Paraná, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Del
Plata Rivers and their tributaries constitute this basin
(identified in Figure 1). Identifying the predominant mechanisms for the transport of heat and water vapor to a region
that partially encompasses the Del Plata basin is of special
interest inasmuch as the latter contains one of the largest
economic and human settlements in South America. This
region is commonly referred to as southeastern South
America (SEAREA) (denoted by a rectangle in Figure 1).
Copyright 2002 by the American Geophysical Union.
[3] The penetration of air masses of tropical origin into
midlatitudes is frequently related to the Chaco and northwestern Argentine depression [Schwerdtfeger, 1976] and the
South Atlantic Subtropical Anticyclone. Between both
systems a northerly wind establishes a channel that affects
the hydrological balance of Del Plata basin mainly during
spring and summer seasons. The precedent for the existence
of this 850 hPa jet current dates back to Virji [1981], who
identified it by studying satellite data during 6 days in
January. Also, Li and Le Treut [1999] highlighted the role of
this channel studying strong events of southward transient
component of the meridional moisture transport for summer
and winter.
[4] Figure 2 shows the mean outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) field for the summer months (December,
January, and February) from 1979 to 1993. This field
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Figure 1. Topography over South America. Contours correspond to terrain elevations of 200, 400, 800,
1600, and 3200 m. Rectangle denotes the southeastern South American region.
reveals two areas with maximum values, associated with
the maximum intensity of deep convection previously
pointed out by other authors. The most extensive of these
is over the Amazon, and the second one is over the central
Andean summits and slopes centered on 12°S, 72°W. The
South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) shows a characteristic South American cloud pattern during the summer
that has been studied by several authors [e.g., Liebmann et
al., 1999; Nogués-Paegle and Mo, 1997] and that is
represented by a slight extension toward the southeast of
the OLR minimum that intersects the coastline at 25°S. On
the other hand, the convection associated with the mesoscale convective complexes during the summer months
[Velasco and Fritsch, 1987] in the continental region that
encompasses Paraguay, northeast and central Argentina,
southern Brazil, and Uruguay does not appear clearly in
the mean field.
[5] Figure 3 illustrates the presence of intense convection
in the SEAREA. Figure 3a shows the daily variations of
OLR anomaly averaged between 62° and 57°W (the westernmost part of the SEAREA) for January 1987. The area
between latitudes 20°S and 35°S, which comprises central
and northern Argentina and Paraguay, shows days with
extreme negative OLR in the first fortnight of January and
others, in the second fortnight, when the absence of convection predominates. Figure 3b shows the variations of
meridional water vapor transport at 850 hPa (q*v) for the
same period averaged over the same longitudes. Figure 3b
suggests a relation between negative OLR anomalies with
southward penetration of vapor transport, particularly during the first 10 days of January. The absence of cloudiness
in the region between 20°S and 35°S latitude is associated
with southerly maximums of q*v which were most evident
on 25 January. In turn, Salio et al. [2000] investigated the
relationship between precipitation extremes and the vertically integrated moisture flux divergence. The observed
positive anomaly precipitation and the occurrence of an
important convergence of vertically integrated moisture flux
in the SEAREA were related in January 1987, while the
contrary happened in January 1985.
[6] Following modified Bonner’s [1968] criteria 1 and
using the products of the regional ETA model with high
horizontal and vertical resolution operationally run during
the spring and summer of 1997 – 1998, Saulo et al. [2000]
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Figure 2. Mean outgoing longwave radiation during the austral summer (DJF). Contour interval is 10
W m2; values lower than 230 W m2 are shaded.
identified the days in which the criteria verified the existence of low-level jets (LLJs) over South America. They
confirmed the existence of a LLJ immersed in a northerly
current east of the Andes during this particular season and
progressed in characterizing its mean scale (around 300 km
cross-stream), structure, and intensity. Also they show its
role as a moisture conveyor from the Amazon Basin to
subtropical latitudes. An estimation of the water vapor
budget over a region similar to SEAREA, which includes
the Del Plata basin, with the inclusion of data from both
observed and modeled precipitation, characterized this area
as a wet atmospheric moisture sink. However, it should
be emphasized that this study encompassed a particular
warm period, when El Niño had a strong signal, and
may not be representative of the ‘‘climatological’’ LLJ
[7] Assuming a relationship between convection maxima
and the convergence of vapor flux, it would be worthwhile
to explore the hypothesis of an intensification of this
mutual dependency in the SEAREA. Nicolini and Saulo
[2000] explored this hypothesis using a subensamble of
low-level jet cases previously identified by Saulo et al.
[2000]. These cases are characterized by an anomalous
southward penetration compared with warm season 1997 –
1998 mean position and are denoted as ‘‘Chaco Jets’’
because of the name of the geographical region that
encompasses them. Nicolini and Saulo [2000] found that
the Chaco jet cases seem to integrate the warm stage of a
synoptic-scale interaction between midlatitudes and the
tropics along the eastern slope of the Andes, whereas the
cold stage has been studied by Garreaud [2000]. Evidence
of enhanced precipitation over SEAREA during Chaco
events in the 1997 – 1998 warm season supports the
mentioned hypothesis but clearly needs a longer time
period analysis in order to determine its impact upon
regional climate.
[8] The interest of this research centers on extending the
study of the hypothesis assumed by Nicolini and Saulo
[2000] to a longer period of time using the European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis
(ERA) to produce a comprehensive ‘‘climatology’’ of the
CJEs and to document its mean structure and synoptic-scale
[9] The LLJ phenomena have been extensively studied
(see Stensrud’s [1996] summary of the subject). Anderson
and Arritt [2001] investigated the benefits of using
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
reanalyses to correctly represent the location and spatial
field of the frequency of LLJ occurrence in the Great
Plains. They point out the risk of using data analyzed at a
time when the field is heavily influenced by the general
circulation model (GCM) that is employed to produce
those analyses. For this reason they compare the fields
analyzed at 0600 and 1200 UTC with the data obtained
with wind profilers, and they show that the LLJ cases,
which complied with Bonner’s criterion 1, were correctly
simulated during the Northern Hemisphere summer. However, they find greater deviations between the wind profiler
data and the analyzed wind fields at 0600 UTC, and these
increase with the more intense LLJ events. These results
reinforce the assumption that reanalyses must be employed
with caution particularly when the number of observations
is relatively scarce. The region of South America spanned
by the Chaco jets has a poor observational network, and,
in this sense, caution must be exercised. At the present
time, reanalyses constitute the only set of complete data to
attempt the mean characterization of the CJEs proposed in
this paper.
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Figure 3. (a) Latitude-time diagram of outgoing longwave radiation anomalies (departure from January
1987 mean) averaged between 57°W and 62°W for January 1987. Contour interval is 20 W m2; values
lower than 20 W m2 are shaded. (b) As in Figure 3a but for meriodional moisture flux anomalies at
850 hPa. Contour interval is 20 g m kg1 s1; values lower than 20 g m kg1 s1 are shaded.
[ 10 ] The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the data employed and a brief description of some
aspects of the climate of South America. Section 3 describes
the criteria for selection employed. Results are presented in
sections 4 and 5, and the conclusions are summarized in
section 6.
2. Data Sets and Summer Characterization
[11] The ERA reanalyses used for this investigation are
available for the four synoptic hours on an N80 Gaus-
sian grid with a resolution of approximately 1.125° 1.125° latitude-longitude and 17 vertical levels of pressure. The present analysis is based on the 1979– 1993 time
period during the Southern Hemisphere summer of
December, January, and February (DJF). A complete
description of the data is given by Gibson et al. [1996,
[12] Mean fields throughout the summer and during the
particular events studied were averaged over the 4 hours
of reanalyses except when the diurnal oscillations were
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Figure 4. (a) Mean summer low-level wind (vectors) and wind speed (values higher than 4 m s1 are
shaded) at 850 hPa. Mountain areas higher than 1500 m are masked. (b) Mean summer high-level
streamlines and wind speed (values higher than 25 m s1 are shaded) at 300 hPa.
[13] The second data set consists of daytime and nighttime fields of outgoing longwave radiation with a 2.5° 2.5° latitude-longitude resolution for the same period,
measured by polar-orbiting satellites and produced by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction
(NCEP), freely available in the Climate Diagnostic Center
home page [Liebmann and Smith, 1996].
[14] The daily-accumulated precipitation data used in this
paper were obtained from an extensive network of rainfall
stations in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The
data were interpolated into a 2° latitude-longitude grid
applying the kriging method.
[15] Numerous papers that studied the climate of South
America employed NCEP reanalyses. [e.g., Nogués-Paegle
and Mo, 1997; Garreaud and Wallace, 1998; Garreaud,
1999]. We shall describe briefly the mean fields of the
variables obtained by ERA that are of interest for the
purposes of the present paper in order to ascertain the
summer characteristics.
[16] The mean flow at 850 hPa during the summer
(Figure 4a) is characterized by strong east-northeast trade
winds close to the Equator which veer to the northwest as
they approach the Andes, producing a maximum of the
meridional wind component toward the south close to Santa
Cruz de la Sierra (STA) in Bolivia. Another northerly
maximum occurs at approximately 25°S, 40°W associated
with the subtropical Atlantic Anticyclone.
[17] The high-level circulation (Figure 4b) depicts the
presence of the Bolivian High [Lenters and Cook, 1997;
Figueroa et al., 1995] centered approximately on 15°S,
67°W. Westerly winds predominate toward the south of the
[18] There are strong diurnal cycles in winds at 850 hPa
(Figure 5) on the South American continent, mainly south
of 15°S. There is an anticyclonic rotation east of the
Andes that is consistent with Blackadar’s [1957] mechanism. This circulation generates a maximum of the v wind
toward the south at 0600 UTC, at which time the surface
frictional component is negligible and wind acquires a
supergeostrophic component. This accords with the findings of Nicolini et al. [1987], who employed a boundary
layer model to analyze the diurnal oscillations of the
horizontal and vertical motion resulting from the daily
cycle of the boundary layer processes in an ideal situation
without environmental flow and a real situation with a
northerly flow. They found that, in the absence of an
environmental flow, the resulting northerly flow, forced by
the drive on the land slope and the coastal inhomogeneities, responds to a radiation cycle and results in a
nocturnal northerly circulation east of the Andes. This
diurnal oscillation is even more intense in synoptic situations with environmental flows from the north. Reanalyses show upslope circulation at 0000 UTC (8:00 P.M.
local time), while the downslope circulation takes place at
1200 UTC (8:00 A.M. local time) driven by a bouyant
force over a sloping terrain, which are approximately
consistent with the hours following maximum heating
and cooling times, respectively, of the planetary boundary
layer in the region of the Andes. The field of wind
anomalies at 0600 UTC is consistent with the analysis
of Nicolini et al. [1987] inasmuch as it demonstrates a
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Figure 5. Diurnal evolution of mean summer wind anomalies (vectors) and moisture flux divergence
anomaly (in g kg1 s1) at 850 hPa. Graphics only show convergence regions. Mountain areas higher
than 1500 m are masked.
northerly supergeostrophic component in northern and
central Argentina. In relation to the wind field anomaly,
Figure 5 shows a water vapor divergence anomaly field at
850 hPa at each respective hour in which a water vapor
convergence is observed over northeastern Argentina,
Table 1. Number of Occurrences of Chaco Jet Days for the ERA
Data Set
southern Brazil, and Uruguay with extreme values at
1200 UTC.
3. Chaco Jet Events Definition
[19] The Chaco jet day was defined by adjusting the
criterion determined by Nicolini and Saulo [2000] for the
vertical and horizontal resolution of the ERA reanalyses
Figure 6. Number of Chaco Jet events (CJEs) of a given
length (days).
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Figure 7. (a) Outgoing longwave radiation composite for CJEs contoured every 10 W m2. Values
lower than 230 W m2 are shaded. (b) Outgoing longwave radiation composite anomalies for Chaco Jet
events. Light shading indicates the 95% significance level.
with the objective of studying the extreme events of
moisture transport from the tropical latitudes southward to
the central plains of Argentina, Paraguay, southern Brazil,
and Uruguay.
[20] This criterion requires that at least one of the four
synoptic hours confirm the following: (1) Maximum wind
intensity (jVj) at 850 hPa immediately east of the Andes
must be equal to or greater than 12 m s1 and must originate
in tropical latitudes and extend to 25°S. (2) The difference
of the wind speed between 850 to 700 hPa must be larger
than or equal to 6 m s1 in some part of the region enclosed
by the 12 m s1 isotach. (3) The meridional component
must be northerly and greater than the zonal component (u)
in the entire region enclosed by the 12 m s1 isotach. This
condition is established in order to exclude events that take
place prior to the passage of a frontal system at 25°S where
the zonal wind component is strongly predominant.
[21] Table 1 indicates the number of Chaco days obtained
by using the above mentioned criterion during DJF. The
Chaco jet event (CJE) is defined as the occurrence that
complies with the criterion for more than 1 consecutive day.
Table 1 shows that there were a total of 230 Chaco jet days
during the summer season of the time period 1979 – 1993
which represent a total of 17% of the days examined. Chaco
jet days are more frequent in December and January, while
in February the incidence is slightly reduced. The CJEs last
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Figure 8. (a) Wind (vector) and wind speed (contoured every 1 m s1, values greater than 4 m s1 are
shaded) composite at 850 hPa for CJEs. (b) Wind speed composite anomalies at 850 hPa for CJEs are
contoured every 1 m s1; values greater than 4 m s1 are shaded.
1 – 10 consecutive days (Figure 6) and represent 94% of all
the events that last 1 –5 days.
[22] It is interesting to describe the synoptic-scale characteristics associated with CJEs. In order to filter the daily
wind oscillation demonstrated in section 2, the mean daily
field for the CJE is calculated by means of the four available
hours. In order to guarantee the independence of the events
it is necessary to calculate the mean of the variables on the
days that compose each CJE. The anomalies of the CJEs are
determined with respect to the average of the 15 summer
seasons of the ERA. We computed a two-tailed 95%
significance level, using the t student test, for the composite
anomalies for all displayed fields and include them for
reference in the figure captions with the purpose of ascertaining the level of significance of the anomalies we studied.
[23] In view of the fact that in the following sections the
daily mean fields will be considered, in the present section
we emphasize that all the Chaco jet day maxima occurred at
0600 or at 1200 UTC. In no case was the Chaco jet day
identified at 0000 UTC or 1800 UTC because, as explained
in section 2, the northerly v has a minimum at 0000 UTC
and 1800 UTC hours. For this reason the daily mean fields
of the CJE have a lower intensity than that required by the
adopted criterion.
[24] The mean field of the OLR for the CJEs (Figure 7a)
shows the presence of a corridor for OLR minima lower
than 230W m2 centered on 58°W and which extends
from 25°S to 40°S. The OLR anomaly field (Figure 7b)
shows the presence of a dipole in which convection
increases on the zone over 30°S, 58°W and weakens over
the region centered on 20°S, 42°W and oriented in a
northwest-southeast direction. Nogués-Paegle and Mo
[1997] found a seesaw pattern in OLR anomalies over
the same region while discussing wet and dry conditions
over subtropical South America in relation to weak and
enhanced SACZ.
[25] The minimum magnitude in the OLR anomalies
surpasses 10% of the value of the mean field, and its
location coincides with the region where the mesoscale
convective complexes significantly contribute to the summer precipitation. This evidence motivates the characterization of the CJE in relation to its associated water vapor
4. Characteristics of the Chaco Jet Events
[26] The mean wind field at 850 hPa (Figure 8a) for the
CJEs shows a strong southward flow that penetrates
northern Argentina and southern Brazil. This type of
configuration given by the low-level wind responds to
the expected field because of the selection criterion established for the CJE. There is a wind speed maximum close
to the STA zone that extends up to 30°S with values
higher than 4 m s1. The anomalies for wind speed at 850
hPa (Figure 8b) show positive values that extend southward from 14°S with a maximum close to the BoliviaParaguay border obtaining values higher than 9 m s1. It
is interesting that the trade winds over northern South
America show no difference between the events studied
and the mean field.
[27] The v wind vertical profile (Figure 9a) at a grid point
close to STA shows an intensification of the jet-like profile
for the CJEs with respect to that corresponding to the mean
field. It shows a decrease in velocity from 12 m s1 between
500 and 850 hPa, while the summer mean field shows a
difference of 9 m s1 between the same levels. This type of
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profile is still present during the occurrence of CJEs farther
south at a point close to Resistencia (SIS) which is weakly
evident in the mean field (Figure 9b). Though in Buenos
Aires this jet profile is not observed, it is interesting that v in
the CJEs is greater than v in the mean field throughout the
column and especially at 200 hPa.
[28] The geopotential field and its anomaly at 1000 hPa
(Figures 10a and 10b) show an important augmentation of
the low-pressure system extending east of the Andes from
17°S to 35°S, which intensifies the northerly winds east of
the low-pressure zone. Figure 10b shows the largest deepening values of the low pattern that occurs at approximately 25°S, 65°W. This feature is consistent with the
deepening of the Northwestern Argentinean Low, centered
around 30°S, 66°W, that develops previously to the
maximum of a CJE (M. Seluchi et al., The northwestern
Argentinean low: A study of two typical events, submitted
to Monthly Weather Review, 2002). The minimum of
geopotential anomaly centered on 50°S, 58°W together
with a maximum located southwest of Chile jointly
integrates a baroclinic wave pattern which penetrates from
the Pacific Ocean.
[29] Figure 11 shows the streamline field and geopotential
anomaly at 300 hPa. There is a slight eastward shift of the
Bolivian High during the CJEs (Figure 11a) and a westward
shift of the northeastern Brazilian trough with respect to the
mean summer field (Figure 4b) that increases the southerly
flow east of the Bolivian High. The intensification of the
upper level jet at the leading side of the midlatitude trough
centered on 70°W should be noted. The presence of this
trough, evident during the CJEs, is also denoted by the wave
pattern present in the geopotential anomaly field (Figure
11b). The position of the anomalies with respect to the field
at 1000 hPa shows a westward displacement that corroborates the baroclinicity of the system. It is possible to
characterize a vertical structure of the divergence field for
the CJEs through a vertical section of the divergence
anomaly at 30°S (Figure 12). There is a center of positive
anomaly divergence at high levels of the atmosphere that is
associated with the leading side of the trough. This positive
divergence overlies a negative anomaly associated with the
same system that extends to approximately 500 hPa. An
intensification of this convergence anomaly is observed
with a minimum value less than 0.2 105 s1 below
850 hPa, associated with the decelerating area downwind of
the low-level jet near 58°W.
[30] There is a dominating heat and specific humidity
maximum centered on 30°S, 58°W in the anomaly field of
equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa for the CJEs
(Figure 13). An intensification of air mass contrast (around
14°C) between this maximum and a minimum centered on
42°S, 68°W during CJEs is clearly evident in Figure 13 and
denotes the presence of a cold front oriented northwestsoutheast recognizable at 39°S. This is also evident in the
anomaly field for the 1000/500 hPa layer (not shown). This
Figure 9. (opposite) Meridional wind profile composite
for Chaco Jet events (open dot line) and summer (solid line)
at (a) Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (17.38°S, 63°W); (b)
Resistencia, Argentina (27°S, 58°W), and (c) Buenos Aires,
Argentina (35°S, 58°W).
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Figure 10. (a) Geopotential height composite for CJEs at 1000 hPa contoured every 40 mgp. (b)
Geopotential height composite anomalies for CJEs at 1000 hPa contoured every 10 mgp. Negatives
values are dashed. Light shading indicates the 95% significance level.
field is similar to that shown by Garreaud [2000] in his
Figure 6 for the days prior to the intrusion of cold air in the
midlatitudes during the summer.
[31] Figure 14 shows a vertical section of equivalent
potential temperature and its anomaly at 30°S for the
purpose of analyzing the convective instability of the
region. The mean field for the CJEs shows a layer of
convective instability east of the Andes that maximizes at
66°W, lowering from around 600 hPa to 700 hPa as it
approaches the Atlantic. The anomaly field shows a deep
maximum east of the Andes that involves the entire
32 - 11
Figure 11. (a) Streamlines and wind speed (contoured, values greater than 25 m s1 are shaded)
composite for CJEs at 300 hPa. (b) Geopotential composite anomalies for CJEs at 300 hPa contoured
every 10 mgp. Negatives values are dashed. Light shading indicates the 95% significance level.
[32] The pattern of vertical and horizontal divergence east
of the Andes together with the convective instability favor
rising motion in this region is consistent with the negative
extremes of the OLR anomalies (Figure 7b).
Figure 12. Longitude-pressure section of divergence
composite anomalies for CJEs at 30°S. Topographic cross
section is also included.
5. Water Vapor Transport Associated
With Chaco Jet Events
[33] It is relevant to quantify the incidence of the CJEs
as an efficient agent to transport water vapor from tropical
to extratropical latitudes. In this section we shall examine
Figure 13. Equivalent potential temperature composite
anomalies for CJEs at 850 hPa contoured every 1°C.
Negative values are dashed.
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Figure 14. Longitude-pressure section of (a) equivalent potential temperature composite for CJEs at
30°S (contoured every 5°C) and (b) same as Figure 14a but for composite anomalies. Topographic cross
sections are also included.
the vertically integrated moisture flux (Q), which is
defined as
where q is the specific humidity, V is the wind vector, and g
is gravity. Vertical integration is calculated by means of a
trapezoidal integral from 1000 hPa (Ps) to 70 hPa (Pt)
adding the four available hours in the reanalyses and
computing the daily average with the purpose of comparing
the results with those of other authors.
[34] The mean field for Q (Figure 15a) shows a moisture
flux that originates in the trade winds and turns eastward
approximately north of 20°S. Another source of moisture,
more evident at 40°W, is associated with the western sector
of the South Atlantic Anticyclone. Both circulations converge in a zone with a northwest-southeast orientation
coinciding with the mean position of the SACZ. The
presence of a strong moisture flux over the central zone
of the Del Plata basin is observed in Figure 15b which
corresponds to the Q field for the CJEs. It is interesting to
note the formation of a moisture convergence zone in the
center-southeast portion of the SEAREA that is absent in
the mean field with values higher than 20 105 kg
m2 s1. The anomaly of Q in Figure 15c shows a strong
anomalous anticyclonic circulation centered on 28°S, 45°W
associated both with an intensification of the low in the
center of South America and a slight advance of the Atlantic
subtropical anticyclone toward the continent. This anomaly
is coherent with the weak SACZ circulation described by
Figure 15. (opposite) (a) Mean summer vertically integrated moisture flux in kg m1 s1. Vertically integrated moisture
flux convergence shaded every 10 105 kg m2 s1. (b) As in Figure 15a but for CJEs. (c) As in Figure 15a but for
vertically integrated moisture flux composite anomalies. Vertically integrated moisture flux convergence anomalies shaded
every 3 105 kg m2 s1.
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Figure 16. Net moisture flux divergence and net moisture flux in 108 kg s1 over the region depicted by
a rectangle in Figure 1 for (a) austral summer and (b) CJEs for low levels (Figures 16a and 16b left), mid
levels (Figures 16a and 16b center), high levels (Figures 16a and 16b right) and all levels (Figures 16a
and 16b bottom).
Nogués-Paegle and Mo [1997]. The equatorial zone shows
no differences between the CJEs and the summer mean. In
contrast, a strong moisture convergence anomaly consistent with the deceleration of Q is present over the
[35] The Q divergence in the SEAREA was calculated for
the purpose of quantifying the moisture contributed by the
CJE using the following equation:
r QdA ¼
ðQ nÞdl;
where L represents the curve that borders the A area
32 - 15
Figure 17. (a) Mean daily accumulated precipitation in mm d1. Contour interval is 1 mm d1, and
values higher than 5 mm d1are shaded. (b) As in Figure 17a but for CJEs. (c) Contribution of the daily
accumulated precipitation for CJEs relative to the respective value for the austral summer (in percent).
Values higher than 40% are shaded.
(rectangle denoted in Figure 1) and n is a versor normal to
the curve. The atmosphere was divided into three vertical
layers: high (500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, and 100 hPa),
middle (775, 700, and 600 hPa), and low (1000, 925, and
850 hPa), with the purpose of comparing the contribution of
the different layers.
[36] Figures 16a and 16b show the respective results
obtained from the evaluation of equation (2) for the selected
box for both summer and the CJEs at the different layers.
During the summer, there is a convergence of Q throughout
the column, contributed by the low and mid layers, in which
the northerly flux plays a dominant role. This convergence
32 - 16
is not evident in the global estimates obtained by Peixoto
and Oort [1992], while Wang and Paegle [1996] find results
similar to the present paper from ECMWF analyses in the
1989 austral summer for a region that contains the
SEAREA. Saulo et al. [2000] also found similar results
using operational ETA products for a region containing the
zone under study during the spring and summer of 1997 –
[37] During the CJEs (Figure 16b), there is an important
flux of humidity through the north face at middle and low
levels, while at high levels this flux is negligible. During
these episodes, convergence at low and mid levels is about
10 times more intense than the summer mean.
[38] Given the importance of this result for purposes of
estimating the water balance in the Del Plata basin, it is
important to enquire as to the impact of this convergence on
another component of the water balance, such as the
acumulated precipitation during these events.
[39] Figures 17a and 17b show the daily accumulated
precipitation fields from an extensive rain gauge network
corresponding to summer and to the CJEs, respectively.
Figure 17c shows the relative contribution of the CJEs to
the daily summer accumulated precipitation. Figure 17a
depicts an important maximun located over SACZ area.
Interesting to note is the displacement of the maximum
toward the southwest during the CJEs, its position coinciding with the Q convergence maximum. Also, the maximum
contribution to the accumulated precipitation attributable to
the CJEs exceeds 55%. If it is recalled that the Chaco jet
days amount to only 17% of the summer days, their
contribution to the summer rainfall in this region is significant. In addition, the summer accumulated precipitation
averaged over the SEAREA during CJEs is 6.1 mm d1
that exceeds the mean seasonal value of 1.3 mm d1. This
amount, which represents 35% of the total accumulated
precipitation over the region, denotes the impact of these
events on the SEAREA. The center of maximum activity of
mesoscale convective complexes (MCCs) over South America, described by Velasco and Fritsch [1987], is located
within the region displayed in the extreme precipitation
composite of Chaco jet events. As these authors pointed
out, large populations of MCCs occur in regions where lowlevel jets frequently develop. Recently, Nicolini et al. [2002]
have characterized a sample of high precipitating mesoscale
convective systems over southeastern South America during
1988 – 1993. They found that around 80% of these systems
developed during CJEs. The mean position of their centers
during mature stage is coincident with the maximum of
relative contribution of the daily accumulated precipitation
for CJEs. This coincidence is further evidence of a relationship between Chaco low-level jets environment and generation of intense organized convection; this is not addressed in
the present paper.
6. Conclusions
[40] The Chaco Jet events selected for their particular
southward extension in accordance with predetermined
criterion represent a subensemble of low-level jet events
east of the Andes that are infrequent in the ERA data set.
Their duration varies from 1 to 10 days, although duration is
more frequently from 1 to 5 days.
[41] The outstanding features of the circulation and the
thermodynamic field that represent this ensemble are a
maximum contrast of air masses in a latitude close to
39°S, the presence of a trough centered on 70°W within a
baroclinic wave train penetrating from the Pacific Ocean,
and a maximum of heat and moisture over the SEAREA.
[42] It is noticeable that using a completely independent
manner of case selection as that adopted by Nogués-Paegle
and Mo [1997] for the identification of SACZ, the largescale circulation patterns associated with CJEs correspond
fairly well to those of weak SACZ. This agreement suggests
the strong signature of these phenomena over South American summer climate, which seems to alternatively be
dominated by a SACZ-like or CJE-like regime. Nevertheless, further research is necesary in order to understand the
mechanisms that favor one phase or the other, particularly in
relation to their timescale.
[43] The OLR field during the CJEs used as a proxy for
convection denotes a convectively unstable deep layer east
of the Andes. This convection is associated with an extensive layer of strong low-level moisture flux convergence
related to the deceleration of the jet and to the upper level
wind divergence downwind of the trough. An intense
maximum in the precipitation over the SEAREA is coherent
with those fields.
[44] These strongly interdependent patterns between the
precipitation and moisture convergence over the SEAREA
during the CJEs, reinforce the hypothesis assumed by the
selection criteria first designed by Nicolini and Saulo
[2000], for the 15-year period between 1979 and 1993.
[45] Also, the intensity found in the water vapor flux
anomaly at low and mid levels that characterizes these
events reinforces the importance of studying them for the
purpose of determining the water balance over the Del Plata
[46] The statement that the CJEs represent an important
characteristic of the SEAREA climate is founded on the fact
that, although the CJEs only represent 17% of the austral
summer days, they account for a significant fraction of the
precipitation (a maximun of 55%) over northeastern Argentina. However, it is indispensable to contrast these results
with future field experiments to test the hypothesis
addressed in this paper.
[47] Acknowledgments. The ERA reanalyses were kindly provided
by CPTEC (Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos) under the
LBA project (Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia). NOAA-Outgoing Longwave Radiation data were obtained electronically from the Climate Diagnostic Center Web site (
The comments of two anonymous reviewers led to substantial improvements in the presentation and content of this paper. The authors are grateful
to Brant Liebmann, Mario Bidegain, Julian Baez, Daniel Vila, and Jose
Ares for their contribution to this work. We thank the Servicio Metorológico Nacional (Argentina), the Dirección Nacional de Meteorologı́a (Uruguay), the Dirección Nacional de Meteorologı́a e Hidrologı́a-DINAC
(Paraguay), and the Agencia Nacional de Energı́a Eléctrica (Brazil) for
providing the observed precipitation data. This work was supported by
CONICET Ph.D. scholarship to Paola Salio, CONICET grant PIP 4520/96,
ANPCyT grant PICT 07-00000-1757, ANPCyT grant PICT 07-06671,
UBA grant TX30, and IAI CRN 045-PROSUR.
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