The Outsider(Roswell High #1)

The Outsider(Roswell High #1)
by Melinda Metz
Lissa Reviews
Wow! I found this at my local library while seeking out something to read. I just had to grab it because I loved the
television series…. I just can’t get over how different the characters are. Michael is a blond… Isabelle is pathetic
…gurr! The television versions of the characters are hotter and stronger!!. I had never noticed that the show was
based on book until now. I have always been one who has a love hate relationship with books being brought to
the small and big screen.
I can honestly say that having watched the series a number of times it was really hard to not imagine the
characters the same as the ones who played on the television show. I was not disappointed at all with this book
verses the show. Both the “Roswell” show and “The Outsiders” start in the way- Liz is shot by a man in her family's
restaurant and Max saves her life.
Sheriff Valenti just like in the how has way too many questions and knows something is up. However, not like the
show V is a danger For Max. Liz can't help but feel drawn to Max, yet she is stronger and more self aware in the
books. I like her better in the books. However, I can’t stand Isobel in the book. She is weak and childish. Michael
comes across as tough and tender in the book as in the series he is more standoffish and brute.
If you were a fan of the Roswell TV series like me- then this book is perfect for you. It’s fast paced and the writing
is enjoyable for both adults and young adults alike. Metz's writing style is simple and I look forward to reading
more from this author as well as the series
|Ok I love this book. Is the writing all that great? No. Is the plot remarkable? No. Is it completely awesome? Yes. Do
|Ok I love this book. Is the writing all that great? No. Is the plot remarkable? No. Is it completely awesome? Yes. Do
I love it because I am a Roswell (the TV show) junkie . . . ummm that would also be a yes.
I just adore the TV show Roswell and all of its many characters. I even liked Sheriff Valenti - and yes I realize how
sad this is.
This book is very different than the TV show (which makes it a pleasant surprise for me since I know the show from
beginning to end). It is a good difference though, with the book probably being more intersting than the TV show
- loved it! I will make sure to read the rest of this series!! A must read for any other Roswell junkies out there!|This
review is for all 10 books in the series. Melinda Metz writes a thoroughly engaging story about teen aliens who are
trying to live among humans on earth while FBI and local authorities are on their trail to discover them and
eventually whisk them away to a dissection lab.
Max and Isabel Evans, along with friend Michael Guerin are aliens whose spaceship crash landed on earth in
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Incubating in pods for 40 years, the pod squad hatch and somehow manage to
make it into foster homes and/or adopted into loving families. The three youngsters are now in high school trying
to blend in with the rest of the human kids and doing a fabulous job, until Max decides that he is going to save
the life of the girl he loves from a bullet wound, hence blowing his cover. He has the power to heal people and he
knows saving Liz's life is the right thing to do even if it puts himself and his friends in danger of being discovered
by the sinister sheriff Valenti.
Isabel Evans is Max's sister. She has the power to walk into people's dreams and affect what happens to them.
(This is one power I would kill to have!) She is gorgeous, popular and boys are tripping all over themselves to date
her. But they are just her playthings--that is, until geeky Alex Manes teaches her the importance of valuing a
loving guy no matter who he is.
Michael Guerin is the hot brooder who has been in more foster homes than he can count. His past has toughened
him up, making it hard to trust others. The fact that he is also an alien keeps him from forming true frienships
outside of Max and Isabel. He has sworn to keep most people at bay, until perky Maria DeLuca gets under his skin
and into his heart.
Liz Ortecho is the beautiful Mexican American girl that Max Evans has his eye on. He has been her friend for years
but that friendship has evolved into something more serious. When Liz is shot while waiting tables at her parents'
cafe, the Crashdown, Max swings into action and not only heals her wound, but plants the seeds of love within her
The Roswell High series is one of the most entertaining YA reads I have perused in a long time. Written in the late
90's, it became the basis of one of the hottest teen TV series of its time, Roswell. Subsequent novels in the series
deal with issues ranging from learning to trust others, to falling in love, to making scarifices, and dealing with
danger and tragedy. The books are well written, though sometimes were a little too light on background
information, loose ends left incomplete and some overly simplistic details gave them the feeling of being too
juvenile. They have earned three and a half to four stars from me and I would recommend these to anyone who
enjoys science fiction books, romance or fans of the television series. Excellent for the middle school, early high
school reader.|Different stories than the show, which feeds my rabid fan girl inside. Definitely written for teens, but
I can still enjoy it.|One of the rare instances when the show was better than the book. Between the multiple POVs,
the insta-love and the childish writing, I don't know what was worse. The only reason I will continue to read these
books is, well firstly I'm nothing if not mildly compulsive and secondly, I know it has potential. Huge potential. I
only know this from having seen all three seasons of the television series.