2015 Issue #2

Key Stakeholder’s
2015 Mid-Year Update
from Kevin O’Toole
With the launch of HIP 2.0 and Hoosier Care
Connect this year, Managed Health Services (MHS)
has been busy reaching out and connecting with
our new membership.
Kevin O’Toole
MHS President & CEO
We have been very pleased to see the notable level
of member interaction in the new HIP 2.0 program
overall. MHS has seen an increase in member
engagement with electronic communications,
with gains in online POWER Account contribution
payments, as well as in email click through rates
to learn more about product, benefit and special
programs information.
Our new Hoosier Care Connect Care Coordinators are working with
members to talk about goals, objectives and interventions to make sure
our members have an open line of communication with their providers as
well as MHS.
And our MHS Community & Member outreach team has already planned
and participated in close to 200 events across the state so far this year!
As we celebrate our 20-year anniversary this year, we are honored
to continue to provide health coverage and personalized services to
Hoosiers, and are excited to see what new opportunities lie ahead for MHS
in the next 20 years to come.
Network Development
of MHS Products
MHS has been proudly serving Hoosiers for two decades through the Hoosier
Healthwise (HHW), Healthy Indiana (HIP) and Hoosier Care Connect Medicaid
Programs. MHS has worked to create the largest provider network in our 20 year
history, and currently includes an expansive provider network including primary care
physicians, specialists and hospitals across the state. If you are a provider who would
like to contract with MHS, contact MHS VP of Network Development Bob McDaniel at
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MHS Partners with MoneyGram
to Offer More Ways to Pay for
HIP Members
MHS is excited to offer another easy way for members to
pay their monthly POWER Account Contribution. Members
can use MoneyGram to make payments. MoneyGram is
fast, convenient and has no fee for HIP POWER Account
contributions. To make cash or in person payments, visit
any MoneyGram agent location including CVS/pharmacy,
Walmart, or Advance America.
Find one near you at MoneyGram.com/billpaylocations or
call 1-800-926-9400.
Learn more about paying bills through MoneyGram at
To pay your monthly POWER Account Contribution through
MoneyGram you will need the following items:
• Your POWER Account Invoice
• Your Member ID (found on your invoice)
• Cash or PIN debit card also accepted at Walmart
• MoneyGram Receive Code: 15200
In addition to MoneyGram, MHS gives our members many
other easy ways to pay their Fast Track and
POWER Account Contributions.
• Online using a credit/debit card at mhsindiana.com
• By mail with check, money order or credit/debit card to:
Managed Health Services
Member Mailstop 16253487
PO Box 660160
Dallas, TX 75266-0160
* include payment voucher from bottom of invoice with
lockbox payment submission
• By phone with credit/debit card at 1-877-647-4848
• Electronic Funds Transfer
• Payroll deductions by your employer
mhsindiana.com • 1-877-647-4848
Hoosier Care Connect
Hoosier Care Connect is a new coordinated care/managed care program for
Indiana’s Medicaid enrollees with a disability who are not Medicare eligible
and do not have an institutional level of care.
Through Hoosier Care Connect, FSSA continues to improve the quality of care
and health outcomes for members, seeking to achieve the following goals:
• Improve quality outcomes and consistency of care across the
delivery system
• Ensure enrollee choice, protections and access
• Coordinate care across the delivery system and care continuum
• Provide flexible, person-centered care
• Transition planning, contract oversight and implementation issues
MHS is one of three managed care entities selected to provide coordinated
healthcare services through Hoosier Care Connect. We were assessed on
factors such as experience serving complex populations and our approach to
care management.
Hoosier Care Connect launched on April 1, 2015. The transition and go-live
was smooth, and MHS has begun reaching out to members on the phone and
electronically, as well as out in the community. Hiring and system changes
also occurred.
In order to help grow the population cared for by Hoosier Care Connect, MHS
is meeting with various nonprofit organizations and Centers for Independent
Living (CILs). We are also starting more marketing campaigns about the
program, including commercials.
Care Coordination and
Children with Special
Needs Program
MHS offers several specialized health programs for our members’
care management needs, including diabetes, COPD and asthma.
We also offer a “Children with Special Needs” program for children
with developmental disorders or chronic health conditions.
Each MHS member is assigned a care coordinator, who is a BSW,
LSW or LPN. We have no less than quarterly contact with each
member, and we also integrate with our case management team
for members with unstable conditions.
Our case management RNs and LCSWs are field based and
schedule face-to-face meetings with members depending on
their condition. We may also accompany members to physician
appointments to help our members understand what they are
supposed to do and help the physician understand what the
member’s needs are.
We also work closely with the Department of Child Services’ case
managers for children in foster care or adoption assistance to help
them work through the system and get the proper healthcare
they need.
The MHS Children with Special Needs program was developed to
improve our members’ and their families’ knowledge of various
developmental disorders and to assist them in transitioning to and
establishing a medical home.
MHS Education Network
MHS has partnered with accessABILITY Center for Independent Living to serve Hoosier Care
Connect members in Marion County with the MHS Education Network. Hoosier Care Connect
members are very engaged in their healthcare and may have questions, so MHS has partnered
with accessABILITY to answer those questions.
The Network will work to provide in-person specialized education to Hoosier Care Connect
members on a variety of topics, such as the scope of health plan benefits, how to access care
and our members’ rights and responsibilities. We use methods that are clear, concise and
accurate and reflect the cultural, language and other special needs of our specific populations.
Components of the MHS Education Network include:
• Benefit education
• Health Needs Survey completion (if applicable)
• Materials include:
• PMP selection (if applicable)
- 80-slide deck
• Member Satisfaction Survey
- Member handbook
- CentAccount flyer
- Portal flyer
- Copy of member ID card
MHS is working on training for staff.
Because cultural competencies are
important, our staff needs to be prepared
for helping these members. So far, training
has been going great!
AccessABILITY has been able to connect
with some consumers due to connections
employees have with the community. There
is also a process in place by which MHS
call center staff can refer members to
accessABILITY for additional information
when necessary.
mhsindiana.com • 1-877-647-4848
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