What Song Shall We Sing?

What Song Shall We Sing?
In 1980 I had the pleasure and privilege of attending a workshop on hymnody with the late Erik
Routley. He said many memorable things about how hymns fit into the pattern of worship, but
the one that has stayed with me over three decades is: “If a hymn is well-chosen, the worshipper
will think, ‘Ah! That’s just what I wanted to say.’” From my personal experience, the moments
in a service when hymns express just what I want to say are moments of transcendence.
In the years since that memorable workshop, when I have been choosing hymns and songs for
others to sing, usually for my Anglican parish of Holy Trinity Guildwood in Scarborough, I have
been aware of the great responsibility placed on me. Will the hymns I have chosen speak to this
gathering of people, on this day, in this place, for this scripture, theme or sermon? I believe that
choosing songs and hymns for others to sing is a balancing act between all these aspects.
Sometimes – just very occasionally – one gets it right.
Over more than twenty years of hymn choosing, I have tried to inspire people with my own love
of hymns. I also invited some who were especially interested to choose hymns with me. At the
time I wanted to pass on my own style and a method of choosing hymns, but in the past two
years, no longer having the responsibility for the hymns, I have been able to stand back and learn
from others who now choose the songs I sing in my home church. From time to time, my
husband Jim and I visit other churches, not all of them Anglican, and I am discovering that there
are many styles and methods of choosing hymns and that the hymns and worship songs work
differently in different congregations.
Come and find out more on why hymns matter to a congregation and how careful choices of
hymns can enhance our worship, enliven our faith, and deepen our awareness of God. And yes,
of course we’ll sing together. What songs? You’ll have to wait and see.
Sunday, February 21st, at 3:00 p.m. at Kingsway Lambton United Church, Etobicoke.
Rachael Boles