4 goals of progressivism

4 Goals of Progressivism STD 11.2.9 Objec;ve: Iden;fy the 4 goals of progressivism APK •  Industrializa;on •  Urbaniza;on •  Harsh working condi;ons –  Women & children –  Low pay •  Bad Living condi;ons –  Crowded, dangerous, dirty Importance •  This is an early 20th century urban reform movement that responded to economic, poli;cal, and social corrup;on caused by massive industrializa;on, immigra;on, and urbaniza;on in the United States. –  A. Social Gospel –  B. Populism –  C. Progressivism –  D. Social Darwinism Progressive Movement •  Progressive Movement –  Aimed to restore economic opportuni;es and correct injus;ces in America •  4 Goals –  Protect Social Welfare –  Promote Moral Improvement –  Create Economic Reform –  Foster Efficiency CFU:
Define the Progressive Movement
What are the 4 goals of the movement
Pair Share:
Which of the 4 movements is most important?
Is the movement still needed today?
Protec;ng Social Welfare •  Work to soXen harsh working condi;ons due to industrializa;on •  Con;nued Social Services –  SeYlement house –  Professionals do work – Social workers CFU:
Define the Progressive Movement
What are the 4 goals of the movement
Pair Share:
Which of the 4 movements is most important?
Is the movement still needed today?
Promo;ng Social Welfare •  Built Community Centers & Churches –  YMCA •  Opened libraries •  Sponsored classes •  Swimming Pools –  Salva;on Army •  Fed poor in Soup Kitchens •  Cared for children •  Instructed immigrants in middle-­‐class values CFU:
What are Community centers?
Pair Share:
How do you believe a community center would effect people?
Promo;ng Social Welfare •  Florence Kelley –  Improve the lives of Women & Children –  Helped to Pass Illinois Factory Act in 1893 •  Limited women & children’s working hours •  Children were more prone to accidents caused by fa;gue CFU:
What was Florence Kelly known for?
Pair Share:
Would there be any other cause that women would
champion? Why?
Promo;ng Moral Improvement •  Believed Morality was the way to fix society –  Improve personal behavior to upliX themselves •  Prohibi;on –  Banning of Alcoholic beverages –  Alcohol was undermining American Morals •  Women’s Chris;an Temperance Union & An;-­‐Saloon League –  “Do Everything” CFU:
What is the goal of moral improvement?
Pair Share:
• What do you believe the slogan “do everything” means?
Economic Reform •  Panic of 1893 – banks closed, loose houses •  Ques;on Capitalism as an economic system –  Embrace Socialism –  Uneven balance between government, big business, and people •  “ Compe;;on was natural enough at one ;me, but do you think you are compe;ng today? Many of you think you are compe;ng. Against whom? Against [oil magnate John D.] Rockefeller? About as I would if I had a wheelbarrow and competed with the Santa Fe [railroad] from here to Kansas City.” —Debs: His Life, Wri/ngs and Speeches CFU:
What is the goal of Economic reform?
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Why do you believe Socialism gains traction as a economic method?
Economic Reform •  Journalists wrote about corrup;on •  Known as Muckrakers –  People busy cleaning up the “muck” of society CFU:
Define muckrakers.
Is there another term for muckrakers?
Pair Share:
What role does a muckraker play in society?
Are there any modern day muckrakers?
Fostering Efficiency •  Faith in Scien;fic Principles and Experts –  High costs of working long hours •  Scien;fic Management –  Studies to see how quickly each task could be performed •  Assembly lines speed up produc;on •  Reduce work hours & increase pay to keep workers CFU:
What does fostering efficiency mean (in your own words)
What is the goal of fostering efficiency
Pair Share:
How does this affect modern jobs?
Importance •  This is an early 20th century urban reform movement that responded to economic, poli;cal, and social corrup;on caused by massive industrializa;on, immigra;on, and urbaniza;on in the United States. A.  Social Gospel B.  Populism C.  Progressivism D.  Social Darwinism Closure •  Most progressives agreed that the government should A. outlaw unions. B. protect workers. C. na;onalize industries. D. abolish home rule in ci;es and states. Closure •  Which belief was held by most progressives? A. the government should protect agricultural interests. B. the government should own American industries. C. the government should intervene in unfair business prac;ces. D. housing and health care should remain private. Closure •  The progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthy goals except A. protec;ng social welfare. B. promo;ng business monopolies. C. crea;ng economic reform. D. fostering efficiency in the workplace. Closure •  What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life? A. It increased government regula;on of business. B. It increased restric;ons on presiden;al powers. C. It decreased influence of the media on public policy. D. It reduced government spending for social programs. Closure •  American Progressives at the turn of the 20th century believed that A. immigrants should not be hired for factory jobs. B. corporate taxes should be eliminated. C. the power of large corpora;ons should be limited. D. the steel industry should strengthen the economy. 