AP World History Chapter 10 - Mr. Mulford

AP World History Chapter 10 - Inner and East Asia
Study Guide
Name: _____________________
Through successful completion of Chapter 10 Activities and Assignments, the student will be able to:
Understand the role of Buddhism and its relationship to the Tang state and the reasons for and results of the backlash against
Buddhism in the late Tang and Song periods.
Be able to discuss the history and the significance of the relationships between China and its neighbors, including Central Asia, Korea,
Japan, and Vietnam.
Be able to carry out a simple comparative analysis of the different roles of Buddhism in China, Tibet, Korea, and Japan.
Understand the nature and significance of technological innovation in the Song Empire.
1. Which empire reunited China in the sixth century?
2. During the centuries of disunity, what philosophy began to exert influence?
3. To facilitate communication and trade between North China and South China, the Sui built the
4. The text uses the example of Tang style warfare and pottery to demonstrate their
5. What was the political influence of Buddhism in the Tang Empire?
6. The Tang Empire is considered “cosmopolitan” because
7. Chang’an was important because it
8. The tributary system was a practice in which
9. Chinese maritime innovations included
10. One impact that the sea trade had on China was the
11. Which things did Central Asia and the Islamic world introduce to China
12. The Tang dominated world trade markets. They were the sole suppliers of which product?
13. The most serious rivals to the Tang Empire were the
14. The original Turkish homeland is
15. The Uigurs excelled as
16. The decline of the Tang Empire occurred when
17. After Tibetan government attempts to eliminate the influence of monasteries, Tibetan Buddhists responded by
18. Who did the Tang blame most for growing instability in the Empire?
19. After the decline of the Tang Empire, the states that emerged were
20. What did the people of the Liao Empire of the Khitans do
21. Historians state that the Song technological innovations led the Song to
22. Chinese transportation innovations included what Song invention or improvement?
AP World History - Mr. Mulford - www.mrmulford.wikispaces.com - Liberty High School - 1, 2, 3 -
AP World History Chapter 10 - Inner and East Asia
Study Guide
Name: _____________________
23. Which are important technological innovations of the Song Empire?
24. What can be said about Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism?
25. Some Buddhists drew upon Indian and Tibetan folk practice and created a meditative practice known as
26. According to the Neo-Confucianist, the ideal person is the
27. By instituting civil service examinations for entrance into the government bureaucracy, the Song
28. What occured in China due to the development of movable type and the availability of printed material?
29. As prosperity and population increased in Song China, Chinese officials did what
30. The Song system of credit was based on guarantees that paper money could be redeemed for coinage. This was called
31. During the Song period, women experienced subordination and social restriction epitomized by
32. Confucianism spread to East Asia with the spread of
33. In the early tenth century, Korea was united under which dynasty?
34. Which Chinese technologies were among those borrowed by the Koreans to make editions of Buddhist texts?
35. Which Chinese customs did the Japanese choose to implement?
36. What can be said about Japanese emperors
37. Why did the Fujiwara family of Heian Japan choose to entrust responsibility for local government to their warriors?
38. Murasaki Shikibu is famous for what?
39. The great gift of Champa to Song China was
AP World History - Mr. Mulford - www.mrmulford.wikispaces.com - Liberty High School - 1, 2, 3 -