Crash Course: Haitian Revolution Video Guide

Crash Course: Haitian Revolution Video Guide
Pirates invested their treasure in __________________ plantations
This island was most valuable in the West ___________________ and possibly in the world
Home to more __________________ than anyplace except Brazil
More slaves imported to Saint Domingue every year than the entire white _______________________
Slaves made up ________% of the population
Most were _____________ born because of the brutal conditions
White owners were absentee landlords who stayed in ___________________ and let others do the brutality
Wealthy, ______________ blacks were below them
Below them were the petit ________________, or poor whites
At the bottom were the _____________ who made up the majority
Slaves did _________________!
Slaves heard a rumor that the ______________ of France had freed them
Petit blancs thought they were the oppressed people because they couldn’t afford to own __________________
Gain independence, take power from people of privilege and institute a ________________________
In 1791, National Assembly gave full citizenship to all free men of _______________- if they owned ______________ and had
enough money and weren’t the children of _________________
L’ouverture helped mold the slaves into an _________________ that could withstand attack
_____________________ support slave revolts to hurt the ______________________
L’ouverture became an officer in the __________________ military
Most successful slave revolt in human history won freedom and citizenship for every slave in the French Caribbean
Slavery was abolished but this didn’t end the ________________________ system- _______________ was vital to the economic health of
the island
But now people were _______________ for their labor and their kids couldn’t be sold
Second phase of Haitian revolution: fight for ____________________________
Former slaves started fighting when Leclerc tried to take away their ______________
Haitians had the best ally of all: ______________________- specifically Yellow Fever
Killed thousands of French soldiers including Leclerc
Why is Haiti so important?
Second free and independent nation state in the __________________________
One of the most successful slave __________________ ever
Foiled Napoleon’s attempts to build a big world ____________________
The Haitians stood up for the idea that none should be __________________