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Teaching portfolio
1. Teaching CV: A list of any lecturing and supervision tasks, including specification of
academic fields, scope, level (bachelor, master, continuing education, PhD) as well as any
external examiner tasks.
1- Graduate Courses
•Electrical Drive (NTNU: Cooperation with Prof.Lars Norum).
•Power Electronic Converters (NTNU: Cooperation with Prof.Tore Undeland).
•Specialization Course-Electronic for Power Conversion Systems (NTNU).
•Renewable Energy Sources (MSc and PhD Students, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran)
•Modern Control for power electronic converters (MSc and PhD Students, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran)
•Reactive Power Control (MSc and PhD Students, Azad University, Iran)
•Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (MSc and PhD Students, Azad University, Iran)
2- Undergraduate Courses
•Electrical Machines Analysis (DC and AC)
•Power Electronic Converters
•Power System Analysis
•High Voltage Engineering and Insulations
•High Power Substations
•Electrical Circuit Analysis
3- Supervising of More than 20 MSc. and PhD Students (NTNU and Shahrood University of Technology, Iran )
2. Study administration: A list of any study administration tasks, e.g. study board
membership, head of studies or semester or course coordinator, accreditation, etc.
1. Head of Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering, Shahrood University of
Technology, Iran.
2.Member of Academic Affairs Committee, Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering, Shahrood University of
Technology, Iran.
3.Member of Research and Technology Committee, Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering, Shahrood University of
Technology, Iran.
Moreover, he has established the following laboratories in faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering:
1.High Voltage Engineering Laboratory
2.Research Laboratory of Electrical Energy Conversation, Transmission and Distribution.
3. University pedagogy qualifications: A list of any completed courses in university
pedagogy, PBL courses, workshops, academic development projects, collegial guidance
and supervision, etc.
1- Essential Skills for New Teachers, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran.
2- Advanced English Writing, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran.
4. Other qualifications: Conference attendance, editorials, presentations, etc. relating to
education, 'University Teaching Day', etc.
•Best Academic Researcher award at Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology,
Iran. , Iran.•Best PhD thesis award at the 2nd Hydrogen & Fuel Cell (HFC) conference, Tehran, Iran.•Best PhD
Researcher Student Award, K.N.Toosi University of Technology. Iran•Best MSc. Researcher Student Award, K.N.Toosi
University of Technology, Iran.
5. Teaching activity development and teaching materials: A list of any contributions to the
development of new modules, teaching materials, study programmes, e-learning,
collaboration with external business partners, etc.
1- Development of new modules for MSc students, Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering,
Shahrood University of Technology, Iran. , Iran.
2- Teaching of E-learning course (Renewable Energy), E-learning center, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran. , Iran.
6. Teaching awards you may have received or been nominated for.
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7. Personal reflections and initiatives: Here you may state any personal deliberations as
regards teaching and supervision, any wishes and plans for further pedagogic
development, plans for following up on feedback/evaluations from students, etc.
- Development of educational methods for BSc and MSc students
- Development of Research activities about smart grid, microgrids, Marine and offshore power and power electronic
-Development new research laboratories and hiring PhD students
- Getting fund from Industrial companies in Denmark
- Cooperation with other research groups at AAU
- Planning for active membership in some of scientific and research organisations in Denmark
- Cooperation and join in some research activities between Nordic Universities.
8. Any other information or comments.
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