Use the words in the box below to tell me what you are going to do


Use the words in the box below to tell me what you are going to do at the weekend to help at home.

You can use only the words from the box or you may ‘create’ other activities to describe what is going to happen.

Set it out like a diary....

El sábado vamos a…….

El domingo....... voy vas va vamos vais van a arreglar los dormitorios barrer el suelo fregar el suelo hacer las camas lavar el coche lavar los platos limpiar el baño limpiar los cristales pasar la aspiradora planchar la ropa preparer la cena quitar el polvo sacar la basura

I am going you (sg) are going he/she/it is going we are going you (pl) are going they are going to tidy the bedrooms sweep the floor mop the floor make the beds wash the car wash the dishes clean the bathroom clean the windows do the hovering iron the clothes prepare the dinner do the dusting take out the rubbish

There will be prize (pen and book) for the best three – to be voted for by the class!!!

©MFL Sunderland 2008 CS
