Mismanagement This Week's Run

Larrikin Hotline 0402 904 550
Larrikin Website
Bede Mackay
9953 3894
0402 003 482
Terry Ryan
9349 6176
0448 145 078
Hash Cash
Lynne Hunter-White
9953 3894
0412 238 963
Nigel Bland
9380 6980
0411 644 193
Social Sex
Simon Poole
9591 1950
0425 301 886
Low Profile
Geraldine Rodwell
9393 2312
0424 053 098
Bucket Master
Tom Heinz
8753 1085
0434 965 853
This Week's Run
9 Sept 2014
Run No.
Kauri Foreshore Hotel
2 Bridge Road,
opposite Wentworth Park
On On
Same Same
Google Map
Click Here for Map
Don’t forget your torches!!!
Receding Hairline
Run No. 1887
16 Sept 2014 - Afterbirth
Run No. 1888
23 Sept 2014 – MCC
Run No. 1889
30 Sept 2014 – Rim Liquor
Committee Announcements:
13 Sept, 2014 The Al Amar Larrikins Dinner – See Attached Flyer and book your seat
Joint Run 7th October The Joint Larrikins Oktoberfest Party Run with German beer & food. All Hash
are welcome to the PARTY
Larrikins Melb Cup Lunch Lunch, Waverton Bowling Club, Also see attached flyer
See 4 x 2’s travel photo below. Let’s see more shots of your wanderings. Send to the scribe
Larrikin T/Shirts in many sizes and in that quick drying
Micro-fibre. $30, See Platapussy at the bucket.
Run Report: Run No. 1885 August 2014 : Hare: Tripod at Lane Cove
The weather held off for the first time in a few weeks as the pack gathered for an exciting run. A couple of fly
ins from Queensland refused to get out of their car until the run was to commence…too cold.
The runners headed off on time and the walkers a few minutes later. About 5 minutes later Mongrel returned
citing a sore leg. Tossa actually trotted off. Berocca was a non-starter and Frankly turned up with the excuse
that work had detained her.
The usual bucket runners, Pretzel and Laundromat arrived just before the pack straggled in, Venerable doing a
venerable short cut, Singapore Sling using local knowledge to avoid a loop or two and Little Hun leading the
other walkers off trail to return to the bucket asap.
The runners, Fetchit, Half Price, Afterbirth, Impy, Salt Petre etc. came in at 7.35 extolling the wonderful run,
full of brilliantly marked trail and enjoyable checks and on backs. (Note the Hare wrote this!)
Half Price was given a down down for being an athlete and pushing the RA aside and Fetchit’s run report
praised the hare in the highest terms for setting a benchmark trail and one to be talked about for years to come
in the annals of hash legend.
(It’s not often the Hare writes his own run report but amazing how they all find their own runs amazingly well
Up and Cumings
17,18 19 October , 2014 Relay at Fingal Bay, hosted by Port Stephen’s Hash,
Mekong Hash – Chang Rai , Thailand, 31 Oct – 2nd Nov 2014
7-9 November, 2014 Coffs Harbour H3 (NSW) Annual Invitational Run
North Shore Wanderers 10 Year Anniversary Run
DATE: Monday 10 November 2014
TIME: Rego 6pm; Circle Up 6.30
PLACE: West Pymble Bicentennial (Bowling) Club, Prince Of Wales Drive, West Pymble
COST: $25
Running Bare - 0418 871 539 - bruce.graham@portmetrics.com
Fookarwee - 0418 276 808 - carol@carolsweddings.com.au
Hand Job - brochester_01(at)hotmail.com
1 March 2014, The Great South West Bike Hike, - Nash Hash Pre-amble 4 Day Prelube
6-8 March 2015 AUSSIE NASH HASH – BUSSELTON W. A. – With a thrilling annual events calendar, you won’t want
to leave! http://www.nashhashbusselton2015.com.au
Greetings from 4 x 2
Hi Larrikins
Pillbara Report
All good up here in the Pilbara. Haven't seen rain since April
Back soon in Oct. Will be checking up on ex Larrikin Kamakaze in Perth soon
Ian Grainger
0412 251 979
Photograph captures No Knikkers (though she seems to be wearing them)
Jukey’s Jaundiced Jokes
Today's golf joke
A golfer was involved in a terrible car crash and was rushed to the hospital. Just before he was put under,
the surgeon popped in to see him."I have some good news and some bad news," says the surgeon.
"The bad news is that I have to remove your right arm!"
"Oh God no!" cries the man "My golfing is over! Please Doc, what's the good news?"
"The good news is, I have another one to replace it with, but it's a woman's arm.
I'll need your permission before I go ahead with the transplant."
"Go for it doc" says the man. "As long as I can play golf again."
The operation went well and a year later the man was out on the golf course when he bumped into the
"Hi, how's the new arm?" asks the surgeon."
Just great," says the businessman. "I'm playing the best golf of my life.
My new arm has a much finer touch and my putting has really improved."
"That's great," said the surgeon. "Not only that," continued the golfer, "my handwriting has improved,
I've learned how to sew my own clothes and I've even taken up painting landscapes in watercolors."
"Unbelievable!" said the surgeon, "I'm so glad to hear the transplant was such a great success.
Are you having any side effects?"
"Well, just one problem," said the golfer. "Every time I get an erection, I also get a headache”
Proof That The World Is Nuts
In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex
with animals, but the animals must be female.
Having sexual relations with a male animal is
punishable by death.
(Like THAT makes sense.)
In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a
woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking
directly at them during the examination. He may
only see their reflection in a mirror.
(Do they look different reversed?)
Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of
a corpse. This also applies to undertakers. The sex
organs of the deceased must be covered with a
brick or piece of wood at all times.
(A brick?)
The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is
decapitation. (glad I don't live in Indonesia)
(Much worse than 'going blind!')
There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to
travel the countryside and deflower young virgins,
who pay them for the privilege of having sex for
the first time
Reason: under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden
for virgins to marry.
(Let's just think for a minute; is there
any job anywhere else in the world that even
comes close to this?)
In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed
to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so
with her bare hands.
The husband's illicit lover, on the other hand, may
be killed in any manner desired.
(Ah! Justice!)
Topless saleswomen are legal in
Liverpool, England - but only in tropical fish stores.
(But of course!)
In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex
with her husband, and the first time this happens,
her mother must be in the room to witness the act.
(Makes one shudder at the thought.)
In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, it is illegal for a man to
have sex with a woman and her daughter at the
same time.
(I presume this was a big enough problem that
they had to pass this law?)
In Maryland, it is illegal to sell condoms from
vending machines with one exception: Condoms
may be dispensed from a vending machine only in
places where alcoholic beverages are sold for
consumption on the premises.'
(Is this a great country or what?
Well,.... not as great as Guam
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories
an hour.
(Who volunteers for these tests?)
The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30
times its own weight and always falls over on its
right side when intoxicated.
(From drinking little bottles of ???)
(Did our government pay for this research??)
Butterflies taste with their feet..
(Ah, geez.)
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
(I know some people like that.)
Starfish don't have brains.
(I know some people like that, too.)
*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
And, the best for last?
Turtles can breathe through their arse. (And I
thought I had bad breath in the morning!)
Thank you all for reading this.
If you need to reach me in the future, I will be
in Guam !!!!!!
And Last but not Least…. Low Profile’s Contribution from Joan Rivers who died last week….
I like colonic irrigation because sometimes you find old jewelry… Euuuuu
Your responsibilities:
Reccie and set the run, produce a few readable copies of the run trail map, remember in winter
highlighters on maps become almost invisible.
Pick up the bucket and leftovers from the week before’s run, if can’t make it,
ask someone else to do it for you
Buy Ice for the bucket, set up the bucket early, Larrikins like their beer very brrr cold
Buy some softies, noting what was left last week.
Help to clean up after your run, bring garbage bags or try and set bucket near some public
garbage bins
At your run, approach the Hash Cash with your receipts for re-imbursement
Await bullocking on your run in the run report
The Bucket Master will provide:
More beer
Other Sydney Hashes
Sydney Harriettes - Wednesdays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0425 281311
Bushrangers H3 - Mondays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0408 289562
Botany Bay H3 (Convicts) - Mondays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0416 812 054
North Shore Wanderers H3 - Mondays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0418 276808
Sydney Bike Hash - Monthly Sunday
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0411 222542
Sydney Full Moon H3 - Monthly, Sunday 4:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0411 222 542
Sydney H3 (Posh) - Mondays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Thirsty H3 - Thursdays 6:30pm
Click here to link to their website
Hotline: 0411 222542 Coming Anyway
Northern Beaches H3 (Running Sharks) - Monthly, 1st
Click here to link to their website