Muscular and Integumentary Systems Vocabulary List 8

Muscular and Integumentary Systems
Vocabulary List 8
92. Your muscular system is made of muscles that are attached to
bones and the connective tissue that attaches them.
93. Tendons are bands of connective tissue that join muscle to bone.
94. Voluntary muscles are under your conscious control.
95. Involuntary muscles are NOT under your conscious control.
96. There are three types of muscle:
a. Smooth muscles are found in internal organs (the digestive tract,
blood vessels, breathing, bladder, etc.)
b. Skeletal muscles are attached to your bones to produce
c. Cardiac muscles are found only in your heart.
97. Flexors are skeletal muscles that bend a body part.
98. Extensors are skeletal muscles that straighten a body part.
99. Integumentary system is made of your skin, hair, and nails.
100. Epidermis is the outermost layer of skin that is mostly dead tissue.
101. Dermis is the underlying layer of skin that is living tissue.
102. Melanin is the darkening chemical in the skin. It protects you
from ultraviolet (UV) radiation.