Mini - Project Idea Note

Mini - Project Idea Note
Mini - Project Idea Note
Generic Name of Project: Ethanol Holding Group (EHG) #1: Biomass
Cogeneration and Biogas System for Ethanol
Plant Project
Date submitted:
26th April 2007
Technical summary of the
Greenhouse gases targeted
Field of activities
Objective of the project
Project description and
proposed activities
CO2 /
CH4 /
N2O /
HFCs /
PFCs /
a. Energy supply
b. Energy demand
c. Transport
d. Waste management
d. Manufacturing industries
e. Chemical industries
f. Mining/mineral industries
g. Fugitive emissions from fuels (solid, oil, gas)
h. Fugitive emissions from production and consumption
of halocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride
i. Solvent use
j. Agriculture and livestock
To reduce greenhouse gases which are CO2 and methane
(CH4) emissions. The greenhouse gases will be mitigated
(i) Mitigating CH4 gas generated from ethanol
wastewater treatment in traditional open lagoons
system by implementing a biogas plant. Biogas shall
be fed together with biomass to the cogeneration
plant in this project;
(ii) Substituting grid electricity by generated electricity
from the cogeneration plant. The generated
electricity will be used to substitute imported grid
electricity used for the ethanol production process;
and the surplus of electricity will be exported to
the national grid. This shall cause an abatement of
CO2 emissions from the grid electricity generation;
(iii) Substituting bunker oil used for steam production
by supplied steam produced by the biogas/biomass
cogeneration plant, which shall cause an abatement
of CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.
Under the project, the Ethanol Holding Group (EHG) #1
will establish 2 companies for different activities; (i)
Ethanol Energy Company (EEC), which is the Ethanol
Plant, with a 500,000 liter per day capacity, using
tapioca head as raw material; and (ii) Ethanol Power
Company (EPC), the Utility Plant which shall install a
wastewater treatment plant for biogas production from
the ethanol plant’s wastewater, and biomass/biogas
cogeneration plant to supply electricity and steam to the
Mini - Project Idea Note
ethanol plant. Details of each company are as follow:
• Ethanol Energy Company (EEC):
To produce ethanol, V.R.M. green energy expects to buy
1,040,000 ton/year of tapioca head from nearby tapioca
fields. The ethanol production process requires 8.6 MW of
power demand, approximately 7 ton/hour of saturated
steam at 7 bar(a), and approximately 80 ton/hour of
saturated steam at 3 bar(a). Expected wastewater
generation from the ethanol process is approximately
5,000 m3/day with an average COD of 50,000 mg/liter.
• Ethanol Power Company (EPC):
The wastewater of the ethanol plant shall be fed to the
biogas plant, V.R.M. green power, which aims to produce
approximately 78,800 Nm3/day of biogas (@ 65% CH4).
Biogas and Biomass fuels, namely, tapioca rhizome, rice
husk, decanter cake (from ethanol process), bagasse, and
waste wood shall be supplied to the 20 MW-gross
capacity cogeneration plant. The cogeneration plant shall
supply 8.6 MW power to the ethanol plant, 5.4 MW for
loads of the cogeneration plant and biogas plant, and the
6 MW surplus of electricity shall be exported to the
national grid under the Very Small Power Producer (VSPP)
Technology to be employed
GHG emission reduction shall come from (i) the amount of
Thailand’s grid electricity generation substituted, and
which consists of the electricity required for the ethanol
plant and the electricity exported to the grid, (ii) the
amount of CH4 generated from traditional wastewater
treatment in open lagoons with uncontrolled release of
CH4 to the atmosphere substituted by a closed tank
digester system, and (iii) the amount of substituted
bunker oil used for producing steam supply to the ethanol
The technologies to be employed in this project is divided
into 2 categories:
(i) An anaerobic digester that shall be used to remove
the organic material in the wastewater, which will
reduce the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and
traditional treatment in open lagoons.
A biomass/biogas thermal-steam cycle power plant, which
comprises of steam boiler, extraction condensing steam
turbine, and others. Boiler capacity is 65 bar(a), 490 deg
C, 120 ton of steam/hour. Steam shall be supplied to a
steam turbine generator to produce 20 MW-gross of
electricity, and extracted steam at 7 bar(a) and 3 bar(a)
shall be supplied to the ethanol plant.
Mini - Project Idea Note
Location of the project
Brief description of the location The project is located in Ratchaburi province, Thailand.
of the project (Region and
Country were the project will be
Expected environmental and
social benefits
Estimate of Greenhouse Gases
abated (in metric tons of CO2equivalent)
Socio-economic aspects
What social and economic
effects can be attributed to the
project and which would not
have occurred in a comparable
situation without that project?
The potential GHG-emission reduction is approximately
360,789 tCO2-equivalent/year, or 9,019,721 tCO2equivalent of project duration (estimated 25 years)
The project activity will contribute to the sustainable
development of Thailand in the following ways:
Enhance Thailand economic sustainability by reducing
the country’s dependence on the use of fossil fuels for
power generation, which now is dominated by natural
gas, lignite and imported fuel oil;
The utilised biogas will reduce methane emission and
thus decrease the impact on global warming, and the
problem of bad odours caused by wastewater
treatment in open lagoons will be mitigated;
Support the government policy in promoting the use of
renewable energy;
Enhance Thailand’s economic efficiency through more
efficient use of abundant agricultural residues, such
as: tapioca rhizome, rice husk, bagasse, waste wood;
Employment opportunities will increase during the
construction and operation phases of both ethanol
plant and utility plant (biogas and cogeneration plant).
Many supply-chain activities will be developed, for
example, tapioca farmers, tapioca head supplier,
biomass collectors and suppliers, transporters, plant
operators, maintenance and service supplier, etc.;
Improve stability of electricity supply in local areas
PIN/PDD DeveloperIntermediary
Name of the PIN/PDD Developer Dr. Thierry LEFEVRE, Managing Director
Energy Economy Environment Consultants Co. Ltd.
SLD Building (7B), 13 Soi Saladaeng 1, Rama IV Road, Silom
Sub-district, Bangrak, angkok 10500, Thailand
Tel: (662) 235-5817, (662).629.0912
Fax: (66 2) 236-9574
E-mail and web address, if any or
Expected schedule
Earliest project start date
Expected first year of CER
Project lifetime
By 2007
25 years
Mini - Project Idea Note
Current status or phase of
the project
Identification and pre-selection phase
Opportunity study finished
Pre-feasibility study finished
Feasibility study finalized
Negotiations phase
Contracting phase (mention what contracts)