States Research Project and Report

State Research Report and Project
Part 1- Your state reports will include a report that will be hand-written or typed. The outline for the
report is located below.
The written report will be due on April 30th.
Most of the state report will be written in class.
Part 2- You will also create a final project to present to the class.
Choices for the project are listed below:
1. Poster Board/ Tri-fold Board
2. ABC Book
3. Cereal Box
4. Brochure
5. Your Creative Choice (no food)
The state project will be due on May 14th.
The state project will be completed at home.
State Report Part 1- Written Portion
Due on April 30th
For the written report, you may use various sources to find information about the state you chose, for
example, the Internet, encyclopedias, books, atlases, and computer software. You must use at least two
different reference sources, and be able to document them in a bibliography. We will use to complete our bibliography.
This report will have a cover page and be in paragraph style. You will start off with notes; work into an
outline format, then into a paragraph report.
Here is some information to guide you in your research.
Written reports must include:
Introduction paragraph
History of the state
*Your report does not have to be in this order and you are not limited to these sub-topics.
Why you chose that particular state, what is its significance to you? What do you like about it,
what don’t you like? Have you ever visited it, if so what was it like, how was it alike and different from
where you live now?
BASIC FACTS (to include in your introduction)
State Report Project, Page 2
Your state’s capital
The year your state was admitted into the U.S.
Three major cities and where they are located in the state (north, south, east, west)
State flower, tree and bird
Who were the first settlers? What cultures lived and settled there?
How did the state develop?
Did Native Americans inhabit the state first, if so which tribes?
Why did people decide to come to this state?
If your state was involved in a war, explain their role.
Where is your state located in relation to the entire country
What are the physical landforms like (rivers, mountains, lakes, etc?)
What is the climate like (weather)
How do the citizens of your state make a living?
What are your state’s natural resources?
What do they manufacture?
Do they have a large tourism business, and if so, why, what are the exciting sites to see?
What are some of the special places to visit in your state? Describe them and why they would be
good choices. Give me at least 3.
If you were a tourist explain how you would spend your time, what fun things would make your
trip special?
Does your state have any national landmarks, such as the Liberty Bell, or the White House, or a
famous statue? Include pictures if appropriate. Tell me why they are considered landmarks, what
is their history?
What have you learned while researching this state about your interests? Do you still like this state?
Would you like to visit or maybe live there someday? Restate one main idea that summarizes what your
state is all about.
State Report Project, Page 3
State Report Part 2- Project Portion
Due on May 14th
Choose from the following projects listed below. You will present your project during the oral
presentation portion.
1. Poster Board/ Tri-fold Board: All the information that you gathered for your written report can be
used on your poster or tri-fold. It will need to be colorful, with all of your information organized
very neatly. You may attach your written report, or you may turn it in separately.
2. ABC Book: This is a fun and creative way to organize all the information you have learned about
your state. However, the information will be organized in alphabetical order. Please include the
letter for the page, the fact that goes with that letter, and a picture for each page.
3. Cereal Box: You will name the cereal after some information you have learned about your state.
The front will show the name of the cereal and a backdrop that depicts something about that state.
On one side the ingredients can be listed, which are the products grown and manufactured in that
state. On the opposite side, please list facts about the history of the state. On the back of the box
you may be creative, but it must be something related to your state. This will be an actual cereal
box that will be covered with white paper and your own creative design.
4. Brochure: You might want to find a tourist brochure and find out what kind of information it
gives. Then you can model yours after that brochure or be creative and make your own up. Some
things that are usually included in a brochure are state parks, mountain ranges, ocean beaches,
cities, places of interest to tourist, museums, and a lot of pictures that show off all that your state
has to offer.
5. Your Choice: Be creative!!! 
You will receive a writing grade for your report, a history grade for your project, and a listening and
speaking grade for your oral presentation.
Here are some helpful resources for this project
(Make sure you click on the “state reports” link)
Good Luck! I know that you will do a great job!
Ms. Damos