Bellwork #1-5 - Staff Web Pages

Bellwork Entry #1 (NEW set of Bellwork)
Bellwork #2 – 2/19
Anne Frank Bellwork for 2/18/10:
Your family has to go into hiding for a year. You can only
bring what you can carry on your body and in a school-sized
backpack. You will not be able to use your cell phone, so
don’t bother bringing that. You will have basic food provided
for you, as well as basic furnishings. What else will you bring
along? Describe what you would bring in at least 5-7
***You have to keep your use of electricity way down, so
forget about bringing computers/DVD players/TVs or
anything that needs to be plugged in continuously to use.
Things that you can charge and then use for a long time are
Notes (add to bellwork)
Van Daan = real name was Van Pels
Mr. Dussel = Fritz Pfeffer (real name)
Mr. Kraler = In real life there were two men who were
business partners of Mr. Frank: Mr. Kugler and Mr.
Miep Gies = In real life there were two female helpers: Miep
and Bep.
Read pages 364-368 in the red Literature book. In
your bellwork, write three “Stump the Teacher”
Stump the Teacher questions are questions you
are going to quiz me on. If you succeed in
stumping me, you get candy. Your questions
have to be about the *content* on the page. (In
other words, don’t ask how many times the word
“the” is on page 364 – that’s not content.)
Bellwork #3 -- Notes – 2/22
These literary terms are important to our study of Anne Frank. Write
down the definitions and any other notes you need to help you
remember what they mean.
protagonist (pg. 870)
setting (pg. 872)
dialogue (pg. 862)
plot (pg. 869)
theme (pg. 874)
flashback (864)
Bellwork #4 – 2/23
The survival of the people in the secret annex is dependent
on the goodness of others. Would you be willing to risk
your life for someone you are not related to,
understanding that if you are caught, you will be put to
death? Why? Explain your answer in 5-7 sentences.
Bellwork #5 – 2/24 and 2/25
Who is the leader among the people in the secret annex?
How do you know that this person is the leader? What
does this person do or say that shows leadership?
Explain in 5-7 sentences.
Turn in Bellwork 1-5 (worth 25 points) – Be sure your
NAME is on it and STAPLE it if you have more than one
sheet of paper.