Square Deal: 1901-1908, Theodore Roosevelt -Mann

Square Deal: 1901-1908, Theodore Roosevelt
-Mann-Elkins Act
-Antiquities Act
-Hepburn Act
-Pure Food and Drug Act
-Newlands Act
-Trust busting: Northern Securities Co.
-New national parks
-Dept of Commerce and Labor
New Deal: 1933-1939, FDR
-See New Deal handout
Fair Deal: 1948-1952, Harry Truman
-Housing Act of 1949
-Social Security Act of 1950
-Integrated the Armed Forces
-Higher minimum wage
-Asked for national health insurance
-Demanded repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act
-Federal Aid to education
-Farm price supports
The Great Society: 1963-68, Lyndon B. Johnson
-Highway Safety and Traffic Safety Act
-Higher Education Act
-Immigration Act (abolished quotas from 1924)
-Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing discrimination in
public places)
-Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Medicare and Medicaid
-Housing and Urban Development Act
-Federal aid to Education