our voice - Salina Family YMCA

January 2014
It is finally here. 2014. I remember thinking as a child that we would never reach the milestone of the year 2000,
let alone anything past it. It seemed so far away. Now that I look back as an adult, I wonder where all of the time
went and even though there are the same amount of minutes in an hour and hours in a day, why does it seem to
go by so quickly now?
A new year reminds us to take time for reflection and for many, time to set new
goals. Here at the Y, we are using this time to set our goals for the year. One of
those goals is to help our members be successful in reaching their goals. Do
you want to make changes in your health and wellness? Spend more time with
your family? Try something new? We can help. Do you have ideas for a new
program or something you would like us
to change/add? Please let us know what that is. We are currently brainstorming
new program ideas and we would love to have your ideas to add to our list.
The most important thing any of us can do this year is to take time for ourselves. I know it is much easier to say
than do. I find myself having a very difficult time with that. But, if we don’t, who will?
Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. We truly appreciate
your support and for being a part of our Y family. Our Y will celebrate
127 years this month and that wouldn’t be possible without the
dedication of our members, our volunteers and our staff. Please feel free
At the Y, we believe everyone should
to share your goals, ideas or concerns with any of our staff leadership
have the opportunity to be healthy,
team, email me at alassley@salinaymca.org or stop by my office.
confident, connected and secure
of their financial situation.
I look forward to a great 2014 with all of you!
That’s why we make our programs and
services available to everyone even if
they are unable to pay the full fee.
Angie Lassley
You can support our mission by
Interim CEO
making a donation to the Annual
Campaign. Your gift will make a
meaningful impact right in your own
community. Together we can help
move people forward by ensuring
January 28, 1886
access for all.
The Salina Family YMCA was organized.
On May 28, 2011, Ava’s parents had
finally decided to take then 2 year old Ava
to the emergency room. She had been
throwing up every morning, losing her
ability to walk, and going cross eyed.
That’s when the doctors found a tumor the
size of a pool ball on Ava’s brain.
Ava was admitted that night to Children’s
Mercy in Kansas City. On May 29, Ava underwent a 10 hour
tumor resection. When she woke up from surgery she had lost
the ability to walk, talk and swallow, which caused her to need a
tracheotomy to breath and a mic-key button for nutrition.
Within a week Ava and her parents found out that she had
Ependymoma brain cancer. This form of cancer was rare and
hard to treat. Doctors gave her a 40% chance of living another
Ava underwent 17 surgeries in 33 days-each one as serious and
scary as the other. After 13 rounds of chemotherapy her tumor
had shrunk 30%! After 33 treatments of radiation the tumor had
shrunk even more and Ava went back for another tumor
By the end of December, 2011, Ava had done several hours of
intense physical, speech, and occupational therapies.
On August 23, 2012, Ava’s parents found out that her tumor
was growing and Ava had another 9 months of hard
chemotherapy treatments and 3 more surgeries.
To date, although, Ava is not in remission, her tumor has been
stable for 6 months and has shown no signs of growth. She has
beat all the odds stacked against her and now is a walking,
talking funny little girl that is enrolled in the YMCA’s Early
Education Center. She has also started eating again and even
had her trach removed.
Strong Kids Campaign)
Our members and friends call us THEIR Y. We
call them OUR greatest resource-the
hundreds of people who work alongside us
and support our work to help our neighbors
learn, grow and thrive.
What if we could harness all of that power to
make an even greater difference on a bigger
scale? We don’t just strengthen individuals,
we strengthen our community.
Yet there is so much more to do.
Salina faces new challenges that create a
greater need for the work we do. Fortunately,
where some see obstacles, we see
opportunities for our members, volunteers,
staff, and generous donors to make a
difference. No other organization can impact
as many people as powerfully as we do
If you would like more information on the
Annual Campaign, or are interested in
volunteering, contact Virginia Spooner or
Angie Lassley today at 785-825-2151.
Together, we can achieve so much more.
Active-8 - will replace Pound Plunge this year; activity based program (no weigh-ins). Ages 18 and older. See
www.salinaymca.org for more information or call Hope today.
Racquetball Tournament - January 17 - January 19.
Refer-A-Friend - starting January, if your friend joins the Y upon your referral, you will receive a free month and
they’ll receive a gift as well! (conditions apply)
Triathlon - be on the look out for registrations this month! Triathlon begins February 1.
Chair Yoga - new in January!
The New Year is a time for new beginnings and to set goals that
strengthen one’s spirit, mind and body. Start off “small” when
setting New Year’s Resolutions. Set goals that are attainable,
easy to sustain and lead to big benefits over time. Here are five
New Year’s Resolutions we recommend for
1. Eat Healthy: Make water your drink of
choice (supplemented by
age-appropriate portions of 100% fruit
juices and low-fat milk) and eat more
fruits and vegetables.
2. Commit to Community Service: Giving back and
supporting neighbors can benefit everyone involved.
Not only is it a personally rewarding experience to
help others in need, but it’s also a way to meet new
people or discover an interest.
3. Unplug from Technology: Limit screen time
(television, video games, computer, etc.) and instead set aside
an hour or two for activities.
4. Be Physically Active: It’s important for
children to get at least 60 minutes of physical
activity each day (30 minutes for adults).
Incorporate physical activity into your daily
routines and spend more time walking to
places instead of driving to improve your
health and well-being.
5. Put Extras to Good Use: Do you have extra
canned goods or clothes that could benefit others
in need? Clean out your pantry, closet or attic and
donate extra items to homeless shelters or
community outreach programs.
Macie Rohr started
gymnastics during
preschool and joined the
gymnastics team while in
kindergarten and fell in
love with gymnastics
immediately. Her
achievements include
state and national titles.
In 2012, she qualified for Level 8 regional
championships. This will be her last year
competing as a Level 9 gymnast. After
graduation this spring, she plans to attend
the University of Kansas.
“Macie is the idol of all the girls in the
gym. They all want to be just like her!”
Shares Bev Jones, Gymnastics Director.
Please keep Y employee, Eryn Stockman, in
your thoughts and prayers. Eryn works at
our Children’s Center in Lindsborg. Her
mother, Mija, was in a very serious car
accident before
the holidays and
is still in the
hospital in
Remember to check our lost and found
department at the Member Services Desk
if you notice something is missing.
Consider the YMCA as a place to donate your time and talents. We
ask volunteers to fill out an application to help us begin to make
the right match between your skills and interests and the
opportunities available. If you have questions or are interested in
volunteering at the Salina Family YMCA, please contact us at