Summer Assignment for 2012-2013 School Year
1. Please go to www.edmodo.com and register. When you register,
please sign up for the 2012-2013 AP Psychology group. The Group
code is: a9bsfy OR you could go to this site:
assignments will be listed here and you will hand it in here. In
addition, you can you this site throughout the year for
additional documents, practice quizzes, PowerPoints, videos, etc.
a. “40 Studies that Changed Psychology”
i. Read each of the studies in the Packet thoroughly,
highlighting and making notes as needed. I would
expect you to look up terms/concepts that you do not
understand and make note of it.
ii. Summarize each of the studies in 2-3 paragraphs each.
Please type this and submit on EdModo. You can submit
via GoogleDocs or Microsoft Word.
Be sure to identify
the research and his/her school of psychological
thought (ie Cognitive, Behavioral, Psychodynamic, etc.)
iii. Identify major terms/concepts that are addressed in the
study and define them in your own words, providing a
description of how it applies to the study. (For
example: Classical Conditioning was used in Pavlov’s
study of dogs, it combines existing behavior
(unconditioned response) with a new stimulus that had
never had an effect before (neutral
stimulus/conditioned stimulus) to produce a new
reaction to the stimulus (conditioned response)
iv. If you plagiarize any portion of this, you will receive
a zero.
1. The first 10 case study summaries are due by July
1st. You will also have to complete a quiz on
EdModo by July 1st as well. Failure to adhere to
due dates will result in a ZERO for this portion
of the assignment as well as a ZERO for the quiz
i. One Brain or Two?
ii. Are You a Natural?
iii. Watch Out for the Visual Cliff!
iv. Unromancing the Dream
v. It’s Not Just About Salivating Dogs!
vi. Little Emotional Albert
vii. Knock Wood!
viii. See Aggression… Do Aggression!
ix. Thanks for the Memories!
x. Discovering Love
2. The final 10 case study summaries are due by
August 15th. You will also have to complete a quiz
on EdModo by August 15th. Failure to adhere to due
dates will result in a ZERO for this portion of
the assignment as well as a ZERO for the quiz.
i. Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind
ii. A Sexual Motivation
iii. How Moral Are You?
iv. The One; The Many…
v. Who’s Crazy Here, Anyway?
vi. You’re Getting Defensive Again!
vii. Projections of Who You Are
viii. The Power of Conformity
ix. To Help or Not to Help
x. Obey At Any Cost
b. Introduction to Psychology Packet – Quiz Grade
i. Using the Internet or library, complete the charts and
questions contained in the Introduction to Psychology
packet. Your answers are to be thoughtful, complete
and in your own words.
ii. DUE DATE: MONDAY AUGUST 27th. Hand this in regardless
if you are signed up for the FALL or SPRING.