the College of Business and Economics

Investing in the College of Business and Economics
The College of
Business and Economics:
A State of Minds
he WVU College of Business and
Top Rankings
and training, teaching practices and student
Economics has never been stronger, more
The College received its first-ever top-100
engagement, admissions selectivity, and student
global, or more engaged with our state. As we
undergraduate business schools ranking by
services and technology.
have made great strides toward our vision of
Bloomberg BusinessWeek in March 2011. Ten
“Better, Bigger, Ranked,” we have been steadfast
months later, U.S. News & World Report
teaching and research. They help us attract higher
in our goal: join the list of America’s finest, first-
awarded top-100 rankings to our online M.B.A.
caliber students, prompting greater internships, job
watched, first-choice business schools.
program in the areas of faculty credentials
placement, and societal contribution by graduates.
We will continue to offer an education in
which students are prepared to work anywhere
These rankings reflect a past focused on great
“The experience I have had here is one
on the globe, while remaining committed to our
that I don’t think I would have been
land-grant charge in West Virginia. At the same
able to get anywhere else. I love WVU,
time, we have ingrained unshakable standards
and I love how much the people at
of ethical behavior, honesty, and integrity
WVU love WVU.”
throughout the College.
— Mary Soo Hon, M.B.A./M.S. Finance
graduate from Trinidad, Tobago
The Trajectory
of Success
Four-Year College
educational opportunities, elevates our national
increased 39 percent; Fortune 500 companies’
The four-year college system admits students
standing, helps in recruiting faculty, and
recruitment of business students is up 68 percent;
as freshmen rather than during their junior
ultimately improves faculty research.
and job postings for College of Business and
years, giving students earlier access to academic
Joint Programs
Economics students is up 40 percent.
advice, opportunities to join B&E student clubs,
and improved internship prospects. The result is
Cross-disciplinary partnerships have not only
(2010-11 academic year vs. 2009-10)
proven successful in the past, but have also
Donor Engagement
helped to differentiate our students as they enter
From new endowed chairs to scholarships for
Revamped M.B.A.
the marketplace. Existing joint programs include
students, alumni and friends are allowing the
Our M.B.A. program has been transformed in
the M.B.A./M.D. with the School of Medicine,
College to achieve new heights in teaching,
response to a more international marketplace.
M.B.A./M.S. in Sport Management with the
research, and outreach.
This includes greater selectivity, better options
College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences,
for specialization, and more modes of delivery.
and the M.B.A./J.D. with the College of Law.
Business and Economics Faculty
a much more robust academic experience.
New Ph.D. in
Business Administration
The Business Administration Ph.D. is designed
We are also preparing to launch joint M.B.A.
programs with the WVU Schools of Dentistry
and Pharmacy.
The College’s 15 new faculty include Ph.D.s
from top schools and multiple disciplines. These
professionals excel in the instruction of and
interaction with students. Our faculty value
to prepare highly qualified and motivated
Placing Our Students
scholarship and research and are published in
individuals in areas of concentration including
The College has heightened its commitment
top business and economic journals.
Accounting, Finance, Management, or
to internships and job placement. For business
Marketing. The program provides more
students, employers recruiting on campus
“I’m really appreciative of everything WVU has done to support me and my
project. I know I wouldn’t be getting this recognition without their support.”
— Katherine Bomkamp is a recipient of the DonMar Entrepreneurship Scholarship and
creator of The Pain Free Socket, a prosthesis that eliminates phantom pain in amputees
“When I think of my experience at WVU, I remember the many fellow students
who have become lifelong friends, but I am especially indebted to the
professors who really gave me a foundation for success in my chosen field.”
— Fred Tattersall, a 1970 Finance graduate, donated $3 million to create the Distinguished
Chair in Finance in November 2010
for Tomorrow
he College of Business and Economics
has identified a list of essential funding
priorities that, with your vital support, will
power our accomplishments in education
and research in the coming decades. As does
everything at the College, our priorities begin
with students and go on to address our many
responsibilities to the community. These
Student Enrichment
and Internships..........................$1 million
„„ Provide
greater availability of real
experiential learning opportunities both
domestically and internationally
„„ Ensure
internships for both undergraduate
and graduate students
Endowed Faculty Chairs, Professorships and
Faculty Enrichment.................$26 million
priorities center around attracting the best and
„„ Attract
the brightest students and faculty members,
„„ Meet
preparing students for careers where they can
do well and supporting faculty as they advance
their research and create new possibilities.
Scholarships & Fellowships.............$4 million
„„ Grow
enrollment to 3,000 without
jeopardizing quality and accessibility
„„ Attract
the best graduate and
undergraduate students (including new
Ph.D. in Business Administration)
and retain top faculty
the demands of larger enrollment with
more faculty in key disciplines
„„ Provide faculty support and enrichment,
critical for innovative research and publication
Academic Programming...................$3 million
„„ Support
the growth of the College
in new disciplines (Supply Chain
Management, International Business, and
Entrepreneurship) and industrial sectors
of interest to West Virginia (Energy,
Hospitality/Tourism, and Healthcare)
Naming of Centers........................$10 million
„„ Support
specialization and the development
of new knowledge
„„ Naming
opportunities include: Bureau
of Business and Economic Research, Business
Communication and Learning Center, Center
for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Center
for Chinese Business, Center for Executive
Education, Free Market, and Forensic
Accounting and Fraud Examination
Sponsorship of Regional Economic
Outlook Conferences................. $500,000
„„ Support the Bureau of Business and Economic
Research, in operation since 1949, in its landgrant mission of providing West Virginia, the
government, and the business community
information to make better informed decisions
Opportunity Funds.......................... $500,000
„„ Provide
the dean and the College the
flexibility to pursue opportunities in current
and new areas of interest to the University
and to the state
Building Our Future
Trading Room..............................$2.5 million
„„ Provide
students in finance, accounting, and
other disciplines with real tools to develop
the skills to compete in the modern financial
services industry
„„ Funds
would be used to construct, equip, and
operate the rooms
Updating the Current Building......$10 million
„„ Current
building opened in 1991
„„ Updating will include structural, technological,
and environmental improvements
„„ Classrooms,
meeting rooms, lecture halls and
suites will be modernized
Constructing New Building...........$35 million
„„ New
building will be dedicated to
graduate programs
„„ Includes
classrooms, student meeting
rooms, lecture halls, trading rooms, event/
conference center
„„ It
should be adapted to the pedagogical
requirements of the 21st century
Innovation Center...........................$5 million
„„ Joint
mission between the Eberly College of
Arts & Sciences and B&E
„„ Located
in connector building between
B&E and Life Sciences
„„ Fully
equipped pods where scientists
and business majors will work on
innovative projects, taking them from the
labs to the market
„„ Open
to all other colleges to accelerate
innovation and entrepreneurship throughout
the University
Technology and Equipment.............$1 million
„„ Obsolescence is a critical issue when analyzing
the needs of educational institutions
„„ Upgrading hardware and software is critical to
keep up with technological advances
“My academic and other experiences at WVU positioned me to compete
with my fellow Wharton classmates from prestigious universities around the
world. The professors’ passion inspires students to do great things; their
lessons teach you how.”
— Jason Gianola is a 2006 Accounting graduate who received an MBA from the University
of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and now works for Boston Consulting Group.
Never better,
never FINISHED...
hat’s where we stand at our 60th
anniversary: better, stronger, more global,
and more engaged with West Virginia. The
JOIN US and make B&E the pride of
West Virginia.
Invest in us as we take this journey of people
College has never been more aware, however,
and potential. West Virginians will be the
of the needs we face and the challenges and
beneficiaries of the service, bold ideas, knowledge,
opportunities that lie ahead.
and talented leaders we produce. Our journey
Like so much of the leading-edge education
will be exciting, difficult, surprising, and always
we provide, the future of our College and our
rewarding. Together, we will take this College to
community will be a team effort. We can’t
unprecedented heights while staying true to our
provide the teaching, research, and service that
mission, ethics, and Mountaineer heritage.
the 21st century demands without the support
I can promise you an exceptional return on
and generosity of our alumni and our friends.
your investment when you support the College of
JOIN US to help realize our vision of
Business and Economics through A State of Minds:
“Better. Bigger. Ranked.”
JOIN US in our effort to make B&E one of
America’s finest schools of business and economics.
JOIN US in offering the sons and daughters
of West Virginia, and the rest of the world, a
great education.
The Campaign for West Virginia’s University.
My thanks for your commitment and
generosity. It is my honor and privilege to be at
the College at this momentous time. In business
and in our College, tomorrow is already here.
Jose V. Sartarelli, Ph.D.
Milan Puskar Dean
West Virginia’s healthcare epicenter, its flagship of service, its brain trust.
Home to some of the most innovative and forward-thinking minds in the
country, WVU serves the world by first serving its state. We have emerged as
a leader in solving today’s most complex problems, and we are ready to share
our State of Minds with the world.
A State of Minds: The Campaign for West Virginia’s University is about
investing in the values, ambition, intellect, and mindset that define one of the
most exciting universities in the country. With support from alumni, friends,
foundations, and partners, West Virginia University will be in a position to
lead the national and global dialogue on energy, health, the environment, the
economy…and so much more.
West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
College of Business and Economics
Office of Development
1601 University Avenue | P.O. Box 6025 | Morgantown, WV 26506-6025 | 304-293-4092 |
One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor | P.O. Box 1650 | Morgantown, WV 26507-1650 | 304-284-4000 or 800-847-3856 |