Review Guide-Honors U.S. History

Review Guide-Honors U.S. History-Midterm 2009
Essential Questions:
… Did the Revolution uphold the Democratic Ideals laid out in the Declaration of Independence?
… How does perspective shape historical interpretation?
I. Democratic Ideals
a. Declaration of Independence
b. List of ideals H.W.
II. Causes of the Revolution
a. Long Term Conditions
i. Mercantilism
ii. English Heritage
iii. Belief that Power Corrupts
iv. Ownership of Land
v. Representation
vi. Salutary Neglect
vii. Enlightenment
b. Make sure you think about connections to Democratic Ideals
III. Short Term Events Leading to Revolution
a. Proclamation of 1763
b. Sugar Act
c. Stamp Act
i. Make sure you look at the H.W.
d. Declaratory Act
e. Quartering Act
f. Townshend Acts
IV. Perspective in History
a. Boston Massacre
i. Textbook Accounts
ii. Primary Source Accounts
1. Preston v. Tudor
iii. Visual Sources
1. Paul Revere Print
iv. John Adams – The Boston Massacre
V. How were different groups affected by the Revolution?
a. Women
i. Abigail to John Adams
ii. How did women’s roles change in the Revolution?
b. Slaves
i. How did slaves try to acquire freedom?
c. Effect on Native Americans
VI. Articles of Confederation and Shays Rebellion
a. Major flaws of the Articles
b. Shays Rebellion
i. Central Government v. States
ii. Washington v. Jefferson
VII. Constitution
a. Major components
b. Bill of Rights
Essential Question:
… How did slavery create conflict that resulted in Civil War?
Long Standing Conditions
1. Expansion
a. Manifest Destiny
b. Louisiana Purchase
c. Mexican Cession
d. How does this relate to slavery? (think about what comes with expansion)
2. Political Compromise
a. Missouri Compromise (1820)
i. 36-30 Line
ii. Admission of Missouri and Maine
b. Compromise of 1850
i. Admission of California
ii. Fugitive Slave Act
c. Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)
i. Popular Sovereignty
ii. Lincoln vs. Douglas (self-government)
d. How did these lead to conflict over slavery? (think about how they were trying to solve the problem of
3. Sectionalism
a. Founding
b. Geographic/Climatic Variation
c. Economic Variation
d. Social Variation
e. Political Variation
4. Radicalism
a. Abolition Movement
b. Southern Defense of Slavery
Short Term Events
1. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
2. Bleeding Kansas
3. Bleeding Sumner
4. Election of 1856
5. Dred Scott Decision
6. John Brow’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
7. Election of 1860
8. Secession of South Carolina
9. Attack of Fort Sumter
Essential Questions:
… How did the Civil War transform the United States?
… Did reconstruction support the democratic ideals established in the Declaration of Independence?
Civil War
I. Technology of Warfare
a. Impact of new technology on warfare
Civil War Medicine
i. Transformation of Medicine during the Civil War
II. Destruction of the War
a. Total War
b. Sherman’s March to the Sea
c. Affect on Civilians
i. Walt Whitman – “Drum Taps” and “Dresser”
III. Civil War Photography
a. Impact of photography on the war
b. How did it affect peoples understanding of war?
IV. Draft Riots
a. Unrest in the North
b. Conscription Act of 1863
V. Political Problems
a. Election of 1864
b. McClellan v. Lincoln
c. Peace Democrats
VI. Economic Impact of the War
a. Affect on the North and South
b. Industrialization in the North
c. Destruction of Farming in the South
VII. Transformation for African Americans
a. “Glory”
b. 4 Documents (Confiscation Act, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, 13th
I. Presidential
a. Lincoln v. Johnson
b. Lincoln’s assassination and its affect on reconstruction
c. Creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau
d. 13th Amendment – End of Slavery
e. Johnson’s leniency towards the south
II. Congressional
a. Evidence the south is not reforming
i. Election of confederate officials
ii. Speed of southern state re-entry
iii. Race Riots
iv. Black Codes
b. Rise of the Radical Republicans
c. Impeachment of Johnson
d. Reconstruction Acts of 1867
i. Division of the south into military zones
e. 14th Amendment - Citizenship
f. 15th Amendment – Voting Rights
i. Election of black leaders in the south
ii. First Black Senators
Section 3: Essay - Please answer the following question in a well written and well
organized essay.
To what extent have Americans successfully developed, protected, supported and encouraged,
democratic ideals, established in the Declaration of Independence?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
~ Declaration of Independence, 1776
Make sure your essay addresses the three units we have studied so far this year:
• Revolution and Nationhood
• Causes of the Civil War
• Civil War and Reconstruction
When answering the question, make sure you use clear arguments to support your position. Your essay
should not simply be a listing of evidence. Make sure your essay focuses on the Democratic Ideals
contained in the Declaration of Independence. Also make sure you only use evidence from the units we
have covered so far this year.