Earth Science Chapter 3 Study Guide 1. 5 characteristics of minerals ,

Earth Science Chapter 3 Study Guide 1. 5 characteristics of minerals _______________, ________________________ ___________________, _________________________, _________________ 2. Shape of the crystalline form reflects the internal _____________ ____________. 3. When do crystals grow into large, well developed shapes? __________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. What 2 elements are most common in Earth’s crust?____________, ___________ 5. Common rock forming minerals are made up mostly of what 2 elements? ________________________, __________________________ 6. The 2 main families of rock forming minerals are _______________________ and _______________________________________ 7. A silicate is________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. A non silicate is____________________________________________________ 9. The process of crystallization occurs when ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. As rainwater seeps into the ground or flows over the surface, it can pick up elements that become dissolved solids. As the water later evaporates, the solids crystallize out of the water and become minerals, An example of this is salt in the ocean or salt lake. 11. What is an example of a mineral formed from a hot solution?_________________ 12. What is magma?__________________________________________________ 13. What is the difference between magma and lava?__________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 14. What are the 7 physical properties of minerals? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________ ______ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 15. Streak is _________________________________________________________ 16. Luster is _________________________________________________________ 17. Cleavage is ______________________________________________________ 18. What is an ore?____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 19. Sand is what mineral?__________________________ 20. What are some examples of metal mineral resources that we use everyday? _________________________________________________________________ 21. What are some examples of rare metallic mineral resources? ___________________________________________________________________ 22. A gemstone is ______________________________________________________ 23. Some examples of gemstones are _______________________________________ 