AP US HISTORY Unit 2 Ch. 10

AP US HISTORY Unit 2 Ch. 10-15 TEST
Alien and Sedition Acts
"Bladensburg Races."
Bill of Rights
"The Star-Spangled Banner."
customs duties
Battle of Tippecanoe
excise tax.
British attack on Baltimore
British invasion of Washington, D. C.
economic boycott.
Jay's treaty 1794
Embargo Act of 1807.
major criticisms of the Constitution
Hartford Convention
national debt
Macon's Bill No. 2
new government formed under the Constitution
naval blockade.
Republican party.
Rush-Bagot agreement
states' rights
Washington's Farewell Address in 1796
War of 1812
Whiskey Rebellion of 1794
William Henry Harrison
Aaron Burr
"loose construction."
Alien and Sedition Acts.
"strict construction."
compact theory of government.
Andrew Jackson's military exploits
Federalist papers.
Bank of the United States.
Era of Good Feelings
Jeffersonian Republicans
John Marshall
John Marshall
Missouri Compromise
Lewis and Clark
panic of 1819
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v. Madison
Tariff of 1816
Midnight Judges
Whig party
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
XYZ affair.
1820s and 1830s slavery.
1824 presidential election when
AP US History Chapters 10 - 15/ Dickinson
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corrupt bargain
Daniel Webster
William Henry Harrison
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Commonwealth v. Hunt
John Quincy Adams
cotton gin
Monroe Doctrine
cult of domesticity
Eli Whitney
1832 election
Erie Canal
American System
Father of the Factory System
Andrew Jackson's inauguration
Robert Fulton
Bank of the United States
Samuel Slater
Force Bill.
Samuel F.B. Morse
internal improvements.
use of interchangeable parts
Nicholas Biddle
nullification crisis
political machine
Angelina Grimke.
removal of Native Americans
Brigham Young
Specie Circular
Charles G. Finney
spoils system
Charles G. Finney
Tariff of 1833
crusade for women's rights
Tariff of 1828
evangelical revivalism.
Hudson River school
annex the new Texas Republic
Joseph Smith.
Battle of San Jacinto.
Joseph Smith
Daniel Webster
German immigrants
Noah Webster's
Irish Immigration 1840s
Martin Van Buren
prison reform
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Santa Anna.
Second Great Awakening
Texas independence
tax-supported schools
the Alamo.
temperance movement
AP US History Chapters 10 - 15/ Dickinson
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AP US History Chapters 10 - 15/ Dickinson
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